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Everything posted by seedy

  1. CH4 Dispatches China: The Search for the Missing https://www.channel4.com/programmes/china-the-search-for-the-missing MV Group
  2. I might be hitting town today or Monday. Have the # above and will ask Kawa CNX
  3. The correct way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions - Macron announces France is to build up to 14 new nuclear reactors. The 44-year-old centrist argued that nuclear energy was required to help advanced economies transition to a low-carbon future because renewables were not yet a reliable energy source, nor able to produce the amount of electricity needed. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220210-macron-calls-for-14-new-reactors-in-nuclear-renaissance
  4. Funny ! I pay almost 20,000 THB for just one of my bikes, to an insurance company, but I am not insured ? 555
  5. TPB AFK https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2608732/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  6. Thai WeBike is easily the most expensive site. Their prices for everything are very high. Everything I look for to fit any of my bikes can be found much cheaper at other distributors selling the exact same thing. That said I bought my LS2 modular from Canada in the fall, when clearance sales happening due to approaching winter. Great helmet, excellent ventilation. Only lid I have worn here that does not leave my scalp wet. glad you got a new lid - hope in time your stolen one turns up.
  7. Den Chai Mekong rail line looks like it will go ahead. Thank God the Thai Gov't will not pour money into making it electric. Good place to try out the new locomotives. Search BKK post Northern Double Track railway for info Other info here - https://www.boi.go.th/upload/content/Infrastructure Development Plan by Mr. Chaiwat Thongkamkoon (EN)_5b7f83df1eff2.pdf
  8. Electrician - I go to the large electrical shop near us who supplies tradesmen. Same with AC guys. Got competent work each time. Had the whole house, carport, gate, shop rewired from 2 wire to 3 wire last fall. Never a problem. On a 1/2 and 1/2 deal I would supply the parts, installer, and give the landlord her bill. Ensures you have the work done correctly.
  9. His comments upon leaving: To begin with, I wish to come back on the events that have been unfolding these last two weeks in Ottawa. First off, I, like my colleagues, wholeheartedly condemn the kind of hideous acts and symbols that we’ve seen on display by some demonstrators. Nazi flags and Confederate flags have no place in Canada. They are symbols of hate and intolerance. And we must always reject these symbols passionately. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/joel-lightbound-full-transcript Edited in accordance with this forum rule: 14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.
  10. Friend got it in Pattaya a number of years ago. As with anything, different people react different. Woke up drenched in sweat, bed soaking wet, too weak to climb out. His wife had to call ambulance to have 2 guys get him out of bed. He was in hospital for 5 nights. Convalesce for over a month at home, still very weak for months after. They don't call it break bone fever for nothing. You DO NOT want to get it. My fathers comrades suffered from malaria also - saw that growing up. With the bullet scars.
  11. Good idea. Lets rip up all the roads, all the rail tracks, go back to the days of ox carts and boats on the rivers. Bamboo houses too. Do you live in a concrete house ? Bet you do. How did the concrete get there? 555 All EV all the time all over the place ! What an inane post !
  12. Broken and abandoned EV from a car share company in China, leader in EV R and D 555 And the pic does not show the total number
  13. 555 - that brought back memories ! I shared a house in Ft Nelson BC with a guy who fished stuff that fell into drill holes. We were on Scotch bottle #2 early one morning when he got a call that some Yoyo kicked a crescent wrench down the hole in a drilling rig offshore from Newfoundland. Charter plane preparing for a flight to Ft. St. John, Lear standing by for flight to St. Johns, chopper for flight to the rig. He got it out too !
  14. Where and when was that pic taken ?. Which driver at fault ?. Looks like small truck struck tractor trailer. Try your electricity on a trip to Mae Hong Son EV wide spread adoption is decades away, and will remain so until infrastructure is in place, also decades away. Another EV fanatic with no grasp on reality
  15. You for sure are not in CNX - most dry 'wet' season last year I have seen. Reservoirs low, ban on rice planting.
  16. You need a certificate of residence. It does not have to be where you renew license i.e. you could talk a COR from Chiang Mai and go to the DLT in Hat Yai and renew
  17. 1964 Triumph Spitfire - slightly modified
  18. Why Don't You Just Die https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7672068/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
  19. Just like the West, and Near East, and Oceania, and America, and Europe, and Antarctica (got cars there ?)
  20. Where in the West is democracy practiced ? They practice corporatocracy and "call" it democracy Keeps the 'Great Unwashed' in line, dumb and happy (relatively)
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