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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. Is it clear to you the difference between science and what is labelled science? I never ridiculed science, but the name science is far too often used to deceive the people. Sorry to say, but you're being deceived ????
  2. Just do your research, the answers are very clear.
  3. I find more and more hilarious how people ridicule faith, and then put their blind faith in anything with the "science" label on it. Nothing new under the sun. There's a difference between science and what is labelled "science ". As they say, follow the money, and don't forget your critical thinking in the bar ????
  4. Before going further, do you think that carbon dating is reliable? As far as i know it's not.
  5. Well, you speak for yourself, and from what you say, i don't have doubts that you have chosen materialism. But i am ok with that, in fact most people think in the same way, including Thailand and other poor countries, which may be poorer in possessions, but richer in humanity. Just try to smile at strangers in usa or Europe ...????
  6. Nope, so where's the missing link between the apes and the humans? Answer: still looking ????
  7. That's fair enough.. So materialism doesn't make you privileged, it's just that you and many others have chosen that ideology.
  8. It seems that we are into a circular argument. So life created itself just to survive eh. Let's say that i don't believe that as true. The fact that you don't see a reason for life to exist and evolve, apart from mere survival, is no evidence that there's no other reason.
  9. I think there's something right in the evolution theory. Most of what you say though, is just theory. It has not been proven, and most likely it won't be. Also, evolution of the species is undoubtedly an intelligent design, so are you suggesting that an intelligent design has randomly been created by chaos? Well, everything is possible, but it seems unlikely.
  10. That's an interesting observation, and i agree with your conclusion. So if people have education and money, they don't need god and they clinch to materialism. Unfortunately i don't think that materialistic culture is doing a lot of good to the world in general.
  11. I'm 62, and I've never met the type you describe. Perhaps it's a product of your fantasy ???? I believe the world, the universe are part of an intelligent design, and i can assure you that it's not blind faith, but well-pondered examination of facts. So you see a clock, and you know it's built by humans, then you see the solar system, and that is a random effect of some big bang. So you also think that there's no intelligent life in the whole universe, apart from humans ?
  12. Yes, apparently modern science is confirming what the bible says. Just Google "epigenetics ". Disclaimer: I googled epigenetics myself, there are lots of articles, but I don't see the one i was referring to. Your point is valid, of course, one can be similar to his grand grandfather and less similar to his father. Obviously this is not an argument in favour, or against the existence of the soul and the theory of reincarnation.
  13. Yes, apparently modern science is confirming what the bible says. Just Google "epigenetics ".
  14. I don't believe in the "original sin". Surely you get the physical traits from your parents, and other influences, but if you look at the biography of various people, you'll find out that a genius can be born with ordinary parents , and an ordinary person can be born with extra ordinary parents. So in my view, the imprinting of the soul is a real thing, and it doesn't depend on your parents, but it depends just on you. While it's true that most of us have no memory of past lives, some people do. Yes, you can say that it's just an illusion, but then, most of what comes through one's mind/soul can be regarded as illusion.
  15. Yes, there seems to be soulless people around, but that's not a good reason to say that soul is a fantasy or a lie. But, as i said, if you think that everything is the result of physical processes, i don't mind.
  16. If you don't believe that you are a soul before being a body, and you think that you are only a physical being , it's quite possible that you'll end with the end of your body. My opinion is that the physical body is like a cloth, and the brain is a sort of processor. While it's true that dreams reflect your life experiences, it's also true that your life experiences reflect your soul and your ego. Whatever is good for you though, is ok for me too ????
  17. Theological insights? I was talking about consciousness. Your consciousness is different when you sleep. When dreaming is different. When you are awake is different..ok ? When you are awake, you are conscious about your physical body, your physical senses are constantly at work. when you dream the physical senses are out of the picture, so to speak, but your soul is still active. Now imagine the 5 senses as doors of perception of the reality which surrounds you, and consider the soul/mind as a more complex "door of perception".ok ? Then, having closed 5 doors of perception, reality has only 1 door to flow in, and is no more influenced by the physical senses. That makes your ego much lighter, and gives you a different perception of reality, isn't it. How is this preposterous?
  18. I don't think you are really interested, am i wrong?
  19. Meditation, breathing exercises, or chanting mantras can take you there with just a little effort.
  20. Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane were not too bad either. Great times to be a kid, and great music.
  21. Space-time is an illusion. When i was young i took some lsd and i saw it clearly ????
  22. If you're interested in history, you might like the work of anthropologist Jared Diamonds. "Guns, germs and steel"gives you quite a vivid picture of how the tribal societies developed into modern societies.
  23. That's refreshing, for 1 moment i was thinking to hear you saying that the funding fathers were deities or visitors from space. All ok then????
  24. Yes, " the law is equal for everyone " is just a blatant lie, and everyone know that. Yet, I have to concede that I fully agree with that ideal. Maybe, some day, it will be true.
  25. If we look at the soul of each individual, we may find so great differences that each individual can be considered absolutely unique. Even twins are very different. Although i understand what he's trying to say, to say the every man is equal is at best a half truth.
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