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Everything posted by seedy

  1. Why post on a motorcycle forum if you don't ride ? Maybe join a knitting forum. People ride bikes for the enjoyment - if you do not enjoy then don't do it. Thai people ride bikes because they are poor - as soon as some $$$ come in up pops a car or pickup, Might live in a shack but drive something shiny and new.
  2. Some times it is on the top - sometimes it is on the bottom. Please pick a spot, move it there, and let it remain
  3. Hear Hear Police care not at all for anyone who does not belong to the 'white picket fence, 2.25 children, country club membership' "citizens" All the rest of the population are no cause for concern And are ignored, or laughed at or about, unless they are being actively harassed, arrested, imprisoned.
  4. fascism A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism. A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government. Oppressive, dictatorial control. No charge for the education - seems you need it
  5. Second that ... As of Aug 2021 they sell over 20 Jazz a day - but you can't buy tires for them here !!! 555
  6. Hogwash I have lived in Chiang Mai for years, can't begin to count the number of Honda Jazz cars, and places to get tires for them in this town, and all over LOS Here's a thought - maybe ask one of the thousands and thousands of people who drive a Jazz in CNX "Where do you get your tires" if you are unable to recognize a tire shop when you drive past one.
  7. Been going on since the first erection. No end possible.
  8. Pickup has leaf springs rear, MuX has coils
  9. Insults - the fall back of the moron Apt username too 555 Show me in the quote where Nazi Germany is mentioned - not the background of said quote, which I never mentioned
  10. True. But check out the state of the Chinese economy - many videos on You Tube from good sources. Evergreen just the tip - large corporations pulling out - Canon, Samsung, Toyota, etc Gov't subsidies for cars that sit in huge lots unable to be sold, some for 3+ years ...
  11. I guess if you are 12 years old, or a video gamer, that dash looks nice. To me it is hideous.
  12. Can't afford one - or too weak to ride one ? Or just an ash whole ?
  13. 555 https://risk-indexes.com/global-corruption-index/
  14. Dracula The Original Living Vampire Has ... wait for it ... wait for it ... a Lesbian detective in love with one of the victims !!! A solid 3 - 555
  15. Really ? You do not see the parallel ? Seems most citizens feel the same - sad to be so ... The quote from Martin above does not specifically mention Nazi Germany, and I did not make any such comparison. But denying rights is like a snowball rolling down a mountain - it gets bigger and bigger before swallowing everything. This is the point I was making. If you are a citizen of WA and agree with this, you will get the gov't you deserve be laying down to these Fascists. No doubt the Courts will overturn this anyway, so a Moot point
  16. Curious as to how often you changed the CVT fluid ? Various forums have stated that a doubling of recommended service intervals makes all the difference. This is the #1 reason I did not want to buy a second hand one - no idea of how it was treated.
  17. People gotta stand up. Give an ultimatum that is believable and have the will to follow it thru. Ain't the time for another BS "Peace in our Time" suckup
  18. Want to end drug violence - stop the Asinine War on Drugs. 50 years and drugs have never been so plentiful, cheap, and pure. Know why people are in the drug business ? $$$ Know why it is worth so much ? Blame the War on Drugs. Nothing to do with helping people, curing addiction. It is about financing Law Enforcement and jail builders. That's It. Tell that to the politicians, law enforcement, and the criminal justice system. Brothels - why is selling or buying sex illegal ? We living in the Stone Age ? Launder money - where do you think politicians get their campaign funds from - is that not laundering money ? Of course it is. Make a political contribution - to both sides (gotta cover your Ash) - and when either is elected there you are with your hand out to get the contracts to build whatever, service whatever. People got to pull their heads out of their Ash Wholes.
  19. Any censorship is a bad thing. Not allowing the written word to be read, discussed, argued about both for and against is wrong. As is any art form - poetry, painting, on and on. Stifle the free expression of ideas and you stifle growth. If you do not agree with the thoughts expressed in a certain book you are free to put forth a counter thought, opinion or idea. This is just plain WRONG
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