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Posts posted by khunpeer

  1. 11 hours ago, JingerBen said:

    Yes, I had heard something about that, but they haven't done a complete U-turn and gone back to total prohibition.

       Not yet, anyway.

    they certainly did not walk back and a Uturn won't happen... it's well integrated in dutch society, can buy herb in coffeeshops all over the country, even products made from ganja are widely available and sold. here in Tland the plant is legal now, even the buds, but products of it can not contain thc over 0.02%.

    overall it seems better to legalize it so quality-control can guarantee good outcome! ????

    • Confused 2
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  2. 44 minutes ago, Alcat said:

    Maintenance is not a word used in Thailand. Same with their cars and bikes.  Never change the oil, brake pads, chains, tyres etc. That costs money !  

    don't forget houses, once they're build and sold detoriation marches in and within a year can see molds, leakage etc

    • Like 1
  3. 21 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

    To those living in Thailand, how was the mask holiday? Did you enjoy it? 


    Masks back on this time next week

    I'm living in NorthTland, when going in a mall, shop or busy market I just slip on facemask, no big deal.

    don't know what the fuzz is that you imply...

    and yet you don't live here but still make this weird comment!

    sure, I think it's strange to wear it when on motorbike or even bike, but in the recent past we had serious pollution problems (farangs call it "smokey season") every year so we got kind of used to it.

    for me no problem to wear a mask when close to other peeps, because I don't want to pick up anything from others...

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  4. about 12 yrs ago I had several complications with my eyes, after solving this the Cataract operation was a minor detail! all at Sriphat  dr Janejit, female specialist, she literally saved my life.

    highly recommendable!

    maybe dr Paradee came in her place! I would trust that whole department.

    St Peter's on Superhighway I found to commercial and Ram-hosp to expensive!

    • Like 2
  5. this is another article of the anti-weed-lobby!

    similar as the man cut of his prenis!

    such complete nonsense!

    who thinks of checking  primary schools etc for not put ganja in food or pudding: over-careful and unneccessairy! 

    but if they want to do it right, then check also all the stalls & sellers of junkfood, like look-chin and other fried stuff, and all the sweet stuff full with taste-enhancers, artificial coloring etc etc.

    their worries are very selective...

    • Like 2
  6. 37 minutes ago, starky said:

    Well we don't know if either of these things are true and it's most likely neither so let's not put the cart before the horse eh? Never heard or seen reported any mass poisonings due to cannabis in my lifetime.  This...

    "dizziness and nausea after consuming food or drinks thought to contain cannabis."

    Is a pretty baseless statement lacking any real proof. Food or drinks? Thought? 

     Don't believe a word of it.


    sounds to me like very psychosomatic! they believe it so strong so that it happens!

    they should be well informed, this is all in the beginning of this change, later everyone will be used to it! ????

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  7. I don't understand why they must make exception for FullMoon Party, I thought it says clearly: "not to be used in public"!?

    25+ years ago I lived in Samui, I think I was the only one who did not go to FMParty... I saw them come back next morning, totally  worn out...

    before that time we used to have full moon gatherings on Chaweng, a few boxes of beer, a couple joints were passed around and we played guitar and sang together...

    that's how they started in Phangan as well...

    then the cops came, stating smoking pot was dangerous, could not be done anymore, so from those days onwards most patrons popped pills and drank booze for years...

    and nów the locals object to ganja at FMP because it could effect the local youth???

    they never worried about that when all crazy drugs and combinations were used???

    we call this hypocritical!


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  8. 20 minutes ago, FriendlyFarang said:

    Get the license in another province which doesn't have a wait list, Lamphun isn't far away.

    If your son is Thai that's absolutely no problem, he can just go to any DLT.

    Foreigners might have it a bit more complicated because they might need a certificate of residence from the province where they apply for the license.

    my home adress is in Pai, needed renewed DriversLicence, had an issue ìn MHS, went to MaeTeng and same morning all set! no problems, questions, all with a smile! ????

    2 weeks after I did there MotorbikeLicence as well since it went all so smooth!

    MaeTeng is da place to be!

    [mind you, this was pre-Covid]

  9. 7 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

    So Thailand can assist ASEAN members when they have to protect South China Sea rights.

    that will never happen, as it never happened with army on land...

    protect against who? sofar China is the only 'naughty boy' in the class, but do you really think that if China will mess with let's say Taiwan, that Tland will step in with either their army or navy with submarines or vessels?

    not a chance against China... and they know it!


    • Sad 1
  10. 1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

    Time to change the governor... this is remaining an annual event, and time something was done.

    If he's not up to the job remove him.

    absolutely right, he's obviously not in control! but if this leads to him resigning I doubt that...

    after all we are in T.I.Tland!

    • Like 2
  11. On 2/25/2022 at 9:53 AM, bkk6060 said:

    It is being legalized now all over the world, why travel thousands of miles to smoke a joint?

    But,  I guess as an addition reason to come here it will bring younger people with little money who also want to get stoned.  Maybe the modern version of a quality tourist.

    sadly it is nót legal all over the worrld yet, you try to smoke a j...t in UK or even Germany...

    and why you think only young people like to get "stoned" as you say? I prefer the word "high"...

    I know many older people who also enjoy recreational use, younger IT-people as well, CEO's as well... it's for everyone, not only poor young students... ???? 

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