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Everything posted by mauGR1

  1. Philosophically indisputable, yet, just having a look at the countless levels of consciousness, in the animal realm, and in the mankind alone, one cannot be serious in denying the high probability of mankind being just a stage of evolution, among countless other stages of evolution. "As above, as below" .. Just count the stars that we can see, not to mention the ones we cannot see ????
  2. A typical example of the wrong way to use Google, and more broadly, the fraudulent use of science to fool the gullible. I hope that someone, someday, will explain to you the difference between some scientist's theory and the laws of nature, which, for those who have eyes to see, are clear evidence of the work of an intelligent design. A little more search will tell you that clean air is the major "ingredient " for spectacular sunsets and sunrises, sorry if i can't be bothered to post links.
  3. Of course, even the "vision" could have been a lie. Probably the new monotheistic religion was assumed to be more convenient for the rulers to control the masses.
  4. For some reason I'd rather put my belief in some sort of universal justice than in some white-dressed drug sellers ????
  5. Nobody said that, it's just your fantasy. Although this is not the right place, investigating and discussing corruption in science would be interesting, don't you think?
  6. Nice try, but the science you're talking about is based just on the physical reality, and thus incomplete and flawed.
  7. I'm surprised by your pointless post, although it's obvious that you tried to be funny. You should know by now, a true believer sees "God " in the sun and in the rain, in the light and in the dark, even in the fortune and in the misfortune. Personally, i can see an intelligent design even behind your attempt at being humorous ????
  8. Give some science to a narrow mind, and you'll have indoctrination, dogmas and more narrow-mindedness ????
  9. I am quite sure this was not referred to you.
  10. Ok, you seem to know something about the bible and its history. Yet, sorry for that, what you say is also debatable, (from the internet) About Constantine, Some scholars allege that his main objective was to gain unanimous approval and submission to his authority from all classes, and therefore chose Christianity to conduct his political propaganda, believing that it was the most appropriate religion that could fit with the Imperial cult (see also Sol Invictus). and many parts of the bible belong to very ancient times, long before the invention of the script. The story of the flood, for example, must have been transmitted (and translated) orally for 1000s of years before Christ.
  11. Ok, but Constantine was the first emperor to convert to christianity, so it's a bit of cherry picking here ???? Before you were saying that protestants were responsible for editing and possibly corrupt the bible, but protestantism started afaik just 500 years ago. On 2and thoughts, i would say that even before Constantine there were changes in the bible. Btw, I read some of the apocriph gospels many years ago, quite an interesting read.
  12. If so, the protestant, the catholic, and the orthodox versions of the bible would have some major differences, while, afaik they have minor differences. Imho, the corruption of the bible began much earlier, when the Roman emperor Constantine chose christianity as the official religion of the empire, around 300 AD.
  13. I never read the entire bible too, I just remember a few passages that are significant in my opinion. I think that Mary being a virgin or not is quite an insignificant detail, and most probably a metaphor anyway. Btw, tales as the great flood, for example, although with different names, are also present in Sumer tradition, which predates the bible a few 1000s years, not to mention the legends of other civilizations.
  14. One has to admire your determination in letting the world know how you can make your imagination as stable as a chunk of granite. A miracle of faith ! Perhaps, just to save time, you could do a copy and paste on every Sunday ????
  15. Help yourself, and the sky will help you. (Italian proverb)
  16. I am not Google, but faith must be not necessarily involve God or religion, or even spirituality. One can have faith in himself, ideals, even some investment.. The mystery of the whole thing, is that "faith " could increase, if not even determine the outcome of an action. In medicine, placebo is a typical example of the power of " faith". Faith is one of those concepts one could spend years debating, as it can have extremely different forms for every individual.
  17. Mr. death, I guess, I'd rather spend my time trying to straighten bananas, than trying to wake him up ????
  18. It's tiring, isn't it, when you make every effort to understand people who have no intention to understand what you say..
  19. Sorry mate, we are talking a different language, i don't hear what you say, and i guess it's the same for you. All the best.
  20. If God exists he's omnipotent so everything is possible, within and without our understanding .
  21. Wow Charlie, I'm truly surprised, that's anthroposophic thinking !
  22. True, and the ones who can manage to give their best efforts for positive values, can live forever. No need to name names, but we know plenty of people who left this earth long ago, and are still alive in our thoughts.
  23. Nope, i see my physical body as a cloth, when the cloth is worn, I'll get another if i can.
  24. I'm fairly sure that he can employ other folks to do the job ????
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