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Posts posted by kutjebu

  1. I'm a farang living in Thailand an I've nothing to do with Thai politic,because I'm a guest.

    But many farangs like to tell the Thai people what they have to do and how they have to do it.The same they like to do in Lybia.

    Arrogant,like they also try to play the police in the rest of this world.jap.gif

  2. Why are so many afraid of this man's influence?

    He is the only voice I have heard that seems to offer a vision.

    Totally agree with.jap.gif

    Some interesting ideas though sounding a bit far fetched to me. I love the way Thaksin speaks with the assurance and confidence of an economic guru that seems contemptuous of the world's best (are other countries really struggling because of high taxes - Sweden, Denmark, Norway for example, with the highest standard's of living in the world).

    You forgot to mention Ireland with its low company tax etc....maybe Khun Thaksin does not read the same press/media as you and I do

    Yes, both points about the taxes I have to agree with. Ireland really is up the creek.

    I have to question his motive for making visa applications easier. Is he trying to soften the stance of all the expats? I believe that Western opinion of Thaksin has to extent influenced some Thai people's opinion of him, especially those (Thais) who have daily exposure to Farangs. He hates us, he knows we see past his nonstop barrage of lies, and he knows we share our opinions with the electorate ....

    Which "Farangs" are you speaking for?

    It doesn't matter a rat's arse what Farangs think or do, since they have no vote (thank Buddha).

    Why are so many afraid of this man's influence?

    He is the only voice I have heard that seems to offer a vision.

    Who else in Thai politics offers a vision of a modernistic future for this medieval society???

  3. Official closed and still not closed??????Thai style.whistling.gif

    I thought the Similans were closed now until November?

    Yes, they have just closed the Similans a few days early due to 5 metre waves. My wife just came back from a trip to the South that was supposed to include a trip to the Similans on Saturday that was cancelled after she already arrived in Phuket.

    Similan Islands are officially closed but several operators still run into May. There are certainly no 5 meter waves. Dive conditions are still very nice at the moment. Looks like today will be hot and sunny with some rain, which is the normal weather just at the time of year when seasons are switching. Wind doesn't know which way to blow this week... by next week I think we'll have a real SW wind blowing.

  4. Some persons call it crap,because it is the truth and they don't like that..Last week they mention it already in the Observer. jap.gif

    My GOD, What fool wrote all of the above crap and he had the hide to say that this came from experts?

    But experts say the fighting could play into the hands of Thailand's military-backed elites who want to prevent the political allies of fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra taking power.

    Chris WHO?

    Some fear the border clashes could even be used as a reason to put off the parliamentary polls.

    "There is an undercurrent of attempts to create a crisis that could be used for delaying, or delaying permanently, an election," said Thailand-based scholar and author Chris Baker.

    And this from another EXPERT?

    The dispute "gives the military an excellent opportunity to remain in the political limelight," said Pavin Chachavalpongpun, a Thailand expert at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

    Give me a break, I have never heard so much crap in my life from a Journalist and they pay him for this. :annoyed:

  5. I find that Thai financial institutions have a lot to learn from the Americans.......Yes printing more money.laugh.gif

    I find that Thai financial institutions have a lot to learn from the Americans and particularly the Chinese. Inflation is already hitting from what I hear from my partner (she said the price of food is going up) - expect price rises on other things such as that BTS fare to go up. The last thing to go up will be salaries.

    China is rapidly increasing its' interest rates to curb inflation, and Thailand is gradually increasing. This is not to help the consumers out, but rather to stop inflation - the side effect will be profit downgrades on businesses nationwide - meaning foreigners will withdraw investments in Thailand, which have higher risk and lower risk return.

    This may have some effect on the Thai condominium market, which is a bubble waiting to burst from my studies.- price affordability and rental returns vs. purchase price ratios are way off in this market.

  6. Since they pick pocked my wallet years ago I never use it anymore.The shorts what you cab buy in Thailand has plenty of space for your money and is save.jap.gif

    So he wasn't robbed then? Thus the motive for murder was something else? Who carries around 22k baht (unless you are going to buy something expensive but then you can get a bank cheque or use a credit/debit card).

    No wallet. Who goes ANYWHERE without a wallet? So chances are he WAS robbed since the wallet was gone, but they didn't think to check his shorts. However, robbery may or may not have been the motive.

    I go everywhere whithout wallet and I have done since I started to go anywhere with money and I know many people that do, so what is wrong with that??

  7. The Afsluitdijk (English: Enclosure Dam, Frisian: Ofslútdyk) is a major causeway in theNetherlands, constructed between 1927 and 1933 and running from Den Oever on Wieringenin North Holland province, to the village of Zurich (mun. Wûnseradiel) in Friesland province, over a length of 32 kilometres (20 mi) and a width of 90 m, at an initial height of 7.25 m abovesea-level.

    It is a fundamental part of the larger Zuiderzee Works, damming off the Zuiderzee, a salt water inlet of the North Sea and turning it into the fresh water lake of the IJsselmeer.

    Overhere they can do the same.When not,then over 25 years they don't have to be worried anymore,because Bangkok is gone.

  8. I suspect that something has been 'Lost in Translation'

    Maybe one of our fluent Thai readers can access the original announcement in Thai and give us a better version in English before this thread just becomes the butt of countless jokes.

    Nothing wrong with that mind you, but this is quite a serious subject....

    Nothing wrong with that mind you, but this is quite a serious subject....

    Not serious at all.I'm not drinking alcohol.I not use drugs......

  9. I kayak everyday in the Golf of Thailand and see several box yellyfish every week.

    Nobody talk about it.

    About 3 years ago,I never saw them.

    Who are making a joke about it are idiots.mad.gif

    The infamous box jellyfish developed its frighteningly powerful venom to instantly stun or kill prey, like fish and shrimp, so their struggle to escape wouldn’t damage its delicate tentacles.

    Their venom is considered to be among the most deadly in the world, containing toxins that attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. It is so overpoweringly painful, human victims have been known to go into shock and drown or die of heart failure before even reaching shore. Survivors can experience considerable pain for weeks and often have significant scarring where the tentacles made contact.

  10. Why don't we wait for a bit more detail before we start accusing Thaksin or the red shirts. This isn't their M O and doesn't seem to ne aimed anything political or elite.

    I agree,... I'm no supporter of the redshirts by a long shot... That said I can't see anything for them in doing this out in Minburi... Seems far more likely a feud between industrial schools... That isn't to say that the redshirts are not behind it, I just don't think most likely...

    I was waiting that some bullshitter was claiming the red shirts.Everything what is going wrong in this country are the redshirts.bah.gif

    Flooding,redshirts,corruption redshirts,occupation of the airport,redshirts of course.


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