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Posts posted by khunpeer

  1. 4 hours ago, cclub75 said:

    A few weeks ago they said that the condition for school reopening on november 1 was.... 85 % of children 12 to 18 years... vaccinated with Pfizer (+ staff and teachers)...


    As usual, maximum confusion.


    Today, they gave news about quarantine, curfew.... but still nothing clear about schools. It's mind blowing.

    my daughter's school in ChiangMai is busy preparing for Pfizer-jabs in October! give them a break because they're in the midst of organizing now!

    by the way they told me all teachers here were vaccinated!

    I think it is very reasonable, you want a vaccination, you can go back to school, if you don't want that then there's always online...

    my daughter's class might be cut in half, 1 week one half has realtime class, while the other half is online, the week after the other half is present in school and the first half will learn online...

    nothing really mindblowing here, just following their slow pace...


  2. did yr girlfriend tell you also that Petchabun is still deep-red-zone? meaning still many infectees and not under control yet... same as Bangkok! this is much more important, if yr girl would go outside this province she must quarantaine 2 weeks! this is more crucial info that she should share with you...

    and don't believe all this nonsense that she hears, just gossiptalk!

    I had my 2nd Pfizer 10days ago: didn't feel a thing! ????????

  3. 42 minutes ago, Gottfrid said:

    Let´s just use pure math, and walk on the same line. That they actually manage to achieve their high goals. We are still talking about only the first shot. 

    Today, there is about 20% fully vaccinated in Thailand. They want 50%, that means 30% more is going to be vaccinated during this month. Unbelievable!

    However, then it will take another month to give them their second shot. For have a fairly safe reopening, we will need 80%. That will be another 30% to be fully vaccinated. Let´s say 2 more months.

    Seems like it will be more likely to open the country 31 of January 2022.

    I thought the same: no way they can open in October, at least you need 70% inoculations! keep on jabbing and maybe Dec 1st will be opening up!

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  4. sorry, I forgot to mention that at Imm off, there is no logic the way farangs know it... every year I have to copy the same bunch of papers related to my divorce, absolutely not a thing changed, but still must copy it all! after all these years that must be a whole tree that I have copied for them...????

    then the bill is 1900 as we all know, I give 2000 and sometimes don't get the change back! I feel sorry for this petty-thievery, it just says a lot about their mentality...

    • Like 1
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  5. 5 hours ago, robblok said:

    Maybe he could also explain why other countries paid less for Shinovax then Thailand did. Direct deals with manufacturers are of course easier to falsify and get kickbacks.


    But his reasons are valid, just not the only reasons for Thailand not to join covax.

    so how much money did they save? and when would they have had received the vaccins if joined Covax?

    because they played with thai people's health over saving some baht!

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, marcusb said:

    ""The bill stipulates that permission needs to be secured from authorities to grow, distribute import, or export kratom for industrial use.""



    So it's going to be like cannabis, friends of influential people will be able to prosper from the plant, not farmer Somchai. 

    yep, something like the Tobacco-Monopoly! it's understandable, if there's money to be made they want it taxed!

    but it's also true that poor farmer Somchai cannot make a dime on this, while if he would plant tobaccoplants he would be free to do so...

    hence government didn't think this through, step by step.

    this is asking for trouble as several people have a Kratom-tree in their garden! what is then legal and what not?

    same with ganja, if copied the way it is handled in sev American States or Canada, there would be plenty for everyone, plenty jobs and plenty money to be made...

    but as with the (mis-)handling of foreign-made-vaccins, they have to invent the wheel themselves over and over again...

    • Like 1
  7. On 8/29/2021 at 4:08 PM, kwonitoy said:

    Got vaccinated  with Pfizer Aug 23rd


    Had a sore arm that started to come on about 10 hours after the shot. Right around bed time. Still a little stiff the next morning and by supper time was all good.

    All 4 others that I know that got the shot at the same time had the same results

    After my 1st Pfizer-shot had similar stiff arm on 1st day, a slight dizzyness on 2nd day after, similar as very strong herb (????), but 3d day later back to normal! 

    everyone has different conditions so that also influences side-effects!

    hope 2nd shot will be the same for me! ????

    • Like 1
  8. 12 hours ago, Gold Star said:

    Desalination is very expensive and energy intensive, comparable with the cost of moving water from other provinces in trucks.


    It works if you are an arabian country without any close water source, but an abundance of cheap oil and cash.


    in Israel they do this for years already. I don't know how much etc, but I do know that it served the purpose! 

    drought is not neccessairy in Tland, watermanagement is ànd desalination of wat could be important in years to come!

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