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Everything posted by onthedarkside

  1. The UK is to gain its first lithium mine in Cornwall after a British startup agreed a deal with a French mining company that could supply much of the country’s need for the crucial electric car battery mineral. British Lithium has agreed to start a joint venture with Paris-listed Imerys that aims to extract 20,000 tonnes of lithium ore, the companies said on Thursday. The project is expected to employ 300 people and would produce enough lithium for 500,000 electric cars per year by the end of the decade. If it proceeds, it would require £575m in spending, according to a person close to the project. READ MORE https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/29/uk-british-lithium-mine-cornwall-boost-electric-car-industry
  2. "At the end of June, the extent of sea ice should be building to a mid-point between the maximum and the minimum. "However, this year the ice is expanding very slowly with the consequence that the extent is way below the long-term (1981-2010) average. "The annual minimum extent in February 2023 was the lowest since satellite records began in 1979, just over one million sq km below the long-term average. "The current extent is extraordinarily low: it is in excess of 2.5 million sq km (965,255 sq miles) below average for the time of year." READ MORE https://news.sky.com/story/antarctic-sea-ice-at-record-low-for-end-of-june-warns-met-office-12912329
  3. Reported poor taste troll post and replies removed
  4. An off topic video has been removed. This topic has degenerated into a bickering match. Agree to disagree or move on. Further bickering and any off topic posts will be removed.
  5. Reported inflammatory post and replies to it have been removed
  6. A reported post with edited quote that took it out of context has been removed.
  7. A misquoted reply taken out of context has been removed along with replies
  8. A very poor taste trolling post has been removed and a couple of replies rightly pointed out how inappropriate it was also removed.
  9. A number of unhelpful troll posts removed. Replies additionally removed
  10. A number of posts and replies have been removed for being off topic. This thread and discussion has nothing to do with the US, Biden, Conservatives or MAGA. A flame post additionally removed. Please keep it civil on this discussion. Any further off topic posts will be removed: Barriers to transgender people accessing Thailand’s healthcare system
  11. A post making unsubstantiated claims on pride festival participants has been removed.
  12. Baiting troll posts and replies removed
  13. Troll post removed along with conspiracy nonsense
  14. Inflammatory trolling post reported/removed along with a reply
  15. Reported post trolling with a personal insult removed along with replies
  16. Off topic baiting post removed. This discussion is: COVID infections falling steadily, fewer fatalities over past month Not cancer, heart disease, strokes, leprosy, rabies,or bubonic plague
  17. off topic unsubstantiated claims post removed
  18. Off topic post reported/removed along with a reply
  19. A post making false claims with additional unsourced graphics has been removed
  20. An unsourced image has been removed that was additionally breaking this rule: 4. You will not express disrespect of the King of Thailand or any member of the Thai royal family whether living or deceased. You will not criticize the monarchy as an institution. Speculation, comments or discussion of either a political or personal nature are not allowed when discussing His Majesty The King of Thailand or the Thai royal family. You will not link to or discuss any website which breaches this rule.
  21. A post clearly violating fair use copyright policy has been removed along with an off topic troll post
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