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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Here is a very skilled German mechanic
  2. Went looking for some Nissan parts on N side of CNX today - 2 dealerships closed down. Then watched this - lots of spin (some would say BS). Afraid that the company is not long for this world ...
  3. Just watched S01E01 - first thought was "This reminds me of the Marcos and Duterte"
  4. Construction well underway for the new consulate on the frontage road North side Superhighway
  5. I agree that you have not found one. Have you seen all the Diabetic Specialists in Thailand, or even CNX ?
  6. So ... you signed a contract, and don't believe you should be held responsible for fulfilling said contract or paying any late fees or penalties ?. Hide the bike and not pay for it = stealing The buyer or whoever co-signs are responsible ... well, they should be. The mind boggles
  7. Test rides happening now in BKK - not available for order yet. Yamaha E01 8.1 Kw 30.2 Nm
  8. 29 June 2022 From: SONNY BARGER If you are reading this message, you’ll know that I’m gone. I’ve asked that this note be posted immediately after my passing. I’ve lived a long and good life filled with adventure. And I’ve had the privilege to be part of an amazing club. Although I’ve had a public persona for decades, I’ve mostly enjoyed special time with my club brothers, my family, and close friends. Please know that I passed peacefully after a brief battle with cancer. But also know that in the end, I was surrounded by what really matters: My wife, Zorana, as well as my loved ones. Keep your head up high, stay loyal, remain free, and always value honor. Sonny HAMCO
  9. The AA will offer a limited – first come first served – emergency recovery charging facility (to members and non-members) onsite at Bronze car park only, off the A361. Emergency charging is at a fixed cost of £50 for up to an hour’s charge / 80% battery (whichever is soonest). Payment is by card only. Please note this service is for emergency use only and cannot be guaranteed, so please do charge before you arrive https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/information/getting-here/by-car/
  10. Terror on the Prarie Don't bother. When you can't hit someone with a street sweeper at 10 meters ...
  11. A blow for all those advocating renewables, in the USA, and giving EPA bureaucrats power to limit carbon emissions - from power plants to vehicles ... "In a 6-3 ruling, the court sided with the conservative states and fossil-fuel companies, agreeing that the EPA did not have the authority to impose such sweeping measures." https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-62000742
  12. I'm 18 Been 18 for decades Will remain 18 until I go up in smoke
  13. Praise the Lord - and pass the ammunition
  14. https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/news/population/2018-revision-of-world-urbanization-prospects.html UN estimates 68% of the worlds population will be urban based by 2050. And for sure - parking lots to be built to allow all those EV's to charge cost nothing, and take up no urban real estate, which is already priced out of the reach of most buyers. Not to mention who is going to pay for the new power plants, and running power to those free parking spaces ! The Fantasy most people live in !!! 555
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