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Posts posted by tayto

  1. You've probably seen people playing the piano....quite often one hand (usually the right hand) will play alot of notes one after the other as it plays the melody whille the other hand (usually the left hand) plays several notes simultaneously. Playing two or more notes simultaneously is called a "chord". There's lots of different kinds of chords and the mood of the music is to a great extent determined by which chords are played.

    Let's make a chord.....let's make a chord playing three notes at once!!!....let's play a three note chord using the C major scale!!...let's play the three note chord called the "C major chord" using the "C major scale"!!!!

    If you remember correctly the C major scale is made up of all the white keys but you must start at the C key. So to play a C major scale you would sequentially play C, D, E, F, G, A, B, and C. To play a C major chord you play the first, third, and fifth notes of the C major scale....that is to say you play the C, E, and G notes simultaneously. The easiest and most common way to play a C major chord is to use the thumb, middle, and little fingers to depress the three keys simultaneously....this works for both the left and right hands...although usually you use the thumb, middle and little fingers of the SAME hand although you COULD use some fingers from each hand this is not the usual way and is used only when the music gets so complicated that there is no other way.

    Now, just to show you how easy life can be...let me just say that makinga major chord from any scale is done in a similar way....you just play the first, third and fifth notes of what ever major scale you want and you will be playing the major chord for that scale. For instance, if you want to play a D major chord then you simply play the first, third, and fifth notes of the D major scale!!!!.......simple, isn't it!!!!!......you do remember how to construct a D major scale don't you?

    Nope. ah could you start from the beginning.


  2. http://www.bangkokpost.net/News/index.php


    Doctor stabbed to death in car park as she leaves hospital

    Chiang Rai _ A radiologist died after she was stabbed as she was leaving Overbrook hospital in downtown Chiang Rai yesterday. Police investigators said the assailant, believed to be a young man, may have tried to abduct Dr Waewdao Techawattanakul, 40, but she resisted and so he stabbed her in the chest with a carving knife.

  3. Well now, where will we start.

    Hardly, where I live and work so why should it bother me.

    Chiang Mai , now that's another den of iniquity.

    Crackdown in Thailand means more corruption, more innocents getting hurt.

    Maybe we should just shoot every prostitute, bar owner, cutained hotel owner,on-line game shop owner and karoke business owner.

    Why don't these guys do their real job, suppressing human trafficing, jailing child molestors and exploiters and convicting corrupt officials.

  4. I am seeking an English speaking beginner piano (keyboard) instructor.

    Does anyone know of one in Chiang Rai?

    If you contact Paramet Lerdkasem, director of Chiang Rai Youth Orchestra at 086-7325292 he will be able to sort you out. He can speak English.

  5. Big Gary

    I hope you dont mind me asking but is it possible to make a goo living haveing a bar in Chiang Rai.

    Know we have never met but just interested and you obviously have the experience.


    You can deffinitely make a goo living haveing a bar in Chiangrai. :o

    Thanks for the positive reply Mumbojumbo.

    Sorry for hijacking the thread guys. Will start a new topic and leave the Chiang Rai bubbies to chat.


    I think he's being sarcastic or maybe joking.

  6. Burmeese maids and hilltribes are renowned as hard working,conscientous and honest. As regard the legality of Burmeese maids in Chiang Rai I wouldn't be sure and doubt if anyone would come on this forum and admit to having an illegal working for them.

    There are quite a few and I doubt anyone would know or care unless you publicise it.

    If you are interested in getting a maid I can get someone to get in touch with you if you let me know your requirements, ie, age, English speaking ability, cooking ability, etc.

    PM me

  7. Hi,

    Does anyone have experience of obtaining a teaching licence and a work permit for teaching English having already a Multiple Entry Non-Immigrant 'O' type visa based on marriage to a Thai spouse?

    If so, could you please share these with me?

    Also, can somebody please tell me if I need a Police Report from my home country if it is my first time teaching in Thailand? If so, is this required for all English-teaching institutions ie govt schools, private international schools, universities etc?


    Hill 16

    Prior to 2006 you could not get a work permit on a Non O visa and though it is now possible, many employers will tell you it's not. Have no experience of this so can't share.

    You may or may not be asked to supply apolice report from your home country, depends on the school.

  8. No disrespect intended and I wasn't aware of your disability.

    My point was that 10,000 baht a month is an excellent salary compared with teachers, policemen and civil servants.

    The fact that you get great care probably justifies the salary.

    Sorry for the quip. :o

  9. Ya get what you pay for in my experience.. 2,000 baht a month will get you somebody who will work until they get something better in terms of salary. It's the same deal with Thais at 4,000 a month. You'll find workers, but very poor quality...

    I pay 4,000 for the first month only, because that's what anyone is worth the first month. The second month it's 5000, then I look at them closely. Are the dependable? Are they trustworthy? Currently I have a great maid who does most everything, cooking, cleaning, errands, etc. She has been with me for 5 years, so I know her very well. She gets 10,000 a month, but she started at 4,000..

    Bloody hel_l , most Thai teachers in Thailand don't get paid that.

    You must be getting something extra :o

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