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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. No shortages, surely. If there was a shortage you would not have found what you were looking for. Seems your first post today can be filed under talking %$#@@$ for effect.
  2. Like I said, personal experiences keep media scaremongering in check. If only Chomper had divulged what he couldn't source, we could have pointed him in the right direction.
  3. It's so obvious but you can't see it. Take a break, go and sit in a little corner, write a list of why you think Brexit has failed. When you've done that, compare your notes with the article on Farage. You are miles apart. The fact you keep referring to what he said is laughable at best.
  4. No need. It's not out of the bag. Brexit is ongoing.
  5. I wasn't aware it had even started. Other than the idiot panic buyers during Covid.
  6. No. Just sour grapes. Just as I've said many times before. Brexit is ongoing. Cannot be called a failure. Simple English language. I believe Farage was suggesting the Government have failed to do what he would have liked them to. However, seeing as you have constantly shown your disdain for the man, I'm surprised you are siding with him. Next you'll be saying you'd like to go on a train journey with Portillo. ????????????
  7. Of course it relevant what you couldn't find. Then it will be possible to know why you couldn't get them. You say your personal findings are consistent with the link you provided. Therefore, the secret items you couldn't find were short supply because of many factors. Yet, you initial post blamed it entirely on Brexit. I call that fake news.
  8. I didn't see any in Asda today either. Happy days.
  9. Except whe production has been hit by bad weather. I believe that to be the main, current cause. As per Chomper's link.
  10. Please let us know what it was you could not source. I believe, unlike some others, that personal experiences are useful. Keeps the scaremongery in the media in check.
  11. I understand that situation. However, I would like to know what Chomper could not source. I went to our local frech market 2 days ago and also popped into Lidl. I got everything I needed.
  12. Trade barriers between UK and Morocco?
  13. Very enjoyable read, thanks. Especially the part about extreme weather, high energy prices and the Ukraine war playing a part. Funny that your previous post said "I’ve just had a reminder of Brexit failure this morning." Let me help you. Here is what you should have written "I’ve just had a reminder of Brexit failure seen witnessed some supply issues at supermarkets due to the effects of many factors, this morning."
  14. Predictable response. Funny but predictable. Of course, we don't accept personal experiences on here, do we?
  15. Please do tell what it was you could not source.
  16. Not at all. Fire away. As I pointed out, it was not me that suggested all jobs were in rural areas. That was someone else.
  17. They were more than welcome to stay if they had the required documentation. Staying past Brexit was a simple procedure. Just ask the millions that managed it.
  18. No. Not since Brexit. The cost of living crisis has been going since the end of Covid crisis and the Russian invasion of UK. Nice try though. Prior to Covid the UK had low inflation, low energy costs, low fuel costs, low interest rates......need I go on? No I don't. It's all on the big Ole WWW for all to see.
  19. Looks like you quoted the wrong person with the " not located in rural areas".
  20. No deflection. You quoted and asked me "what unemployed?". I answered. Shortages of supermarket jobs have been well publicised. There are many jobs in hospitals that require minimal " on the job training" such as; porters, HCAs, patient transport drivers, cooks, kitchen staff and domestics. Warehouses, Amazon and Lidl are always advertising. Factories, just ask Chomper. He keeps saying food processing is badly understaffed.
  21. Do you really believe the only jobs out there are picking fruit? Oh dear. How many of the unemployed live in the vicinity of a supermarket, factory, warehouse or hospital? Just 4 examples of where jobs are available.
  22. Complex? That's funny. You missed out the most important and relevant part. Never mind. Keep your blinkers on if it suits you.
  23. That's nice. However, it still appears you did not read my post.
  24. You clearly did not read my post. If you did, you selected bits you liked and fitted with your criteria.
  25. I know many many EU workers who dodon'work in a seasonal job, have been in UK for many years, paid tax and therefore did not meet with the bureaucracy you speak of. Let's face it, compared to many EU countries, salaries and working conditions are far superior in UK. Why would prople leave if they didn't have to? As asked of me by colleagues from Romania.
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