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Posts posted by Opl

  1. 42 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

    Who will they blame when he got elected for his 2nd term? Russians again? Democrats don't realize how silly they are.

    BTW, great speech yesterday in Michigan by the president.

    Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.


    "I know things about Tester that I could say, too," Trump said. "And if I said them, he'd never be elected again."


    replace "Tester" with "Trump" .. and "Trump" with.. you know who... 

  2. On ‎26‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 12:52 PM, goldenbrwn1 said:

    I’m glad you just pointed that out before I did. You could almost  hear Obama himself through most of that speech and a speech is all it was. Trump is not the greatest speakers by a long shot , in fact he can become cringe worthy at times but he’s real and  a lot of times to the point.  Fluffy speeches with no substance is not Trumps style and I think he’s great for the US and World right now. Refreshing shall we say .   Macron is a smooth operator il give him that.

    you're so right , here below is a model of substantiated speech you probably will appreciate:  

    "There's no collusion with me and the Russians. Nobody's been tougher to Russia than I am. You can ask President Putin about that. There's been nobody. Between the military and the oil and all of the other things that I've done — the aluminum tax. They send us a lot of aluminum, and I put tariffs on aluminum coming in. The 60 people that we sent out — the 60 so-called diplomats. Nobody's been tougher. Nobody's even been close to as tough as me, and we hear this nonsense. So there's no collusion whatsoever."

  3. 8 hours ago, Different said:

    Because the whole story is silly, If the story was like lobbies like media, financial institutions and military complex helped Trump to win! then I would believe it.   But 13 God damn Russians playing internet games no way Mr.


    "Russia’s information war helped elect a US president who’s sympathetic to Russia, and now Trump’s ascendancy has turned his supporters into Putin supporters.It’s a classic page from the Cold War playbook, says Watts, adding that Putin has brought new meaning to the Soviet-Era doctrine of using “the force of politics” rather than “the politics of force.”


    • Thanks 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Credo said:

    According to what I read, his guns, I believe there were 4, were taken away from him and given to his father, who apparently returned them to him.   If the guns were removed, it must have been through some legal action.   I don't think they can just willy-nilly decide to take guns away.   When weapons are confiscated, they are generally kept by the policing agency, to the best of my knowledge.


    Does anybody have any idea how this removal of weapons happened and will his father get charged for giving them back?


    You'll find some additional détails here :  


  5. "Waffle House Hero James Shaw Jr. saved lives by pulling assault rifle from gunman’s hands; “As he was shooting, a patron of the restaurant, James Shaw Jr., ran to the rest to the restroom area of the Waffle House, saw that the shooting had stopped, and saw an opportunity to intervene. Mr. Shaw wrestled the rifle away from Reinking, and tossed it into another part of the restaurant to end the gunfire — Mr. Shaw saving obviously many lives in his heroic action.”




  6. 5 hours ago, BobBKK said:

    Jim "I never leak" Comey admits he leaked to his mate so I guess you don't agree with him. It was 'Classified' and written and sent on a government computer. When anyone joins the FBI they sign a contract which includes that ALL stuff undertaken in that role belongs to the government and cannot be used after leaving. Not sure what classified info Trump passed on, any links?


    Taking notes of private meetings, leaking to his mate?  you think this is the behaviour of an FBI Director? BTW holding this view does not make me a Trump supporter. I was for Bernie. Thank you.





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  7. 6 hours ago, Benmart said:

    As much as you may dislike President Trump, you are not the President of the United States and he is.


    I don't particularly like some of his words or actions, but I'm hardly a "brilliant deal maker", or "great negotiator".


    The description of President Trump; the use of words to describe your thoughts, appears to place yourself into the same category of being a "magnificent moron".


    Educated "Grown ups", can explain their dislike for an elected President by using appropriate words, rather than resorting to mere name calling and the use of catchy, juvenile phrases.



    When Trump core supporters parrot his own words to praise him, just like Trump does constantly describe himself as a genius  - it's all fine - they won. 

    When no-Trump supporters use the very same words in return,  then it's " name calling"?    

    • Like 2

    "When Americans fear they are losing both their future and their identity, what do they have left? Amid this great unraveling, a good but unnerved people become a mob and march on the walled fortresses of the establishment. They turn to the leadership of the autocrat. In 2016, a crowd-pleaser filled this vacuum with his strength."



    "In a political environment where racism and conservative politics almost fully overlap, where authoritarianism intersects with racism and sexism, and where political polarization is driven in anxiety about changing racial demographics, Donald Trump may be a prototype for a more refined, and even more dangerous, right-wing successor."


    • Like 1
  9. "Being Black in Public When you’re black in America, you’re either seen as a problem or not seen at all. The Starbucks third space is a place where white people can consume an idea that they’re being in a diverse public, while their $5 coffee buys them the safety of a barista who can call the police on someone to keep the space safe for them. Which is to say, it isn’t for us. "




  10. 37 minutes ago, Different said:

    I'm sorry but I just can't buy the Russian interference in US election, it is a big joke that Trump had to go to Russia and ask for help from 13 Russians to travel to USA and use American fake account on social media just to impact the public opinion.


    What makes you trust Putin more than US intelligence agencies, regarding US National Security issues ? 

  11. 13 minutes ago, phil2407 said:

    If you go into a place and sit down without buying anything- you deserve to be arrested - you can try the old “waiting for a friend” but after so long the manager has the right to ask you buy or leave - I don’t care if you’re black, white, Mr Blobby - they can get done for trespassing- maybe not the right law but the law 

    I happen to wait for friends in a restaurant, I never order before they arrive, I've never been asked to leave the place, and when finally friends arrive been escorted handcuffed by the police.  detained for 9 hours, it's a joke..... I mean an "experience" .. that's what they sell.  

  12. 2 hours ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

    So if you are black or any colour you can go into a Starbucks and sit there, not order, just hang and when asked to leave refuse...and that's okay?  It seems the RACE card gets played all the time there, it's actually amazing to see how <deleted> up the US is from all colours.


    Well it's just really hard to understand why  on earth Starbucks CEO felt he has to apologize at all, close all Starbucks coffee shops 1 day for training against "unconscious bias"  

  13. 12 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Your sense of hurt and injustice as you imagine this scenario is palpable.


    Calm down and drink less coffee.

    Ok, at least they did not protest while handcuffed which allowed them to stay alive... so all is fine in the end.. maybe just a police record for being arrested during 9 hours .. and finally not charged by Starbucks, for there was no crime,  what an adventurous life they must enjoy.. just waiting for a friend

  14. 4 hours ago, samran said:

    No, Starbucks are study halls, and start up incubators where they allow one person to buy a skinny full fat grande venti double whipped crappochino soy latte, and then proceeds to drink it slower than the rate of evaporation while they lay out their crap on a four top table and work the entire day. 


    These blokes were waiting for 15 minutes as they were going to sit down and have a business meeting there, at which point they probably would have bought something had they had a chance. 


    No differnet to me sitting in an upmarket cafe here in Bangkok last weekend waiting for a friend as his kid to turn up. I reckon I waited there 20 minutes refusing to order something until my friend turned up....you know cause I consider that good manners. Perhaps these bloke thought the same.


     “ We are not in the coffee business serving people, we are in the people business serving coffee"

    "So the next time you walk into Starbucks you can feel better knowing that though the lattes may be expensive, that feeling of belonging is priceless. "


  15. "Trump Gave Russian Oligarchs Plenty Of Time To Move Assets Before New Sanctions Were Announced.

    It took a year and some months for the Trump administration to even put on a pretense of caring about Russia’s act of war against the U.S., but these are the toughest sanctions since Trump has been in charge. "



    • Like 2
  16. 8 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    I want Trump and his staff in office about as much as I want staph infection in my penis.

    " What Trump wanted most were soldiers, not subject-matter experts. And this created a kind of stability; some of his most loyal employees have stayed with him for decades. But it was people he hired for their knowledge that lasted the shortest time.Trump has the White House He Always Wanted, and it looks a lot like the 26th floor of the Trump tower

    And it looks a lot like the 26th floor of Trump Tower.



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