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Posts posted by rkidlad

  1. On 9/22/2020 at 11:58 AM, Eric Loh said:

    Tad naive on your part. The CCP leadership has been successful in guiding China to prosper economically, lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty, creating a substantial and comfortable middle class with expanded personal (if not political) freedom. China leadership has managed to ensure a relatively long period of political stability with orderly leadership transitions. In fact the Chinese people see democracy not fairing too well and have flaws in poor leadership choices and transition filled with anxieties and often turbulent. 

    What's the poverty line in China again? 

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  2. 16 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Agreed that they did cove it up. Point was more if they have to take responsibility how about the USA who willingly with false evidence invaded a country and made mess with countless refugees to other countries ect. I mean if i had to look at what was worse then id say the invasion (probably not in monetary value). But covering an accident up or willingly invade a country and damage then I know what is worse.


    But yes China was wrong covering it up. But not sure if things would have changed much had they not covered it up. I think we would still have been in the same mess. I can't imagine a different response from Trump for instance. I mean even when it was clear how bad it was he still did not want to act.

    The university of Southampton did a report on what would have happened had the CCP responded properly.


    As for American crimes, we criticize them all the time. Two things can be wrong at the same time. 

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  3. 21 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Yes but they will never pay up for all the damages they done.. so why should China ? I mean if you want to hold a country accountable then the wars in the Middle East especially the ones started with fake evidence should be taken into account too. Strange that nobody from the US ever thinks about that. 


    China was wrong but at least it was not deliberant like the fake war. You can blame China for not being open but nobody wants something like covid to happen. 

    I didn’t say they wanted it to happen. I said they tried to cover it up. 

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  4. 42 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    The biggest joke was one of the great fools, in Thai history. He hogged the limelight, he was a racist, and he was hugely destructive, in his approach, and that is why he was let go. The administration simply could not tolerate his nonsense anymore. 


    I am typically not sympathetic to much that Prayuth does. And I love that he is getting sued. But, in this case, it is sour grapes, from a very sour man. 

    Yes, I remember Big Joke well and what a megalomaniacal piece of work he was/is.


    Let's hope himself and Prayut take each other down. Win win. 

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  5. 26 minutes ago, NE1 said:

    Passport needed to buy Rabbit train ticket. Reason ? Money laundering.

    No foreigners can have a Lazada wallet. Reason ? Money laundering.

    Love it.

    Yes. I remember trying to send 100 quid to my brother in England. I thought it would be simple but the procedure was ridiculous. I was told this was because of money laundering. Yet when I transferred a very large amount from my Thai bank account to my missus' account, no questions asked at all. Not even the obligatory, "Where did this money come from?".



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  6. 6 hours ago, webfact said:

    United Nations resident coordinator in Thailand, Gita Sabharwal, visited Education Minister Nataphol Teepsuwan on Monday (September 21) to enquire how the ministry plans to respond to recent student protests

    Last thing I read concerning the students' demands and the minster's response was that he was questioning their legitimacy. Asking how they could be so organised, have a stage prepared and portaloos, etc. Asking who was behind the protest. Clearly not a man who took any part of their protest seriously. Just another paranoid and nervous politician in the coalition. 

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