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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. If first came here 50 years ago, there was a water problem then and there is one now. I also remember a cartoon is one of the English news papers. It was made up of three frames, one with Nixon, caption Water Gate, second Bill Clinton, white water and the last PM Chuan Lek Pie, no water. when my home was built I had an underground water storage tank installed. It is called plan ahead.

  2. Nothing "shocking" about this. I know a lot of ex-pats who are here for the same reasons. I, myself, fall into that category. Back in the States my income would be just under $46,000 a year. Not poor, but definitely lower middle income. On that I could live "comfortably", of sorts, but no "frills" by any means.

    Here in Thailand, that same income allows me to have a beautiful home, nice car, 3 motorbikes, and do with my family the things I want. Somethings we paid cash for, others we financed, then made additional payments to pay them off early. Bottom line - There is no way I could have the same lifestyle back in the U.S. that I have here.

    All fine and dandy until your health declines. Unless covered by very good insurance, the bills mount fast...and Thailand becomes very expensive.

    I know many who live an OK life in the US on very little income. Just depends on where you live, as is also true here. Some things are cheaper here, some things more expensive.

    The medical bills in Thailand are much less expensive then the USA. Last year I broke my kip bone. I went to a private hospital close to DhonMuang The Total bill was about $6000.00. I asked by brother a Dr, in the USA and he told me it would cost over $200,000.00. The medical facilities and health care in Thailand is excellent. The reason I did not go to a provincial hospital, which would have been less was because of the timing.

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