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Posts posted by Opl

  1. BanK

    Each case is specific, the decision is not made by a single specialist, but by a pool of different specialists in thoracic surgery working in team.

    They need a pannel of tests results to study if surgery is possible or not : PET scan, cerebral MRI, they may need an EBUS ( endobronchial ultrasound http://health.ucsd.edu/specialties/pulmonary/procedures/Pages/endobronchial.aspx - in the same time they may pose in advance the Implantable Catheter-Port System the chemo) , and tests of the mediastinal lymph nodes, etc...

    " Having thought about the time I have before my Health Insurance needs renewing (23 March 2016), and being cynical, I would like to get as much as possible done before that time."

    Yes it's quite possible because once you've had your appointment with the specialist in hospital, then his service coordinates the agenda for the tests so that the surgery / or any other treatment can be scheduled within 2 or 3 weeks.

    you've already made big steps on the way to resolve the problem, go on and don't panic

  2. "What scan should I have done, CT, MRI or normal x-ray?"

    -> with CT angiography, if something suspicious appears, they will analyse a sample

    But usually, the step by step process goes by elimination , "it's not a pneumonia, then check if etc.... " , that's why it can last several weeks

  3. " Would it be possible to have a PET scan out of region"

    Yes, once you have passed this PET scan, they give you the results both on a paper copy ( photos) and digital copy. Always keep them with you when you have an appointment with a doctor.

    I think you must have the diagnosis in English too, so maybe choose the right place to do it .

  4. i'm not living in Thailand but want to give you my feedback on the subject

    You say you "suspect" ......The first thing you absolutely need is to have as soon as possible a precise diagnosis by PET Scan, http://www.snmmi.org/AboutSNMMI/Content.aspx?ItemNumber=949

    Then after there is a protocol of different exams to determine what is the best option in your case ( if the diagnosis is potitive), according to the type ( small cells , non small cells).

    There are different treatments linked to the typology and stage of development of the tumor (size), presence or not of metastases): surgery , radiotherapy, chemotherapy, combination of all.

    If thoracic surgery is required, find the best specialist.

    It can last a year from the first "suspicion" to the end of the treatment.

    Do not stay by yourself, go ahead , if you think you'll be more comfortable in the U.K, then return home.

  5. Check out the guy at the very back he is 70 plus , and they wonder why there are so many shootings..

    what does that comment mean? he might be the best in the group......and might of actually done some good...already..(and on his own). How would you know? Perhaps you think older guys can't hit a target?

    Yes and he as well might have benefited from good feelings, actions, skills, thoughts, helping hands , of fellow american citizens who might also be of muslim culture / belief - would he ignore it or not.

  6. Defiant Trump hasn't thought it through has he.

    I hope he lasts long enough to actually have to answer some serious questions, he makes Sarah Palin sound smart as it is.

    Yes! Looks like DT is more enjyoying focusing limelights on his actual one man show, than really willing to do the job as elected President.

    Besides, according to the Washington Post, it does not cost him so much in advertising expenses ( only 237.000 USD) considering the R.O.I, DT is obviously maximizing his satisfaction.

  7. This veteran not only suffers the loss of his property, but also an emotional schock directly caused by the way he has been spoliated.

    His health may even become more fragile due to the situation.

    Also, the lawsuit may take a long time to discourage him.

    I really hope he gets helped by a good doctor and a good lawyer and get compensations for the financial and moral damages.

  8. please post here the comments of your students ... i'm curious to know what the brief was to get this over-accumulation of redundant cliches and phantasms - about how these happy few / beautiful people know the art of living and enjoying every second / moment of their privileged existence, just because they deserve it. Squeeze coconut pulp directly using your hands, be cool, keep your costly rings on, it's so chic.

  9. I want to know why a certain group is not loudly demonstrating in the streets against ISIS, burning the ISIS flag and threatening to kill all ISIS members.

    I wonder why that group is not condemning ISIS for daring to claim that these attacks were made in the name of Islam, nor why they are not looting and ramsacking the houses of immams who spread hate messages.

    Who are that silent group?

    The millions of moderate Muslims, who do little or nothing when these type of attacks occur.

    Yes, I know there are social media statements of condemnation from moderate Muslims. But IMHO, the entire, moderate Muslim community is either being extremely stupid or extremely naive in their lack of physical actions, (assuming that they do not actually condone these acts).

    Sooner, rather than later, their failure to be right up at the forefront of loud and visual condemnation of these terrible atrocities will come back to haunt them.

    You're right, these " psychopatic monsters" ( so called by J. Kerry) because they refer to Islam, and because Islamism is a totalitarian ideology ( as anything...ism), Islamism should be defeated first by Muslims.

  10. Seems to me being a young Muslim in a western country is such a miserable experience with severe limits on having any sort of fun, can inspire a jealous hatred of their

    Abdeslam Brahim, one of the suicide bombers who blew himself up in Paris Friday night, was the owner of the coffee shop "The Beguine" in Molenbeek, Belgium -point of trade and consumption of prohibited substances.

  11. I live n a muslim country. I love it, its open, secular, can go to church if i want (i dont want to) can drink anything i want, have pork sandwiches, can go to the pub for my suday morning bacon and eggs.

    Hope that i dont get kicked out of the country for not integrating to the muslim way. Seems they are more tolerant than some so called enlightened westerners.


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