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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. You must bored out of your mind. Still, fiction can be fun.
  2. 2 passenger trains and a goods train. That's what the headline from CNN says. BBC says 3, but mentions the goods train was stationary at the time of the collision. The Thai headlines don't seem to mention the goods train.
  3. The words I used have nothing to do with your question. You need to be asking another poster. I have never claimed there was a crisis. Chomper asked for proof from another. I was not involved in that conversation. You've got the wrong bloke. Sorry.
  4. Riddles. That seems to be your problem. Plus quoting the wrong people.
  5. Exactly. Kind of negates your comment asking for proof of mental health crisis.
  6. Agreed. Have I ever said anything else? That's why I posted about individuals having their own crisis. "Individual" being the main point.
  7. I think you'll find he was referring to individuals having a crisis of their own. Not a mental health crisis on a grand scale involving many people. My comment referred to that by explaining those confused with their own sexuslity have a mental issue rather than a physical issue. Hence, the possibility some are going through mental health crisis of their own. Go back and read his comment. It's quite clear.
  8. I've never mentioned a crisis. What I did say is that issues sexuality are mental rather than physical conditions.
  9. What part of the human body, if not the brain, would you think mental health covers?
  10. It's been proven sexuality is defined in the brain, not in the trousers. I'd say that was classed under mental health.
  11. When I decided to try to learn to read and write Thai I was an English teacher in a Thai school. After having asked permission, I sat at the back of the classroom as a teacher was teaching 4 years old kids the Thai alphabet and the start if Thai sounds. It was great. My level of reading was at the same level so, why not? I still stand by immersion being the best way to learn to speak and understand but, as with our own native languages, we need help to read and write. Sitting with a group of 4 year olds learning " Gor a GA, Kor a Ka..........." was fun, the young kids loved it too. Living in a remote area there will most definitely be a small rural school nearby. You' ve said you speak some Thai so pop along and ask to speak to the head. Offer an hour or two of your time each week helping the kids with English in exchange for a few Thai reading lessons. You'll have fun and learn at the same Time.
  12. But UK is already in recession, according to the experts, since 4th quarter last year. Oh no, hang on a minute.
  13. I Speak from experience of learning and teaching languages and having studied graduate diplomas about learning techniques. If that makes me an expert in your eyes, thanks for saying so.
  14. The only expats I know that have barely pick up any Thai are those that are content to rely on and hide behind their wives.
  15. I'm starting to miss Stevey. At least his posts had an entertainment factor.
  16. For what purpose? Reading? Writing? The problem with studying Thai with a teacher is they may undo what you have already learned. Academic Thai is not the same as conversational. A teacher will take you through the grammar, most of which you don't need. As an example, a friend of mine learned at an English centre. He kept saying "khun ja gamlang bai nai?" to the locals. They had trouble understanding. I de- contructed what he was saying to " bai nai?". Understood by all.
  17. In a language school or even with a one on one teacher you are not going to get enough experience. Asxan example, learning an hour a day it will take years to master the language. Why do you think young ladies working in bars along with taxi drivers and tuk tuk driver in tourist areas speak better English than most Thai English teachers? Anyone faced with a situation of being in an area with totally foreign language will learn and much faster than sitting in a classroom. The clue is in the word " learn". We need to learn languages, not study them. I studied French at school for 12 years. Arrived in Thailand with zero knowledge of Thai language. Lived in an area with virtually no English spoken. Thai was by far my second language within 6 months. When I met my wife she spoke zero English. Within a year she was more proficient than all of her peers that had studied at university. You say " all reasearch"? How about thesis by Cummins, Kinginger, and Wilkinson, as examples?
  18. It's there, right out side your front door. Immerse yourself. Learn a language the way proven to be most efficient and effective. Just like you learnt your own language when you were a small child. Eliminate your native tongue from your everyday life for a few months and you will pick up the local language(s).
  19. I look forward to seeing the link where Starmer said " we will not be seeking to rejoin the EU for now but maybe later". If you don't have a link but believe it's on the cards if Labour get a second term, he's lying. As for the EU allowing UK a gradual rejoin, you don't believe that could happen anymore than anyone else, including Labour MPs.
  20. Why yawn? It's clear it's an ongoing process. If it was all over, even Starmer would not be able to do anything.
  21. Great. Although EU will never allow that. BTW, Starmer said he will not seek to rejoin EU. Nothing about timescale. You obviously think he's lying. Oh dear. Your mate telling porkies.
  22. New policies, conversations, deals, movement on previous deals. All things I've been suggesting could be happening now and in the future. Creating better situations for many both in UK and EU. All comments mentioning such have been debunked by you a myriad of times. Now, as your preferred political party mention it, it's all possible. It's an incredible uturn for you. Nice though that you can see the sunny uplands ahead. Well done for finally realising the Brexit process is ongoing and by no means over and, hence, not a failure. I commend you for clearing the mist in your mind and joining forces to help the cause. Well done.
  23. Oh, really? And there was me thinking you'd said Brexit had failed. It's over. Nothing we can do. We are all doomed. Now we hear there is the possibility of some new policies that will make things better, whilst still adhering to Brexit and remaining out of EU. That's weird.
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