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Posts posted by Valentine

  1. Here in Thailand however, I think it is a truism that people driving a new accord or better generally are not living in bed-sit condos with their family of 5.......

    I think you can have a nice home and money, but a crappy car...... but less likely the other way around...... in general.

    You clearly don't understand Thai people or the concept of 'face'

    But don't worry, 95% of other posters on Tv are in the same boat with you.

    Yes. In Phuket I see plenty of new vehicles parked outside the owner's rental shack.

  2. With Home Pro & Powerbuy you can use a local credit card to pay it off interest free over a period of months (it varies with the card) plus on top discount which can be as much as 8% (this is in addition to any special price which may be on offer). These promotions are not always obvious so it always pays to ask no matter what the sticker price is showing. I have never had any difficulties with refunds, back up service, from either store.

  3. I thought they only took statistics from the public hospitals. However it does seem increased acceptance of wearing helmets has certainly helped in slowing the fatalities but ever present is the speed that thrills is the speed that kills.

  4. Seems like anyone who might be using ya bah will have had plenty of warning to stop & get tested after the 5 day period. The police would be better to conduct random testing without any prior warning if they are really sincere in ensuring a force free of drug use. If a certain percentage of the population use ya bah then it stands to reason that same percentage would apply to the police. After all they are human & just as susceptible to temptation as anyone else.

  5. So do you know if Patong Beach area or the Jungceylon work well with Ture 3G?

    seems only 2 choice left.

    1. AIS EDGE

    2. TureMove 3G

    want to know which works better.

    Did you miss this in the PG article - "Some people say there’s no 3G in Thailand. That isn’t true. There are two stable, reasonably fast HSPA networks in Bangkok"

    True have 3G all along the west coast of Phuket so should be no problem in Patong.

  6. He is the father of a New Zealand girl which died in the hotel. The owners of the hotel in Chiang Mai are pretty well connected so don't expect any startling revelations from this side. A bit like the deaths on Phi Phi which seem to have been swept under the rug. The only one of note recently which had a successful conclusion was the case of Dale Henry murdered on the orders of his wife. She & a couple of others are now in jail only because of the tenacity of Dale's brother who kept pushing the case & made sure it did not conveniently go away.

    I realise the hotel deaths are most likely caused by anything other than murder, though still a possibility, but just want to highlight how things operate here.

  7. last night went to Adam's to eat Swedish meatballs but alas I was to be denied. They are only serving kebabs until the Thai lady returns on the 28th. So I was forced to eat the pork kebab.

  8. Not to put more salt on my wound, lol. What about the farang deaf-mutes (I assume they are) going around putting little trinkets on the table and hoping to find cash when returning to the table.

    A few years ago I was at Swensens at Tesco. This farang couple came by and did that. I did not give them any money.

    As I am getting into my car, I see both of them under a shade, by their bikes.................................. talking.

    On occasion I have the so called Thai "deaf mutes" actually sit down at the table whilst eating. This act of rudeness immediately makes me turn them away. Have not seen any around lately, maybe they are trying a new scam. I also have my doubts about the "blind" singers.

  9. In a few other reports, it mentioned they could smell booze on the driver ! , why have they failed to bring this up??? , a SOBER driver even with faulty brakes may of been able to avoid this

    Probably because the "booze" report was total B.S., since the driver was dead and has been cremated.

    Don't believe all you read or all what people say! (Including this, but it is correct. :))

    Yes people do not breathe after they have died so all the talk about smelling alcohol on his breath is in fact a waste of breath.

  10. Nonsensical post removed. And for the sake of clarification the DJ mentioned is a Scotsman.

    Thought that was understood from my post above. Anyway, 91.5 is international in that is managed & run by a mixture of Thai & expats. Their music list has increased dramatically but now seems to have too much of this "house music" for my liking & why I listen to 90.5 a lot more than I used to (the wedding ad is also irritating to me & causes me to switch). I actually know someone who likes house music but I don't even know what it is & really not interested in finding out. My father's favourite was Victor Borge & I know he did not understand my preference for rock n roll. I fervently hoped disco music would die when it first appeared but it never did.

    I do enjoy the DJs on 91.5 even though they are mainly from the antipodes of NZ. They do go out of their way to play listener requests which I find to be a good feature. 90.5 DJs are bland by comparison.

  11. I do prefer 90.5 as there seems to be a flavor about 95.1 that is not International. I must admit that The Dorisis a hoot, he's Irish and that cnanges 91.5, thank you

    I think that almost as bad as calling a Scotsman English.

  12. Generally in towns and cities the speed limit for saloon cars/light vehicles is 60kph. When driving on highways the speed limit increases to either 90kph (single highway) or 120kph (dual highway). Lower limits for heavy vehicles.

    Although these numbers are correct what do you consider the bypass road to be, a city road or a dual highway? My self imposed speed limit on that road is 90kph.

    Old Croc, you really should get a Thai driving licence, it will only take one day of your time & is really handy to have if pulled over at a check point plus you will definitely learn what the speed limits & other rules are which are surprisingly similar to Aust. or NZ with the exception of Melbourne where they have that weird hook turn.

  13. It happened to me, although no fatalities, luckily. I was waiting to turn right off a main road, into a parking area and a motorbike came up very fast, on the inside of the traffic coming the other way, and went straight into the front of my car. Both parties on the bike were injured, neither was wearing a helmet, and they had no insurance etc. The police arrived, and an ambulance, and I was interviewed about what had happened. There were other witnesses, but they took off while I was seeing if I could help the injured. In the end, I was seen to be at fault, and charged with driving without due care and attention..! I had to pay for the bike repairs, hospital bills and loss of income for the girl on the back of the bike. I did not have first class insurance on that vehicle, so it cost me 30,000 baht. The police were very polite and admitted that it was mostly down to the way they were driving. It is almost always the LARGER vehicle that pays, especially if driven by a 'rich' farang..? Best advice is to take 1st class insurance, if you can afford to, and always drive defensively. In retrospect, I should not have attempted to turn right across heavy traffic, at that time of day and should have continued on and done a U-turn somewhere..? I was unlucky that day, I guess.

    I always consider this to be a dangerous situation. A polite motorist will stop to allow you to make the turn but those coming up on the inside do not take this into consideration (cannot see, don't think why the other car is stopping) & just keep on coming. If ever making a turn like this in heavy traffic take it slow & always check what's coming along the inside of the stopped car.

  14. No cable only, phone 0848482486

    We have called the Cable company on this Mob Nr,always saying they are coming..been waiting now for 14 days.

    Do Chalong Cable have a office we can contact to get cable tv to our house?

    As far as I know there is no such entity called Chalong Cable. If you enjoy TV I suggest using KPP as they seem to have a better range of programmes than Phuket Cable. KPP office is located in Phuket Town almost opposite the Honda dealer. In another couple of months KPP are introducing digital channels which should see a much improved picture although you have to buy some kind of receiver.

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