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Everything posted by onthedarkside

  1. Another off topic post attempting to hijack the thread has been removed along with a reply. Carry on and a warning will be issued
  2. A number of off topic posts about Bidens health have been removed along with numerous replies that led off it. The topic here is: Biden says war with Russia must end before NATO can consider membership for Ukraine Not any unsubstantiated "condition" he has.
  3. Trolling response and reply removed
  4. UPDATE: Claims about BBC presenter are rubbish, says young person at centre of scandal The young person at the centre of a scandal over a BBC presenter reportedly paying for explicit pictures has issued a statement in which they claimed the key allegations are “rubbish”. The young person’s mother made the allegations in the Sun newspaper, which published her claim that payments from the BBC presenter helped fund her child’s crack cocaine habit. Yet in a dramatic turn of events, on Monday evening the young person’s lawyer issued a statement saying the mother and the Sun had made false claims. READ MORE https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/jul/10/claims-about-bbc-presenter-are-rubbish-says-young-person-at-centre-of-scandal
  5. We also have very high ceilings and rather than use very long step ladders all the time we bought a couple of these telescopic light bulb changers, they work really well. They do lots of different models and sizes, the ones we have cope with all different size light bulbs and all the bulbs we have are recessed into the ceilings to. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/smile-225-light-bulb-changer-smile-arm-225m-i2524740521-s8971832551.html
  6. UPDATE: BBC presenter accused of making panicked calls to teenager to ask ‘what have you done?’ after story broke The BBC presenter accused of paying a teenager for explicit pictures made panicked phone calls to them after the story was published to try and stop the investigation, it has been claimed. The TV star, who was suspended by the broadcaster on Sunday, allegedly called the teenager twice after the claims were made in The Sun last week and asked: “What have you done?” He also asked the alleged victim - who is now 20 but said to have been 17 when the payments began - to call their mother and get her to “stop the investigation”, according to the newspaper. READ MORE https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/bbc-presenter-accused-suspended-phone-calls-b2372180.html
  7. Off topic trolling incomprehensible post removed along with replies
  8. inflammatory post reported/removed along with reply
  9. Image credit Wiki A top BBC presenter accused of paying a teenager thousands of pounds for explicit pictures stripped to his underwear while on a video call, the mother of the alleged victim has claimed. It is alleged that the TV star paid more than £35,000 in exchange for sexual images and that the teenager used the money to fund a cocaine addiction, which “destroyed” their life. The mother described how her child, who was said to be 17 when the payments began, turned from a “happy-go-lucky youngster” to a “ghost-like crack addict” in three years. READ MORE https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/bbc-presenter-the-sun-pictures-b2371881.html
  10. Two misquoted posts taken out of context reported, reply also removed
  11. A post with a link and no explanation of what it is has been removed. This is a discussion forum not a link farm. If you have a link to share please give an explanation of what it is and contains
  12. A troll post has been removed for making unsubstantiated claims
  13. Topic closed on OP's request
  14. Comments on moderation removed
  15. A post has been removed: Comments such as "slow news day" or "clickbait headline" are disrespectful and unwelcome.
  16. Off topic post on the US removed. Leg lost in transit: Thai professor reveals investigation into escalator accident at Bangkok airport
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