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Posts posted by rkidlad

  1. 1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

    If you mean soft power, I agree. China has never advocate hard power policies like US. They never fought an external war and has no army based in foreign countries. China is not interested in global dominance militarily and not building their military for such expansionist ambition. China only has 2 aircraft carriers and has no forward logistic bases. However they will never yield to foreign intervention nor intimidation in their domestic Taiwan issue. I only wish that the Taiwan issue will be a diplomatic solution. Both sides have lots to lose and little to gain in a direct confrontation.   

    China has economic problems same as others in this pandemic. However they have manage the pandemic well and their economy is turning around nicely while the west is still have yet to get a grip of the virus and their economy. China’s future is looking good with a rising middle class and a large population. They will eclipse US soon as the world largest economy. Xi is much revered in China for his steadfast nationalism and his philosophies are etched into national constitution. Only 2 past presidents have their philosophy written into the constitution - Mao and Deng. 


    That's not what I meant.


    Again, China isn't going anywhere near Taiwan. They showed their cards far too early and now they f***** themselves. The world sees them now for that they are. Bullying, lying genocidal maniacs. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

    Probably the most pertinent question is whether the American public will want their sons to die for Taiwan. Then there is the question mark on whether the US government will review its outdated Taiwan Relation Act to allow direct intervention and even place troops in Taiwan. The better approach is diplomacy and that include China's restrain to take Taiwan by force. It is costly in terms of human lives and international image. There are more downsides to China than just settle old scores than upsides.  

    China are now on the charm offensive. The wolf warrior diplomacy didn't work (who'd have thunk trying to bully countries with cultures who don't like bullies would have been a bad idea?)


    China is going nowhere near Taiwan. They have more than enough problems at home and the party are turning on Xi. Wanna hurt a soulless regime who lead through fear? Hit them in the pocket. Genocidal maniacs. 

    • Like 2
  3. 4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

    Oh the irony and how it will be lost.


    Those demanding free speech want to boycott and cancel anyone who doesn't share their views and speaks with a different view.


    Socialists, Democrats, Communists, neo-Marxists and all their mates just can't tolerate criticism or different opinions; and are way too arrogant to accept free speech means everyone not just themselves and their friends.

    'when she said something to the effect that like "some people deserved to be shot by the ‘popcorn shooter"'


    I'm a huge advocate for freedom of expression, but inciting or promoting violence is a big no no. 

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Hi Tea said:

    She didn't say that was all she was going to do, that wasn't even the suggestion, in fact, the wording suggests that the B15k was just initial compensation.

    How dare someone infer that a person who drinks all night and then drives through a red light isn't a decent person?


    Oh, the shame! Why are people not assuming this 15k is merely a taster of the sweet deal that the deceased's family will be getting. 

    • Sad 1
  5. On 8/20/2020 at 9:48 AM, webfact said:

    He denied everything


    On 8/20/2020 at 9:48 AM, webfact said:

    Cha-Am police station chief Pol Col Woradech Suankhlai said he did not bring the gun used in the incident with him

    Well, had he brought the gun with him to the station that would have been pretty damning. The fact that he didn't is just further proof of his innocence, I guess. 


    On 8/20/2020 at 9:48 AM, webfact said:

    They granted him bail in the sum of 400,000 baht with one deputy saying they were confident that he would not interfere with witnesses

    Why not? The victims are in critical condition so how are we to know if they even wanna press charges anyway. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Peter Denis said:

    Thanks for the report and good that you mention that the updated Kor Ror 2 is not required at CW for your 1-year extension of stay for reason of marriage.

    However, there are many IOs where it is required (the usual inconsistency in application of the rules/regulations at different offices).

    Don't quote me on that. That's just from my experience of doing 7 extensions. 

    • Thanks 1
  7. The PDF ubonjoe posted is exactly what I needed to get my extension from CW. The first two or three years I used to get a new kor ror 2, but every time I handed it to them they'd curtly shove it back at me like, "you don't need that!". After that I never got a new one and they've never asked. 


    Also, at CW, you must keep at least 400k in your account untouched until you go back and get your official extension stamp. They wanna see your bankbook and copies have been kept at at least 400k for 30 days after you apply. 

    • Thanks 1
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