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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 25 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Very good post.

    Unfortunately, in the case of France (Paris ) the myopic authorities have been too slow to acknowledge that.

    How to deal now, with a Muslim country inside the country itself ?

    Note that i'm not blaming the population of either side , i am blaming the authorities for letting things go too far.

    on the one hand, new immigrants - 1st generation- feel more secure to gather with people of the same country if not village of origin and get helped, keep the links with their homeland (phone , internet, TV, etc..) and tend to make less efforts to learn about their new country  of residence, not even the language ( you can find your way with a GPS) ; and on the other the " locals" now understand they better undertake an avoidance strategy if they do not want to feel "besieged" in their own country: what kind of neighborhood? who do you want your kids to be friends with and influenced by? etc..



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  2. 6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

    These absent envoys will soon get 'on board' once they realize finality of the new American Embassy location. 


    TRUMP HIMSELF NO-SHOW at the first place

    BUT:  " Trump picks bigot pastor who claims Jews are going to Hell to lead prayer at new Jerusalem embassy"


    • Haha 1
  3. 13 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

    Ipso facto you did NOT, in this statement, say "some": or "misunderstanding". 
    The implication is very much about all Muslims e.g. " the ignorance of their own religion of peace and the hatred of western countries, jews,  and other muslims they consider not radical enough.. not to mention LGBT, women as inferiors etc, etc.. help yourself in this  backward tribal mentality display..


    refer to my post n° 156 - third line.

    that's all folks! 

  4. The President of the Russian Republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, spoke about this attack in Paris suitably claimed by the jihadist group Islamic State (IS). He recalled that the terrorist from Chechnya obtained a Russian passport at the age of 14, before getting French nationality. "Knowing this, I think it is important to point out that all the responsibility, for the fact that Hassan Azimov has decided to take the path of crime, is entirely the responsibility of the French authorities," said Mr. Kadyrov on Telegram messaging. "He was born in Chechnya, but he grew up and formed his personality, his opinions and his convictions in the French society," assured the leader. And to add, a bit treacherous: "I'm sure that if he had spent his childhood and adolescence in Chechnya, the fate of Hassan would have been different."



  5. 16 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

    You are grossly misinformed, or supporting false information for, who knows what reason?
    Numerous respected poll taking outfits find that about 8% of Muslims world wide have a favorable view of Isis and jihadist activities.
    You imply that it is a majority of Muslims.
    "...backward tribal mentality display.. " You looking in a mirror? 

    you are misreading, I wrote " some" never imply the "majority"

    or/ and  "misunderstanding".

    besides, it takes only 1 motivated black sheep to "perform" a mass killing.

    and I do think bedouin mentality, as well as tribal mentality are backwards - do you feel targeted? 




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  6. 6 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    “Ignorance and hatered” you say.

    Yes I do, and repeat : the ignorance of their own religion of peace and the hatred of western countries, jews,  and other muslims they consider not radical enough.. not to mention LGBT, women as inferiors, polygamy, underage marriages,  etc, etc.. help yourself in this  backward tribal mentality display..  

    Sharia , you say. 

    anything else?  

    • Like 1
  7. 27 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Your arguments are awash with generalised statements:


    ‘ Muslims in the west’ (All of them?!)

    ’Non Muslims’ (All of them?!)


    And when you run out of your own hyperbole you quote that provided by others.


    As I pointed out earlier, their you ignore the vast majority of law abiding peace loving Muslims while ranting your secondhand hogwash.


    You are peddling fear and hatred.




    Abiding laws is normal - especially when you immigrate. No need to mention it.

    Abiding laws and cultural habits of your host country is both an obligation and the condition to integrate. No need to congratulations.


    What's not normal, is the extra dose of burden some immigrants bring to their non muslim host countries, including the ignorance, the hatred,  they bring and spread with them - incivilities in everyday life, diverse traffickings, etc... therefore causing harm to those who do integrate well and did before. and to the rest of the population and above all the bad name they give to the passport they carry when granted their host country citizenship.


    Invite yourself at someone's home for dinner, then later put your feet on the table, request your host to shut up or adjust and submit, then complain against discrimination and islamophobia.. 












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  8. 51 minutes ago, Watchful said:

    Yep, Obama got the hostages out of Iran.  He paid off terrorists!!


    What a wonderful accomplishment.  Obama sent billions to Iran and did they use it to help their people?  Nah, it was more important to "save" the Syrian dictator and arm the rebels in Yemen.


    Trump got the hostages out of NK and paid .... wait for it... $0.0!




    The Wall Street Journal recently recalled that the United States had repaid to Iran 1, 7 billion dollars for military contracts concluded under shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi remained unapplied dating from before the 1979 Islamic Revolution and the break-up of diplomatic relations in April 1980. This reimbursement, the result of a settlement of the Hague Arbitral Tribunal created for this US-Iran dispute ($ 400 million of debt and $ 1.3 billion of interest).

  9. 5 hours ago, Paul Catton said:

    President Trump is a breath of fresh air from all of the generic politicians running in that 2 horse race.

    He beat them all and is trying to carry out his mandate which is being thwarted by sour grapes and hysteria.

    Please, help yourself...

    "“What we did was unprecedented in the history of our country and the history of the world, what we did with this election,”

    “We have delivered, one of the only times ever, more than we promised,”

    “Our new slogan for 2020. You know what it is? ‘Keep America Great.’ Because we’re doing so well that in another two years when we start the heavy campaign, ‘Make America Great Again’ wouldn’t work out too well.”


    Donald Trump Moon Township Pennsylvania rally



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  10. 8 minutes ago, Scooby and Puppy said:

    If you read my message, I said ‘I would like...’

    so thats my opinion, you are welcome to your opinion, as I am.. He made it to the highest office in america, if not the world. So I doubt whether he gives a hoot what you think..


    "He made it to the highest office in america, if not the world. "


    Please.... would you mind to substantiate this   assertion?

  11. 21 hours ago, jcsmith said:

    Mr. Nobel Peace nominee just violated the Iran deal with no justification at all for doing so. Iran did not violate the terms. He's heading for war almost inevitably at this point. 

    yes... and paradoxically, one of Trump's major successes in foreign policy so far, a diplomatic opening with North Korea was the result of a multilateral effort led, moreover, under the auspices of the United Nations and in consultation with China.

  12. 13 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


    This statement right here is why the term "fake news" was coined. Its the liberal version of Alex Jones saying crazy stuff, and just unequivocally proves that the extreme left is no better than the extreme right. 


    Nobody in this thread could show me how Pence has gone "to great lengths" to assure the racist element of the base that hes "one of them" and neither does the article you quote. 


    Please take your time and enjoy every single word of this report

    Not only did Pence praise Arpaio on Tuesday, the event at which it happened was hosted by pro-Trump organization America First Policies. A report published by CNN in January highlighted the bigoted past of one of the group’s top staffers, Carl Higbie, who has said that "the black race" has "a lax of morality," and that he believes "wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly, that the black race as a whole, not totally, is lazier than the white race period."


    Pence has appeared at at least 15 events hosted by America First Policies.


    • Sad 1
  13. "“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” Giuliani said. “Cohen didn't even ask. Cohen made it go away. He did his job. A payment intended to protect his campaign from political damage could be a violation of campaign finance lawuch sums should have been reported to the Federal Election Commission.”


    • Thanks 1
  14. "As  the presidency looks ever shakier and Trump's legal situation appears to reach critical mass, Pence has gone to great lengths to assure the racist element of the base that he's one of them. Pence's potential legitimacy as president -- and his viability in 2020 -- could depend on keeping the Trumpers happy. "


    • Haha 1
  15. 29 minutes ago, IAMHERE said:

    It is nice to see POTUS pays his bills.

    POTUS or TRUMP? 

    and.....  what happens if Trump finally does not campaign for 2020? 

    " Trump, who took the unusual step of registering his reelection committee on the first day of his presidency, finished the year with $22.1 million banked for his 2020 campaign. The filing also shows the president's campaign spent nearly $2.8 million during the final three months of 2017, and 40% of that money — or $1.13 million — paid legal bills.



  16. https://www.rawstory.com/2018/05/thousand-drag-queens-will-greet-trump-official-state-visit-london/ 

    "Let's get visible.. and show that we are a country that celebrates diversity"  



    "When diversity is attacked, it is imperative that marginalised people stay visible, stand up to bullies and engage satirically with what is going on. It is about more than just one group’s interests and needs, and it is vital to stand in solidarity with all marginalised groups who are affected by Trump’s administration and the rhetoric of intolerance that fuels it."



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