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Posts posted by Valentine

  1. Last year my gf's brother had an accident while working for a property management company. Quite severely injured the social security office & his employer covered his initial medical expenses (SS paid 45,000 & the employer the rest who continued to pay ongoing costs up until last month. He has needed several operations with more to come & unsure if he will be able to resume his normal work again i.e. he might only be able to do light duties.

    His company will not pay any more medical bills stating that he can get an extension of payments from SS who in turn stated the employer is responsible. Does anyone know which is correct? There is currently no accusation the employer was negligent in terms of safety equipment or instructions but could quite likely be the case. However, the family only wants to be paid the medical expenses as they are getting to the stage where they can no longer afford to pay. Going to court is a consideration & in many other countries a substantial payout would almost be assured but not sure of the law in Thailand related to this. The employer is putting all the onus on the family to haggle with SS over extra payments.

  2. Well after waiting 6 weeks TOT has given me a new story. Now I am told that TOT will not run a line to my house as it is not profitable to them.

    They said my only option would be a satellite. I declined a satellite because of it seems that most people on this forum have had a bad experience. Right now I am on a Aircard which seems slower than dialup.

    Has anybody had any success getting 3BB or TOT to change their mind? Or is my only option is to move?

    Try CAT but make sure you get the latest card. Booster antenae can also be used with this card if the signal is a little weak.

  3. Im sure there are ISP's tracking usage data as most lines are not dedicated but shared. They have simple software which registers it all nicely and they will look into it when they feel the need to do so.

    The ISP also has to pay for the bandwidth as far as i know, and when there are complains from other subscribers they also check out whats happening on their network as it is a shared system ( This is my experience of using 10 years internet while i was living in India/Bangladesh, this was how they operate their business, but then again it might be different here...so i might be very wrong)

    I decided to go ahead with 3BB as the TOT line requires a phone line (and requires some action from the landlord). Eventhough TOT never has let me down, i just want to see how things are with 3BB. Always possible to change to TOT if i want :)

    Question: how much time between signing up for 3BB service and the day they come and install it?

    I am sure 3BB will also require a phone line. CAT does not.

  4. Since this thread concerns fast internet, I wonder if anyone can recommend a fast internet cafe or similar in Phuket? By fast, I mean fast upload - I've got something like 100Gigs of files that I need to upload :(

    Or would I have to travel further afield?

    South Korea is one possibility.

  5. After all the good reviews of the "Family" my wife and I had lunch there yesterday. I had fish and chips. The longest french fry was about one and a half inches long. The rest were real greasy and tiny...I was really hoping for a real shwarma with a mix of lamb and other meats. Nope just a few pieces of chicken and tons of lettuce and very little of the special white sauce that helps to make a good shwarma. With all the hoopla over this restaurant I will give it another try thinking our visit was just a one off.

    Been there twice and that was enough, one of the worst meals i have experienced on the island.

    Each to their own but I enjoy the food at Family & was about to eat there yesterday when a big bus pulled up outside & everyone went inside to eat so continued on to Kallots (unusually empty) where gf & I had an enjoyable lunch.

  6. A little off topic. I was going to PM you but thought others may also be interested.

    I have seen your computer clinics advertised for sometime now. I have never been to one. What takes place at these computer clinics? Is it for people with computer problems, or is it to learn more about how to use your computer?

    It is basically an open forum for novices & geeks alike to ask, discuss, get the latest news updates, about all things related to both hardware, software, internet, ISPs etc

  7. Just consider it the Darwin theory where children are expendable. How about 12 year old boys riding scooters in Thai traffic? Or, where the hill tribe people bring their children into the city to beg at night. There is no way the children can get a proper education when they have to work until 2 AM around bars every night.

    I reckon the beggars are run by criminal gangs otherwise they would not be able to sit on the sidewalk half the night.

  8. I still find Familys "Chalong Plate" good now and then :)

    The Pita bread is fantastic

    Gf & I occasionally go to Family & enjoy Chalong Plate or something similar. Would love to find a good doner kebab somewhere like the ones I used to enjoy when living in Sydney.

    I used to live in the Patong Grand Condotel next to the Patong Condotel where the 9th Floor is (which did not exist in those days although there was another restaurant there) & at that time it was known as hotel katoey. Have no idea what it is like now but parking was at a premium way back then. After we moved to Kathu the ex was visiting friends & parked outside hotel katoey later finding our car had been coined all around. Who knows if it was the result of an argument or if she was parked in someones "spot".

  9. I feel glass filter media is the way forward but as I have only been installing it for a couple of years still cannot say this with authority but here is a new twist on glass media which seems to combine it with the properties of zeolite. http://www.afm.eu/ This company, I think they are Scottish, has been using & researching glass media for many years now.

  10. You can get epoxy grout from home mart the brand name Weber. 100% water proof and if you don't have a valve on the backwash line after the multiport valve install one as this could be a problem too.

    The first thing I look at is the backwash line because if the multiport valve has been turned while the pump is running it can damage the spider gasket thus allowing a small flow of water to go out the backwash line while the multiport valve is set to filter. There is usually a sight glass where you can see if this is the case or not. As another poster said evaporation is also a factor.

  11. Sandwich Shoppe has awesome food and good coffee as long as you like American stylee! wink.gif

    location please ???

    is this the place inside of villa market ???

    There is a more comfortable one with tables & chairs further down Chao Fa East, next to Wine Connection. Villa Mart branch is really for takeaways.

  12. where he attempted to negotiate an end to the deadly conflict between anti-government protestors and the Thai military...........

    If you believe that, you'll believe anything.

    Mr A is just a highly paid BS artist who tries to portray his insidious clients in the best possible light. Anyone with at least half a brain should see through the rubbish he or his proxies posts. You have to give the man credit, even though he must have no scruples, for coming up with a great way to make vast sums of money with little risk.

  13. True could be showing Fox as a free promotion right now on all packages but later it may only be available on Gold or Platinum which may entice some to upgrade. I am on Silver package & a while back I was able to view History, Nat Geo & Discovery for a month.

    Any comments on the crap which is being shown on Star World nowadays. Nearly everytime I flick to it there is a version of some country's next top model which IMO is rubbish. Along with continuous reruns of How I met Your Mother which I quite like but not after 5 or 6 times.

  14. The kingpins, drug lords, whatever you want to call them, until a good number of these are arrested, thrown in jail &/or executed there will never be a decrease in the drug problem as there will always be far too many desperate, gullible people willing to participate in some form or other. Unfortunately these type of people always seem to be untouchable.

  15. The Alice In Wonderland aspect being that the PM's Foreign Minister joined the PAD rally back in the day.

    He must have been told to keep his hands off this one after originally stating it could affect bilateral ties.

    AS for the 7 I don't believe ignorance is a valid excuse in a court of law & besides Veera had been caught trespassing previously & Panich has been quoted as saying he was in Cambodia during a telephone call. I don't think this was done out of pure nationalism or trying to protect Thai rights over the land as there are ongoing official negotiations. There must be some other motive such as PAD trying to regain their lost leverage over the government. Panich should be expelled from the Dems as he has severely embarassed them & surely could not have been acting on orders from the PM as some are trying to portray.


    The PM Apisit himself admitted during day before yesterday's nationally televised interview that he was aware of Panich fact finding excursion and he was personally informed and approved that trip to find factual info to use to rebut the yellowshirts' upcoming demonstration on January 25, 2011.

    The mess ensured thereafter.

    I should be a bit more clear. I am sure the PM would not have officially approved for Panich to enter Cambodian territory illegally.

  16. The Alice In Wonderland aspect being that the PM's Foreign Minister joined the PAD rally back in the day.

    He must have been told to keep his hands off this one after originally stating it could affect bilateral ties.

    AS for the 7 I don't believe ignorance is a valis excuse in a court of law & besides Veera had been caught trespassing previously & Panich has been quoted as saying he was in Cambodia during a telephone call. I don't think this was done out of pure nationalism or trying to protect Thai rights over the land as there are ongoing official negotiations. There must be some other motive such as PAD trying to regain their lost leverage over the government. Panich should be expelled from the Dems as he has severely embarassed them & surely could not have been acting on orders from the PM as some are trying to portray.

  17. Hallelujah!! I've been looking for these things for years too.I thought they had been discontinued. They are my entry back into the marital bed! My snoring apparently is akin to a formula one start for bulldozers. I'm not clear - Boots, Fascino, or Watsons ???

    You should consider having a sleep test done as it sounds like you could have sleep apnea which can be very detrimental to your overall health.

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