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Posts posted by rkidlad

  1. 3 minutes ago, DualSportBiker said:

    Criticism is subjective. Accusation of using slave labour is an accusation of committing a crime. Slow food service, bad AC, mould on the curtains, warm beer - these are critiques of services paid for an open to subjective criticism. Use slave labour, cheat on taxes, hit customers, steal customers' belongings are accusations of criminal activity and can't be made without proof unless the author wants a formal response from the accused.

    So sue him. This is a civil case. Not a criminal one. 


    How easy would it have been to have a lawyer contact him and keep everything 'civil'.

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    Well I would expect in Australia you would have to front court that's for sure, then the court would determine if you should be punished by way of jail time or not, but it doesn't happen overnight.

    As for the latter question ....  If the criticism is true and correct then there has been no attempt or implied defamatory against the other party and as such would be deemed non-liable.   imo

    But i'm not a lawyer ..   lol

    No, this simply wouldn't happen in Australia. 


    So.........what if these accounts were paid for by the tax payer? What if they were pretending to be normal members of the public but were really just soldiers promoting the government and criticizing the opposition? Would you be okay with this kind of use of tax payer's funds? 

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    • Confused 1
  3. 5 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    I just don't get your thinking on a lack of common sense and practicality sometimes.  

    The guy did wrong but you try to turn it around. 

    Try doing what he did in Australia and see if you get off with an apology.  Try posting in any country with lies on many websites and see what happens, i'm sure you be sued in most of them and especially in the US.   LOL

    As for your other question on army tweets, I don't follow twitter or army tweets so I cannot comment.


    So he'd have gone to jail in Australia over this? Amazing. 


    Let me make the latter question more simple; If someone is proved to have created hundreds of fake accounts to promote one thing and criticize another, should they also be sued and sent to jail? 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, steven100 said:

    The guy refuses to pay the standard corkage charge.

    The guy then writes defamatory posts which were supposedly lies on not one or two sites but many.


    what do you think .....  If I was the hotel owner I'd sue him too

    That's the owner's prerogative. He can sue 'til the cows come home. After all, this should be a civil case and not a criminal one.


    As for my question about suing the Thai Army for their fake twitter accounts spreading lies, you agree, right? 

    • Like 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, steven100 said:

    exactly,  If you are going to defame someone then make sure it's true.

    Also,  if he just posted it on one or two sites it may not have escalated, however he was trying to be a smart_ss and posted it on many sites. 

    He's been caught out and now he has egg on his face.

    So, Steven, can we infer you agree the army should face defamation charges for their 900+ fake twitter accounts that have been removed? You know - the ones promoting Thing one and Thing Two and defaming the opposition? 



    • Confused 1
    • Thanks 2
  6. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    “The PM said Kor Khor 43 rice is good for your health and suitable for diabetic patients or people who wish to lose weight,” she said.

    No wonder he took so long to find a finance minster if this is the sort of nonsense he feels he needs to be quoted on. 


    Maybe they should put this in Prawit's daily jok (conjee). Maybe a lovely picture of Prayut spoon-feeding him and wiping his mouth clean. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 58 minutes ago, webfact said:

    The mother said removing a child’s clothes in front of her classmates was unacceptable, and worse when an adult male is present because he may get aroused by the naked child

    Yea, that's just offensive to men. 


    This teacher is a bad person, but why did she feel she could get away with this kind of behaviour? I'm guessing she thought the school didn't care or even encouraged it. The management should be arrested as well for gross negligence. 

    • Like 2
  8. 13 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    Foreign teachers get a lot less than Thai teachers IMHO.

    No pension, rarely social security, short-term contracts, no access to the cheap loans, no health insurance for kids/spouse/parents.

    Sure, but that's looking at the bigger picture.


    All the parents will care about is that they're paying for a whitey and getting a Thai face. And as for the Thai teachers, all they'll see is a half Thai teacher being paid maybe 40k a month with less of a workload. 




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