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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. No. I didn't say that. I guess you didn't read all of my post. The point I am making is that surveys consist of personal experiences. A surveyer asks a question and members of the public answer using personal experiences.
  2. "Value as data". Data comes from the people. Polls, surveys and the like. Who's to know if what Transam saw is not part of a survey? See what I'm saying? The views you deem unconfirmable are part of the data you deem confirmable.
  3. He is having tax deducted by his employers. Are they then forwarding those payments to revenue department? Due to the fact he does not have a tax ID, they have not asked him his personal details re marriage, kids, etc in order to calculate tax breaks, I eould suggest they are not forwarding them. Besides, there is no law to say one cannot go to the revenue department at end of tax year and pay outstanding tax oneself.
  4. We're @transamto visit UK for an update, he would see things for himself, would he not? You suggest that by doing so will educate him as to the situation in UK. If he were then to post his observations on this forum, they would not be believed and be debunked as anecdotal. I'm confused. Come to the UK and see for yourself but don't post what you see as it will be deemed fictitious. ???? ???? ???? ????
  5. I don't know. I tend to believe those that post. Why wouldn't I? However, that is not what I was writing about. You said I took exception to a post about "general" posts when in fact you questioned my "personal" posts. I believe that to be a varifiable inaccuracy.
  6. Actually, you wrote this: "And don't you suggest that your personal reports are verifiable or have any evidentiary value." Notice the use of the word "personal"?
  7. Nope. You are wrong again. It's not all about me, the same it is not about any individual on this forum. It's about discussion, giving ideas, opinions and thoughts. It's about discussing those thoughts and not calling people liars. If you want some tiling advice, never start in the corner. Start from the middle and work your way out
  8. Oh dear. Another poster questioning my honesty.
  9. No. But the author suggesting inaccuracies does. And, please don't suggest I'm a liar.
  10. Quite possibly true. I don't believe I suggested otherwise. The Trussel Trust has around 1400 food banks on UK. There are around 1100 independent ones.
  11. Excellent news. So, you are attempting to debunk personal experiences by countering with already debunked, so called varifiable data. That would be sad if it were not so funny.
  12. I believe some do. Those run by Trussell Trust being an example. However, numerous places run by churches or local organizations generally are walk in.
  13. Millions. To verify "millions" you need to check on "millions" I know of instances where people have used food banks but didn't need to. Abusing the system. I doubt food banks require those that go there to prove they are in need. The link you posted as varifiable data has flaws. Even the author admitted as such. Hence my aversion.
  14. @Chomper Higgot Did you miss this bit? " The mean measure of income divides the total income of individuals by the number of individuals. A limitation of using the mean is that it can be influenced by just a few individuals with very high incomes and therefore does not necessarily reflect the standard of living of the "typical" person."
  15. Right on cue. Thanks. Did those figures result in a survey of everyone's income, including untaxed income and undeclared income? Was every household in UK polled? You say there are millions unable to feed themselves. I'd love to see a link to a survey that polled over a million households.
  16. Personal experiences often differ. You said "there is a growing realisation among the electorate that it was sold a pup by the 'Vote Leave' campaign." Not sure where you get your ideas from but I would guess it was the result of a poll. Of course, data gained by polls can differ. This is the issue. I could run a poll amongst leave voters that I know. I believe the result would be close to 100% " No. I wasn't sold a pup". This leads me to those posters who constantly refuse to accept personal experiences because they are so called "unsubstantiated". Where does the so called verifiable data come from? When we see things like "%%% of leave voters regret their decision" or "%%% of patients wait more than 5 weeks to see the Doctor" or " <>in 5 families say they regularly miss meals" ? POLLS. Simple. Polls from people's personal experiences. Usually citing average figures from asking a few thousand people. Not particularly verifiable. I could walk out of my home right now to make a poll. Using the question " are you struggling financially?" I would first head West. Having walked half a mile I would start my poll. I would get a resounding "NO". Heading East for half a mile the "Yes" responses would start to creep in. As polls are usually carried out for political effect, those carrying out the polls will often use demographics that they know will give them the results they desire. Varifiable data? Not exactly. As can be seen on this forum. Posters talking about packed out supermarkets and high streets. Pubs full if prople having fun, queues of holidaymakers at airports, priority booking Beyonce tickets selling out in the first few hours (at prices that could feed a family of 4 for a week). These sort of personal experiences don't sell newspapers or get clicks on websites and, therefore, are generally not published or polled.
  17. Buriram. Considered by many as "the boonies".
  18. On both sides. Those wishing to rejoin are assuming the EU will still be flourishing in the future.
  19. Exactly right. The EU is a pedestal for EU politicians. It's there to help them feel important All the more reason not to be part of it.
  20. I don't believe there will be an application to rejoin. If there were an application, i dont believe the UK would be back in during the 2030s. The EU will make it painfully slow and expensive for UK to re join.
  21. The source is on your post. A link to Wikipedia. No need to click.
  22. Thanks for confirmation. Snobbism? Just I believe Wiki is not cast in stone? Funny.
  23. If the authors are respectable, why not quote directly from their source rather than Wikipedia? A website that anyone can edit at anytime. Anyway, do you have the facts I asked for?
  24. Well done. Although quoting Wikipedia is laughable. However, I requested facts to prove the comment " there are no economic benefits to Brexit"
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