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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 2 minutes ago, alien365 said:

    No deflection as im not fighting anything, but I see what you mean, that could be for another thread. 


    I personally see a lot of hate against a guy who was democratically voted in using the same electoral system as previous governments. He's a loudmouth, sure, but at least he looks like he's trying to get things moving. He's using statistics to his benefit, but the links I questioned still state most of what he said was true.


    " Once and for all: Obama didn’t crush US coal, and Trump can’t save it. 

    A definitive report shows that the “war on coal” is being waged by markets, and it isn’t over. The secret weapon in the war on coal: collapsing Chinese demand"


  2. 3 hours ago, alien365 said:

    From reading the article it shows that nearly every statement was true, then followed with it was misleading or it was an exaggeration, but back to the point the article mostly says true.


    FactChecking Trump’s State of the Union

    "The president exaggerates his accomplishments in his address to Congress. President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address was filled with several repeat claims about the economy, tax cuts and immigration that we’ve fact-checked before, as well as new false and misleading statements on auto plants, judicial appointments and development aid."





  3. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    He might get a temporary bounce from such a speech for a few weeks but the fundamental horrible aspects of his ridiculous presidency remain. Bring on the midterms!


    How 'bout that Joe Kennedy?!?




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    Trump and Joe Kennedy do not belong to the same species, Trump is a Raptor, Joe Kennedy is " a young person with vision and hope. Democrats have their message, and they are ready to come after the Trump darkness with the light and hope that America needs."





  4. 3 hours ago, wayned said:

    Trump never thought that he had a chance of winning and was really surprised when the final electoral college vote was confirmed.   Here he was a lying , cheating, scumbag, slum lord, crook and he was president of the US.  He had a unique chance of possibly being an excellent President, but he blew it! The first thing that he should have done was get Pelosi, Ryan, McConnel and Schumer in a room and admit that he didn't have a clue what he was doing and tell them that they would have to work together to come up up a plan  to go forward and he would back it, but the Dems and GOP would have to work together and introduce bills that addressed the issues of both the Dems and GOP. But no, he attacked Obama Care and rather than  addressing necessary changes to improve it he had to "REPEAL AND REPLACE" it and  that went down in a flaming fiasco.   I really think that he believes that if he shot Pelosi and Schumer between the eyes he would get away with it as the GOP would back him and say that it was self defense.  He has really made a joke out of the legislative and judicial systems of the US in pursuit of his agenda, MAKE TRUMP LOOK GOOD!.


    and Trump comes first. 

    "Trump, his family and closest associates are using the presidency to personally enrich themselves. They view it as a personal ATM, not as a means of serving the public good and the general welfare."


  5. 19 hours ago, sirineou said:

    It needs to be done it is the right thing to do but done without adequate countermeasures we will find ourselves in the same place in a few years again.

    Amnesty was done before and here we are again.

    We are an open society, stopping them at the border, without changing who we are, will never be effective.

    IMO there needs to be strict enforcement of labor laws, they will not come here if there was no work, and we need to have a guest worker program, where people come here, work and the go back home.

    and the " pursuit of happiness"?

  6. On ‎20‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 4:14 PM, SunSeek01 said:

    Just wanted to add, 90% of press/media coverage is negative. They are being paid plain and simple. Just like ISIS wants they oil in the ME, the left wants the power and money of the U.S. Many people can't conceive of it but that is how it is. It's a very rare Dem (and GOP too I hate to admit) who has ever signed the front of a paycheck. Money pure and simple. Trump? He has more than he could ever spend, he's doing his best. Just like G Bush, maybe not perfect but at least he's honest unlike you know who. 


    So you support Trump because you believe he is honest - not because what he says is true - but because you think he speaks his mind?     


  7. "If Trump isn’t mentally ill, but is just a bad person, I have to wonder what that says about his followers. There has to be an ultimate political reckoning for those behaviors—hopefully, one that ends with Trump not just being removed from office, but also held accountable for alleged crimes and betrayals."



  8. 24 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


    "and conflicts of interest is too long to post."


    Yes, the verifiable 'facts'........does that come under "and conflicts of interest is too long to post"???    giggle...giggle.


    I guess those are the 'verifiable facts', even if they are too long to post???

    "Trump is not only making money in spite of his official position, in many cases, he’s making money because of it,” said Bookbinder. “This is the least ethical first year of any presidential administration in modern history.”


  9. The scary ideology behind Trump’s immigration instincts

    “Shithole” wasn’t the worst part of the president’s comments on immigration.To some among these believers, white Americans, and white culture, are threatened by a slow-running “genocide” via demographic replacement. (Indeed, Trump once retweeted someone with the handle “WhiteGenocide,” which refers to this theory.) "



  10. "Trump’s cries of “fake news” work incessantly to set limits on what is thinkable. Reason, standards of evidence, consistency and logic no longer serve the truth, according to Trump, because the latter are crooked ideological devices used by enemies of the state. Orwell’s “thought crimes” are Trump’s “fake news.” Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” is Trump’s “Ministry of Fake News. The notion of truth is viewed by this president as a corrupt tool used by the critical media to question his dismissal of legal checks on his power, particularly his attacks on judges, courts and any other governing institutions that will not promise him complete and unchecked loyalty.”


  11. "According to the Washington Post, Republican lawmakers – one in particular – is using candy to stay on the president’s good side. Days later, the No. 2 Republican in the House — known for his relentless cultivation of political alliances — bought a plentiful supply of Starbursts and asked a staffer to sort through the pile, placing only those two flavors in a jar. McCarthy made sure his name was on the side of the gift, which was delivered to a grinning Trump, according to a White House official."


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