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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. Well, congratulations; apart from us having similar views of the so called reality, you seem to have (English is not my first language) some remarkable writing skills.
  2. It's happening already, it's just not very popular ????
  3. That's very well said ! Out of curiosity, did you write it yourself ?
  4. Same here, but i think that exchanging ideas is part of growth. I've taken, and I'm taking my fair share of insults, and even worse, indifference, but that is normal. The more you say the truth, the more you make enemies.. welcome to planet earth. sometimes I have to shut up myself, as I'm not ready yet to be crucified ????
  5. I can see your point, but i can see that you are posting here your truths, even for people who don't listen to you, and make a mockery of your wisdom. There might be no need for it, but still you're doing it. Like in Plato's cave metaphor, the ones who have seen the light, for some reason, feel compelled to spread that awareness. I don't see anything wrong with that, it's part of our nature. In fact i heard that it's worse, and it would be pointless to keep that knowledge just for yourself.
  6. I know it sounds simplistic, but imho we are here to learn. The lessons are different for everyone, however, working on one's ego, seems to be something which is good for everyone.
  7. Yes, i subscribe to your view and i have to say that I have a lot of esteem for M.Twain too. On a positive note, it's difficult if not impossible to free all the people, but it's surely possible to free ourselves. Plato's cave is a good metaphor ????
  8. Agree, the fact that those against the freedom of thought are the majority, is indeed a sign of the times. Unfortunately it's getting worse before it gets better.
  9. Well, I just read a couple of articles, the theory is that quite a few "natural spirits" (for the lack of a better definition) are incarnated in a human shape, but in fact they are not human at all. Those "people ", as a distinctive trait, are totally devoid of empathy.
  10. ... which is a crime imho.. ...it's almost like they want to control what's in people's minds.
  11. Since when have you been appointed as a spokesman for the whole humankind past and present? ..just asking for a friend ????
  12. It's quite ok to sing the praises of science, yet, with a bit of the rare intellectual honesty it's apparent that some scientific theories are full of holes. Even the laws of gravity, which for many years seemed to me to be settled, are still frantically being discussed by the best minds. Then, who said that science is against spirituality or the esoteric meaning of religion? Spirituality is not against science, intended as the search of knowledge, it's quite the opposite. Now, if science is being used to make entire masses of people confused on the verge of stupidity, does it deserve to be called science?
  13. You're wrong about the Christian belief. The image of the body being cloth is poetic, yet the body is not just a cloth. Among other things is a vehicle for the spirit to connect with, and influence the physical realm. As for the different parts of the soul being in conflict, desire and intuition are aspects of the soul, right .. I'll give you an example which most will understand.. like when you are attracted by some woman, but you're intuition is telling you that it will be a disaster. One could say that having conflicts within the soul is more common than the opposite, and surely the soul is a " place" where the most epic battles happen.
  14. First of all, thanks for all your thought provoking posts. I quoted just a part of your post, for the sake of brevity. While you are right to say that body, soul, spirit are all one, and mankind is one, and everything is one, in the end....???? that's true in more than 1 way. Well, for the sake of the discussion, in the same way we consider the physical body "an entity composed of different parts", we can say the same for the soul..the "soul " can also experience infinite states of consciousness... it's not that uncommon for a person to have parts of his soul in conflict with each other .. so one can say, body and soul are connected and separated at the same time. I believe this is possible because in fact they "compenetrate" each other.
  15. Well, in a way you are right, but i am born a contrarian, so ,although i can concede that you may be able to evolve without pain, people in general get attached to material things; soon or later attachments create pain. Moreover, it's rare for people to look deliberately for painful experiences, yet our spiritual self may create painful situations in order to evolve. I believe the trick is to be able not to see pain as negative, but as a useful and fruitful experience of the soul.
  16. Then we've finally found a point where we disagree ???? Actually, in terms of evolution, or growth, pain is our best friend imho.
  17. ...But that's exactly how we evolve, isn't it ?
  18. We're definitely on the same page, although we may differ semantically sometimes. ..and while it's true that our dear leaders's historical aim is the control of the masses, and this sounds rather logical, we are apparently, since a few centuries, living a time in history where the worst of the bunch are in control. More or less, it's like speeding on a mountain road with a drunk psychopath at the wheel ???? Some say this era of ignorance and darkness, "Kali Yuga" for the Hindu, is coming to an end soon, and the signs are there to see.. however, R.Steiner, who had some prophetic skills, said that we have to endure crazy times for 2 or 3 centuries more, before, as mankind, we have the chance to relax a bit. ????
  19. I surely agree with most of your post, and I'm not going to split hairs on some details which are not really significant to this thread. I cannot bring any "scientific proof " of the existence of "God ", but the work of art posted by @Sunmaster, and art in general, are surely imho proof of the existence of parallel universes. One surely has to be in the deep mud of a purely materialistic sort of "view " , or perhaps I should say "blindness ", not to acknowledge that we can perceive just an infinitesimal fraction of " reality ". If you say "consciousness ", those folks will describe it as " electrical impulses of the human brain "???? The ones who hide behind the word " science " to deny the existence of higher beings, are just the modern version of bigots.
  20. True. In the age of ignorance you can call "science " almost everything, and some people actually are willing to buy anything which is labelled "science ". There are plenty of posts here that are the proof of this theory ????
  21. Hi @Tippaporn, i took a few minutes to read your recent (long) posts, and i could not find a single word i disagree with. This is just to say thanks for your efforts to bring some light into the darkness.
  22. Yes, exactly, so why some not very bright folks carry on blaming religion, like if without religion the world and the entire humankind would suddenly become perfect..
  23. In this case, Jesus should be intended as "eternal truth" ,or "infinite love", and not as the physical person. Most people, i may add, tend to see only the physical aspect of things and people, but, as the saying goes, there's more than meets the eye. ????
  24. In a way it's hilarious, in some other way i found it discomforting; how discomforting, i don't have enough swear words to say ????
  25. Soon you'll probably be accused to " run around in circles ".. .. oh the irony ????
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