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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. I'm telling you since some 3 years. You don't listen because you think that you know better. I accept that, most people think that " they know better " ????
  2. You might be surprised, but we fully agree here. For this and other reasons i have to question your reading abilities. Sorry to be blunt, but my impression is that you and others don't even know what we're talking about. I cannot explain to you, because i know that you won't listen. So let's agree to disagree. ????
  3. For the scientific zealots out there: "A man who finds everything comprehensible may, of course, see no need to know anything of more deeply lying causes. But to find everything in the world comprehensible is a sign of illusion and merely indicates superficiality. In point of fact the vast majority of things in the world are incomprehensible to the ordinary consciousness. To be able to stand in wonder before so much that is incomprehensible in everyday life — that is really the beginning of a true striving for knowledge." Rudolf Steiner
  4. Although Darwin got something right here and there, and he was considered a genius in his age, he's not an authority anymore. Nothing is random, except what you can't understand ????
  5. One of the reasons why it's so difficult for you to accept different hypotheses, is because, sorry to say, you've been well indoctrinated. Evolution of the species and intelligent design theories are not necessarily in conflict. Although some parts of the evolution theory are just ludicrous, the ability of sentient beings to adapt to different conditions, is undoubtedly intelligent design at work. As for the crimes committed in the name of religion, nobody denies that, but, as far as i know, it wasn't the Pope who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and in case you don't know, millions in recent times have been bombed in the name of democracy and freedom, but i never heard you blame democracy and freedom.
  6. Are you losing the plot ? Too much wine ?????
  7. Sure, but intelligence without compassion is a poor thing.
  8. True, the cluster bombs and the land mines, scientifically studied not to kill, but maim and cripple innocent peasants and their children are another example.
  9. I was expecting a similar counter-argument, but it's lame, and I'm sure that you know. Yeah, evil exists in this existence, and so what. When you talk about the great benefits which science brings to humankind, you never mention the science of propaganda, the science of weapons production, the science of bombing and destroying, now suddenly you use the atrocities of war to say that "humans are not so intelligent " Well, i have to tell you, nature is violent, with or without humans... but we have the potential to make things better, with some effort.
  10. I really admire your passion for physics and other fields of science. However, you start your beatification of science with a lie. A blatant lie. Humans are intelligently designed themselves as far as i know, thus intelligent design exists on it's own.
  11. Sorry if i ask, but have you been molested by a sneaky bishop, or just bitten by a tarantula or what.. What about studying some history, or do you think that we have come from cavemen to civilization in a blink of an eye.. Get a grip will you ????
  12. That's more or less very similar to my point of view. As humans though, we have the power to use a loving attitude, and try to make things better. This is imho the message of Jesus. Easier said than done, obviously.
  13. Yep, even our troubled planet may look perfect if looking at it from some distance ????
  14. This is for me a very interesting subject for a debate, and we've been through it quite a few times. In my opinion, religion, and even the dreaded organized religion has positive and negative aspects. We could say the same about civilization, there are positives and negatives. Personally i try to see the glass half full, instead of half empty, but that's just a point of view.
  15. I think the poster you're replying to has disappeared since about 3 years. Just sayin????
  16. Sorry but there are so many inaccuracies in your posts, that I'd have to write a book to reply. Let me just say that you don't understand what I'm saying ????
  17. I used the term "journalist " to subtly imply that, like modern journalists, many "historians" of ancient times were in the pocket of the rulers. Glad you appreciate my subtlety, or maybe you didn't? ????
  18. Well, the point i was debating was the existence of Jesus Christ, but thanks for your insight.
  19. Apart from the fact that you don't even understand my point, your post is the living proof that the line between education and indoctrination is indeed very blurred ????
  20. Fair enough, my definition of God is the intelligent design, the set of rules which regulates the life of the visible ( and the invisible) in the universe . We can study the laws of physics, but it's undeniable that they were there before the humans started studying them.
  21. Perhaps then i am right when not trusting scientists and " well educated people " when they assert the non-existence of God and deities ????
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