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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 11 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    How stupid must these elites be if the need reminding every couple of years? Before this incident, was there anyone in any doubt that to mess with Putin was a serious mistake?


    There was little doubt that Putin would win the election - why would he need to manufacture a foreign outrage to boost his popularity? ll the other issues you raise are neither new or particularly unknown so I see no need for Putin to create a diversion. It did, however, come at a very difficult time for the UK government, and allowed attention to be diverted from the ongoing omnishambles that is Brexit.


    Nobody is talking in the UK about the likelilhood of open access to UK fishing territories or free, unrestricted borders, both subjects which were swamped in the news by spy attacks. Similarly, last week the government voted to scrap free school meals for 1 million disadvantaged primary school kids in England but to protect them in Northern Ireland - again, no discussion because of spies.



  2. Stormy Daniels Has Raised $232,000 With Help From Jimmy Kimmel “I never thought giving money to a porn star would be considered an act of patriotism, but then again I never thought a guy who got into a Twitter war with Cher would become president,” Kimmel said during his show, ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live!’




    Stormy Daniels is a feminist hero because when she succeeds, she will likely open the door for the list of women who have accused Trump of sexually harassing or assaulting them to step forward, too. Her justice will bring others justice. If American history has taught us one important lesson, it’s that sex scandals — in all their forms — can be more powerful than whispers of corruption when it comes to pushing a politician out of office"


  3. Kushner family filed false documents on New York City properties to reap millions in profits

    "In all, Housing Rights Initiative found the Kushner Cos. filed at least 80 false applications for construction permits in 34 buildings across New York City from 2013 to 2016, all of them indicating there were no rent-regulated tenants. Instead, tax documents show there were more than 300 rent-regulated units. "




  4. 3 hours ago, riclag said:

     The fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine comes in to play even more now,because of the big breaking news with the leaker and liar McCabe

    Trump’s Lawyer: It’s Time to End the Mueller Probe

    The president’s personal attorney hopes Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein follows ‘the brilliant and courageous example’ of Sessions, who just fired Andrew McCabe.



    "‘A slip up’; White House ‘not happy’ with Trump lawyer Dowd’s disastrous statement on dumping Mueller. “He has now issued two statements today, one initially saying that he was speaking on behalf of the president and then clarifying later that he was not speaking on behalf of the president, but he was speaking in his own personal capacity.”


    • Haha 2
  5. 8 hours ago, simple1 said:

    In an act of spite, encouraged by Trump, Sessions has fired McCabe 26 hours before his retirement commences, thereby highly likely to forefite many retirement benefits. Pure bastardry which hopefully will haunt both Sessions and Trump.








    Yes, you are right, this decision will remain as iconic of Trump's signature

  6. " Hips has been described alternately as the “Trump whisperer” due to her close proximity to the president and as his “security blanket” for her obsequiousness to him.

    According to the Washington Examiner, factions within the White House are battling to see their person installed as Trump’s new communication director following the abrupt resignation of longtime confidante Hope Hicks."



    "The staffing upheaval that has hit the White House over the past several weeks has raised concerns among Trump's allies and Republicans on Capitol Hill about whether the turnover is creating a distraction for the president."




  7. 23 hours ago, riclag said:

    Gun violence,police violence, murder,mayhem,rape, drugs,executions,armed robbery,sex trafficking,movie's depicting violence,music depicting hate.suicide, crime, it goes on and on.


    How easy it is to blame a piece of metal !  


    But nobody talks about morality

    Morality???  should - for instance - high-stakes gamblers be allowed to carry guns?


    Why men feel the need of carrying guns?


    "In Michigan and other places hit hard by the economic downturn, men's guns can address social insecurities far beyond crime."





    • Thanks 1
  8. Inside Germany's high-stakes operation to sort people fleeing death from opportunists and pretenders

    "For those worried about the erosion of German culture, it was evidence that the Muslim world, having failed to sack Vienna in 1683, is now coming back in a bum-rush."

    Two years after the peak of the influx, more than 80 percent of refugees were jobless, in a general population whose unemployment rate is 5.5 percent. Successful integration is not assured.



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  9. "The sister of Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof was arrested Wednesday on charges of bringing weapons and drugs to her South Carolina high school, authorities said. Roof had also made an alarming Snapchat post expressing anger about the National School Walkout, "




  10. 17 hours ago, wabothai said:

    The NRA is a criminal organization that promotes gun ownership.

    maybe the reason why...   "Congressional investigators have learned that a longtime attorney for the National Rifle Association expressed concerns about the group's ties to Russia and possible involvement in channeling Russian money into the 2016 elections to help Donald Trump; the NRA was the biggest backer of Trump's presidential campaign, spending $30 million to help propel him to his upset Victory on, a strong advocate of gun control laws. "


    • Like 1
  11. 48 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    This was Trump bragging about lying to a key US ally, arguably our most important ally, at a fundraiser. 


    In an earlier post I speculated that Trump lies so automatically he may not realize it.   I was wrong, he knows when he's lying and is so proud of it he brags about it.


    So Trump by the way also braggs about misleading his supporters -Trudeau knows  the facts - Trump's core supporters need and want to ignore them (Trump is perfectly right .. I could "shoot somebody and not lose any voters.")

  12. "A California teacher who was a reserve officer for the local police department and trained in firearms accidentally fired a loaded gun in his classroom on Tuesday. The Sand City police chief said the teacher had been a reserve officer for 11 years and that he was “positive and professional.” "



    • Thanks 2
  13. 21 hours ago, bendejo said:

    There has been speculation that DT wanted Romney to be Sec of State but Putin wanted Tillerson.  Vlad and Rex had a positive history and got along handsomely.  With this bit of news coming to light and oncoming accusations of treason he can now say "Tillerson, he's gone, no issue there."  A few more weeks and it'll be "who?  Tillerson was never Sec of State."


    DT thinks firing people puts them out of sight and out of mind.  When all the doo-doo piles up and all these former employees are subpoenaed DT is going to experience his own "night of the living dead."


    Anyway, DT's goal has been acheived: America is great again!  His new mission is "keep America great."





    DT is destroying the state  from Inside the WH. 


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  14. 2 hours ago, UncleTouchyFingers said:


    I’m having a hard time digesting your last statement. I’ve been told in this very thread that I’m less than a person, a blatant racist, and should be viewed with complete distain because I voted trump and will vote for him again as long as democrat politics stay the same. 


    Most posters in this thread are liberal, take every specious claim published in the media like oath, and most “political analysis” of said specious reporting like the word of Christ himself. 




    Veteran CIA agent on Trump: “Corruption like we’ve never seen before”

    Longtime CIA analyst Melvin Goodman: Russian hacking isn’t as dangerous as the “dumbing down of this country”



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. 13 minutes ago, riclag said:

    Nonfarm payrolls increase by 313,000 in February vs. 200,000 est.



    Black unemployment falls to second-lowest level on record in February


    Nasdaq hits record high, Dow surges 300 points after strong jobs report



    Thanks PT for your help ,despite what they say about you


    Don't be shy, you forgot to mention  

    Tax bill: How President Trump’s real estate investments may benefit

    A certain family business stands to gain from provisions of the tax reform package

      " https://www.curbed.com/2017/12/7/16747632/tax-bill-president-trump-real-estate-development"


    my pleasure,



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  16. On ‎07‎/‎03‎/‎2018 at 1:49 AM, missoura said:

    Throughout the years, in order to put food on the table, my job required that I explain stuff to 9-year old boys and girls. Not always successful and mistakes were made. Anyway, here is my attempt to explain tariffs to a fidgety class. 


    First, would be a discussion on why their parents work. Eventually, it would boil down to money. Everyone needs money but some people have more than others.


    Now, let’s say ½ of the class makes softball bats. These are made out of aluminum. We buy cheap and sell high. Cool, we are making money. But now we have to buy this metal at a higher cost. Why? Tariffs. This is what governments charge for stuff that comes from overseas. Our bats are going to cost us more money to make. This is a bad thing.


    The good thing is that the other ½ of the class has a factory that makes aluminum. Because of the tariffs we can sell aluminum cheaper that what the tariffs are. We are going to make more money.


    Hopefully, by the end of class these students have learned about tariffs and also a life lesson. Life is not always fair…


    "The real cost of import restrictions is the harm they do to manufacturers of value-added products that use steel as an input. Those downstream manufacturers are a much larger factor in the U.S. economy (  $ 990 billion in 2014 - employment 6.5 million)  than are steel producers ($ 60 billion - employment : 400.000 ). "


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  17. 9 minutes ago, riclag said:

    The NRA,promotes gun safety  and responsible gun ownership ,it adheres to laws that are mostly  enacted by  the federal government, it  is made up of millions of law abiding American's ,who use guns for recreation and for protection. 

    Hollywood et le lobby des armes à feu NRA ont le même culte de la violence


    "The people who write gun regulations are the very people who profit from gun sales. The NRA would like to keep it that way. Cash argues that the wholesome public relations veneer masks something deeply sinister and profoundly destructive. There is no other way to say this: The NRA funds domestic terrorism."



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