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Posts posted by tomross46

  1. The cost of training a pilot on Thailand is very large, and that is for the basic licence. This is only for single engine propeller VFR licence. It takes many years of training and experience to be able to qualify for a multiple engine jet IFR licence. Than it takes thousand of hours to qualify as a Captain. Than there is the rotter wing certification.The best avenue to qualify is through the military. Than there is the type rating, for each aircraft. Just because you have a degree does not indicate you are qualified.

  2. Somehow I can't see this government ever voluntarily re-instituting democracy. It's conceivable that somewhere down the road they devise some mechanism to pass day on to day running to faces in civilian suits. But any concession of real power is not, I fear, on the agenda.

    Every one is talking about Democracy, just because there is an election does not guarantee a Democracy. Even in the USA where we have all the verbiage about free and fair elections, there is not a democracy, and the election are as corrupt or even more so than Thailand. USA is not a Democracy it is a Republic. coffee1.gif

  3. Students are tough to pass the test, but are not tough how to work or think. If you have an education but do not know how to apply it to the real world, you will will fail. When you finish you degree, get a job and learn how to work, how to follow instruction and documented processes. Just because you have a degree does not indicate that you know everything. I have had recently graduated engineers come into the factory and tell an operator how to run their machine, and they could not operate the equipment themselves. You learn by doing, and failing, not by the book. If you make a mistake, learn form it, but do not make the same mistake twice.

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  4. If ever there was proof that the markets for all agricultural products need reform in Thailand, this is it.

    Very sad, and for everyone moaning that subsidies are bad, tell that to people who are on the bones of their ass, with no assistance from anyone available.

    The price of rubber in Thailand is down because of the rain. The quality of the rubber deteriorates during the rainy season, because of the large amount of water in the tree. Agriculture prices are controlled by the market In the past governments have stepped in and tried to control the market, a good example would be the rice program of the previous government.

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