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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. Some people, deliberately or not, confuse science and technology. Science is supposed to look for the well being of everyone, while technology can be bought by individuals, who will use it against the general interest. TV is a classic, it entertains and makes one dumb at the same time. Technology, the good and the bad, is indeed something to respect, but it doesn't answer the main question. Why are we here ? Not many are interested to find a definite answer, because there's no money to be made. Money has become the new God since a few thousand years, but this will sound very inconvenient to most ears. Nothing right or wrong with that, it's part of the spiritual evolution for those who care. So, again, what is science, and what are its benefits ?
  2. Nope, it's clear that you completely misunderstood my posts. I understand the difference between science and what is labelled "science " but it's not. As an example, it's hard to accept the art of deceiving the masses as science, yet there are scientists working at it. Try again.
  3. I honestly agree with your post, except for this statement. This is true in a way, but wrong in another way, it depends on what you mean as knowledge. As an example, a savage may know nothing about scientific theories, but he's able to survive in the jungle.
  4. You can say the same for not believing. Science has not disproved God yet, and i doubt it ever will, although perhaps in your dreams. Saying that something cannot be proven is not the same as saying that something doesn't exist. The people who blindly believe in anything labelled "science ", are not very different from those who blindly believe in anything labelled "religion ". Both can be successfully used to brainwash the people ????
  5. Trying to be normal is a choice for many, these days. Although there are many good reasons to be, or at least, appear to be normal, trying too hard may have negative effects imho. One of those negative effects is narrowing one's own mind.
  6. I'm not attacking you, but in my opinion you'd deserve it for this post ????
  7. Wrong again, even if i have serious doubts about some people's integrity, i am interested in their opinions. You won't believe it, but I'm interested in the behavior of animals and plants and minerals too, according to the situation.
  8. As i said, don't take it personal, i don't even know you. Ask yourself why do you feel that way. Glad to help ????
  9. I'm bored with facts tbh. I'm not here to post about facts, instead I'm interested in people's opinions.
  10. Gravity is a theory which is partially incorrect. Don't need to believe me, Google is your friend.
  11. Oh, poor baby ???? Well, I thought you were enjoying the conversation, sorry for causing you pain.
  12. Supernatural entities exist, and most people flatly refuse to acknowledge them. I can understand why, and i have no problem with it. Can I prove it ? No, I'm not even interested. There are things that exist though, you just can't see them with your physical eyes.
  13. Where did i say that i "post facts " ????
  14. Who said that ID is a scientific theory? In my opinion ID is more likely than the big bang and the pool of mud though.
  15. It's pseudoscience only in the mind of the brainwashed by the materialistic propaganda, which apparently you seem to enjoy ???? Science is relentless research, not an array of dogmas.
  16. That's your opinion, and my opinion is that you cannot see it. It's about connecting the dots, not rocket science ????
  17. The proof is in the existence of the intelligent design. Methinks you should look more often to the nature, and then it will be obvious. You can say the big bang, the nature happened "by chance", from a pool of mud, but, would you really believe it ?
  18. I respect your beliefs, but.. That's as credible as the tooth fairy. Can you prove it ?
  19. The fact that the existence of God cannot be proven doesn't mean a thing. In the same way, ants and flies cannot prove the existence of humans. Once you see the order of the universe, you can think that it happened by chance, but that would be un-scientific. "I don't know " , that's closer to the truth. There seems to be an intelligent design at work, definitely, and whatever you want to call it is your choice.
  20. One, no one, and multitudes. That is an individual choice. Humans, or at least most of them, differ from animals coz their range of choices is exponentially larger.
  21. If we compare the body to a machine, there is undoubtedly "something " which is, or it's supposed to be in charge.
  22. a troll's request for intellectual honesty ???? hilarious. Trollin' trollin' trollin' ????
  23. Thanks, but the other day you were talking about " meaningful conversations " and today you call names and chant slogans. The talibans will be envious???? Ok, you are right, i know now that i can't have a meaningful conversation with you ???? All the best
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