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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. what can one do with rotten rice?

    The rotten rice can be used to produce methane, through a fermentation process. This should reduce the need to use sugar cane, in the production of Bio Gas. Or as mentioned by an elightened individual, it could be used to increase the production of the clear alcohol substance, know to some as OH! my head hurts, after drinking copious quantities of the elixure.cowboy.gif

  2. Despite all the problems that the EU has, it is still an extremely powerful and important organisation. The Junta have been given a real dilemma here, if they refuse to let her go they risk souring relations with the EU even further, and with millions of baht on the trade table they risk loosing such things as fish imports.

    On the other hand if they do let her go she will no doubt give the EU representatives first hand knowledge about what is going on in this Country at present, after all she has plenty of experience of 'attitude adjustment' and personal vendetta through the so called Thai 'justice system'

    As for the nonsense post about her not speaking English well, President Xi of China has just had a very successful tour of Britain. I'm sure David Cameron spoke to him in fluent Mandarin all the time - that's what interpreters are employed for.

    Actually she speaks perfectly serviceable English but it has become the mantra among the "good people" that she does not.The slightly comical aspect is that when the "good people" made this point on social media (invariably in a vile and abusive way) their own English was deplorable as is too often the case among the "educate" Sino Thai middle class.

    Put up or shut up : link please.

    I saw her BBC interview and embarassing doesn't come close.

    'I am from election' was not an appropriate answer to any of the questions I heard him ask.

    Both Yingluch and her brother received Bachelor degrees from the USA. This does not say much for the education system there. Their ability to communicate in English is very poor.

  3. 1971 Thanom suspended the constitution and parliament because "communistic thread"!!!.Now the current government is supporting a full communistic State like China,Amazing Thailand

    I was here then, the communist were an excuse to gain more control. Fiels Marshal Thanom, was fully supported, by the US Government, even though he was a, suposed, dictator. At that time there was a large movement of the Communist Thai Party. It was finally passisied by General Prem. They TC movement still exist and is part of the PT party, Red Shirts.

  4. More people should be deported, if they enter the country illigally or under false premisis, deport them. If they are a guest of the country and break the law, deport them. The UN has solved no problems, it has only created problems. It is a defunct corrupt organization used as a cover for intelligence gathering and criminal activities,

  5. Thousands of asylum seekers have been assisted by Thailand. After the completion of the war in South East Asia thousands of Vietnamese, Cambodians and Laos fred their countries. Withe the work of the US State department, USAID many of these prople were relocated to the USA. Also some of these prople were relocated to France.The worse abused were the Ethnic hill tribes that assisted the French and the USA. these people were hunted down and killed, through French Indo-China. People like Mr. Mac Thompson helped these people relocate.

  6. But how could Thailand benefit the TPP? Not much.

    There is a thing at the top of the page called the OP.

    Try reading it.

    Okay, name one thing the article says that the TPP will benefit from having Thailand as a member. BTW, had you paid a little more attention, you would have seen that most of the OP, as you call it, was actually a discussion of Thailand and New Zealand's bilateral free trade pact. The TPP was merely glossed over.

    It will benifit President Obama, that way he can say that all countries support him and his legacy.

  7. I spent 13 years in Saudi Arabia. Five as a adviser to the Saudi Militart, and eight with ARAMCO. Even before going to Saudi we were told what the law was. What goes on within in the wall is OK, just long as you involve NO Saudi. If the Saudi get pickep up you will go to jail. If you make and distribute and alcoholic beverage, the punishment is very strict, This person was sentensed to 360 lashes, These lashed are doled out at 10 lashes a month, so he will salso have 3 years in prison.

  8. This has been going on for decades, and the tourist industry is making a fortune. How much is the kick back to tour agents for taking a group to the Grand Palace? There are some very beautiful old weapons stored in the Armory there that are rusting, because of lack of maintenance. It is an indicator that some of the persons responsible for maintaining the artifacts there, do not acre. I have seen security guards asleep, not doing their jobs.

  9. Maybe increasing amphibious capability will become part of official policy to deal with flooding.

    It would be easier to implement than proper planning and investment and would give the military some new toys to play with.

    In Lamlokka District of Pathumtani. The Army Rangers and Special Forces took good care of us. They came around in 12 man assault boats, and provided food and medical assistance every two days. More people would have died, if it had not been for the Army.

  10. Nevertheless, the main reason for possible negative business performance is because of negative government plans and regulations. These have led to lower investment expansion in the Thai market, the survey revealed.

    There has also been a negative fluctuation of the Baht to foreign currencies. This makes the cost of foreign imported products much higher. at the same it has lowered the cost of manufacturing and the cost of export products from Thailand. It will also be an insensitive for the tourist industry.

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