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Posts posted by rkidlad

  1. 1 hour ago, plentyofnuttin said:

    This isn't a zero sum game. It's possible for both Xi and Trump to have behaved badly. But we knew that in January China was already taking drastic steps to curtail the spread of the coronavirus. That should have been warning enough. Trump failed to follow suit.

    Again, my argument isn’t about what Trump did or didn’t do. People seem to conflate being angry with the CCP for covering up the virus with supporting Trump. It’s unfortunate nowadays that many people think that condemning one thing means condoning another. It’s a simple and childish logic. 

    You do know it’s possible for people to have two separate thoughts in their head at the same time, right? 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Selatan said:

    Did you even read those news items that I gave? Those were not news reports from Global Times or Xinhua.

    I gave you many news reports from real news agencies, unlike yours which was just an opinion piece from an anti-China website.

    The one I sent you is quotes from the CCP and the WHO. Like I said, you’re free to question any quotes by the CCP or WHO you don’t like. How about the one where they said there were no clear signs of human-to-human transmission when they knew weeks before that there absolutely were? 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

    Move along. It is end September and most countries have adopted a plan to fight the corona virus early and their deaths and infections are under control. Trump's USA still don't have any plan and he still keep harping the same blame narrative like you to deflect on his colossal failure to fight the virus.  

    Move along and ignore that China tired to cover this whole thing up? No thanks, Eric. We’re not all CCP apologists. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 28 minutes ago, webfact said:

    Ex-poll commissioner warns of rising political tensions in Thailand in October

    Yes, but why exactly? 


    28 minutes ago, webfact said:

    “Do not blame anyone,” said Mr. Somchai  Srisutthiyakorn, now director of the Political Research and Development Centre of Rangsit University, adding that the decision yesterday, by a parliamentary majority, to stall the constitutional amendments by setting up a three-party panel to study the amendments for a month, before they are returned to Parliament for further debate and voting, is not a delaying tactic, as widely interpreted, “but a sign of fear of the power of public resentment”.

    Ah, cos of b******* like this. They're not delaying - they're just scared. Good to that the people making the most important decisions for the country aren't just slimy, deceitful snakes, but they're also cowardly weasels. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 minute ago, candide said:

    As I said I don't deny China messed up at the beginning. As for this message, note (1) that the Chinese worded it quite cautiously: "preliminary investigation"..."no clear evidence" (evidence is not clear) (2) no country makes decisions based on a tweet, in particular as (3) the same day (that's why I showed it a my previous post), the WHO was making an official statement that there was H2H transmission and that hospital worldwide should get ready to face a spread.


    The reason I introduce Trump is the OP. Trump tries to put all the blame on China and the WHO in the hope that people may forget about his mishandling of the crisis.

    I don't care about Trump. My point is exclusive to the origin of the virus and the cover up that followed. That's why you quoted me. 


    China knew a lot and didn't share. They were too busy allowing residents of Wuhan to travel outside of Wuhan to the rest of the world but not outside Hubei to the rest of China.


    The CCP maintain their authority by having the economy look strong, having people in jobs, and making sure people are too scared to revolt. Admitting their weaknesses isn't negotiable to them. You may have noticed how they don't admit fault or say sorry. Their actions and decisions always have to appear to be right. Question that authority and go to jail or get disappeared. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, candide said:

    Aren't you able to read what is written? "There has been “limited” human-to-human transmission of a new coronavirus that has struck in China". Limited or not, they clearly stated that there has been HtoH transmission and that hospitals and health authorities should be ready in case of wider transmission. This has been announced at an official WHO conference and also printed in the daily reports diffused by the WHO.


    I don't deny that China messed up the initial response and that information was not so clear at the beginning. My point is that from mid-January, it was becoming more clear and warnings have been made. From this starting point, some countries succeeded in designing and implementing a relevant response (I.e. SK and Germany), and others messed up (I.e. UK and USA) despite the fact that they had more time to prepare their response.


    Of course, it doesn't fit Trump's rethoric. 

    Not sure why you're referring to Trump within our conversation. My point is purely that the virus came from Wuhan and the CCP tried to cover it up. Here's a tweet from WHO:




    who.jpgNow this was at least two weeks after Chinese officials knew 100% it could be spread human to human. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, candide said:

    There's surely plenty of interesting information in it. The problem seems to be the information that it omits to provide. In particular, there is no mention of official reports and conferences by the WHO, which may contradict the claims made. Starting with this one:

    JANUARY 14, 202011:27

    WHO says new China virus could spread, it's warning all hospitals

    There has been “limited” human-to-human transmission of a new coronavirus that has struck in China, mainly small clusters in families, but there is potential for wider spread, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.


    Yes, they didn't clearly state weather it could or could not be passed on human to human. They didn't clearly state something they already knew to be true.


    That's the epitome of a 'cover up'. 

    • Haha 1
  8. Just now, Selatan said:

    Plenty of evidence in many other countries that Covid-19 were there even before December 2019. Why nobody claimed that those countries were involved in covering-up their cases? Simple. Because they didn't know what was happening. They don't call it a novel coronavirus for nothing. 

    Coronavirus: France's first known case 'was in December'

    Coronavirus: ‘strange pneumonia’ seen in Lombardy in November, leading Italian doctor says

    Brazil finds coronavirus in sewage sample in November 2019


    Coronavirus found in March 2019 sewage sample: Spanish study

    July 2019 in the US:


    "All the published genetic sequences of SARS-CoV-2 isolated from human cases are very similar, suggesting that the start of the outbreak resulted from a single point introduction in the human population around the time that the virus was first reported in humans in Wuhan, China. The analyses of the published genetic sequences further suggest that the spillover from an animal source
    to humans happened during the last quarter of 2019"


    The only people arguing it's origin are the CCP and 'journalists' working for the Global Times or Xinhua, etc. It's well established where it came from. If it came from somewhere else, we'd have known. That's why it started in Wuhan. Because that's where it comes from. 

    • Haha 1
  9. 1 hour ago, JusticeGB said:

    I once asked a lawyer why he brought so many files to a meeting on quite a simple case. He said he could charge more if it appeared that he had done a lot of work on it. The Minister of Tourism seems to think that a new plan a day shows that he is effective at his job.

    Yes, paperwork can be seen. A clear sign that a lot of work has, or hasn't been done. Can't just turn up with a laptop. Not enough evidence for visceral eyes; I mean, how are you supposed to measure the amount of work completed?


    I've had a few Thai friends send me pictures on line of their workload when they've told me they're busy. The common theme is a picture with a computer screen with a spreadsheet on it and lots of paperwork strewn across their desk. You can't argue with that. 

    • Like 1
  10. 28 minutes ago, Selatan said:

    There was no cover up. Even my local Malaysian newspaper had reported it on January 1st.


    Chinese officials investigate cause of pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan

    The warning by the police given to Dr Li Wenliang was about his rumour spreading that the disease was SARS. It was not SARS. He was not a whistleblower because the suspicious pneumonia cases already were reported by China to the WHO. And he was not a whistleblower because he was not even a doctor involved in the initial cases because he was an eye doctor. So, where is the so-called cover-up?



    it's very well documented how it was covered up.


    Please feel free to refute any of the official statements made by the CCP or WHO.


    I knew about the a virus back in December. What I didn't know is how serious it would all be as it was played down by the CCP and WHO. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

    I'm asking you. Can you just type how much you need to earn in China to be considered to be above the poverty line. 


    You are the expert in all things China, after all.



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