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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. Sounds like she needs to diversify. Get a Facebook page as advertising, offer delivery, either employ a motorcycle driver or join one of the companies that deliver. Offer some Thai food too. This would encourage those with families to order together. Expats have western and Thais have Thai.
  2. I think the wording of this topic should very changed from " Hummus" to " Humorous".
  3. Lard gives a lovely crispy crust. I do add a little butter for taste.
  4. I'm old school. Lard is the way to go.????????????
  5. The comment if yours that I quoted only had one question. Go back and look. That is the question I answered with my comment. Simple English and logic. Please and thank you.
  6. I was responding to your comment about peanut butter. Please and thank you.
  7. I fail to see any personal insults. Thanks. I was merely pointing out some flaws in your thinking. Thanks. Move on????????????????Please. Thanks.
  8. Your palate is clearly lacking. Your culinary knowledge also. Unless, of course, a myriad of top chefs, including those with Michelin stars, are wrong. Move on.????????????????
  9. Thanks. I agree. Although considered a seed rather than a nut, sesame does have most of the characteristics of nuts. Those with nut allergies must avoid them. In the absence of Tahini I would add a little peanut butter and also a tad of sesame oil, widely available due to its use in Chinese cooking. If feeling adventurous one could blend some sesame seeds with sesame oil to create one's own form of Tahini. As you can see from above, and countless sources on the internet, peanut butter is a perfectly adequate substitute for Tahini. Anyway, like I said to the other guy, care to post your recipe or are you just going to criticise?
  10. Would you care to offer an alternative instead if just dissing what appears to be a reasonable recipe?
  11. In my experience it's hit and miss. Since the baht has been strong against most major foreign currencies, the border officers have been reluctant to accept those currencies. From memory the VOA fee was $35. The baht fee is 1500. Doesn't take a mathematician to work out why the prefer, sometimes insist on, baht.
  12. Correct to a point. Without a degree you cannot get permission from the teachers' council to teach. This goes for any schools that are governed by OBEC. Without such permission you cannot get a work permit. Language centres and, strangely, universities do not need such permission and teachers without degrees can get work permits to teach at such establishments.
  13. It would have been far easier to have shared your knowledge and wisdom instead of posting a rather innocuous question.
  14. Sorry. I was referring to the place shown in your first map. Not Phayyak.
  15. You show proximity to Buriram but are actually quiite a bit nearer to Muang Mahasarakham.
  16. No worries for me. I make my own peanut butter.
  17. Not sure how many Issan schools you've been to but, the ones I've been to and know teachers at are full of NES. At the last count, the two major primary schools and the major secondary school nearest to where I live had a combined total of over 18 NES and zero NNES.
  18. As confusing and forever changing Thai rules seem to be, one thing I have noticed over the years is the implementation of grandfathering. I would think those that already have a licence will be able to renew with their existing qualifications.
  19. The best advice here. Otherwise, topics like this become a "my d$#k is bigger than your d$#k" slanging match.
  20. My wife, daughter and I translated my will. The OP's will seems quite straight forward. Only cash and contents of bank account. If you have assets in your own country it would be advisable to have a separate Will there. You can easily start with " this will refers to all of my assets in Thailand" or something on the lines of.
  21. This has been done many times before. No need for lawyers. Write your own will, sign it and get two witnesses to sign it. Have the witnesses be someone who will not benefit from the will. Have 2 copies. One in English and one in Thai. Easy to translate a simple will, as yours seems to be.
  22. In order to get a bus into Sateuk, you would need to walk to the main road. There you will notice buses going to Buriram, obviously. Minibus transport is available at the airport, as I mentioned in my previous post.
  23. Why would you want to travel 15 minutes in the wrong direction?
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