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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. You said " risk". Not " experience of". One kid in Nofolk does not a dangerous country make.
  2. New figures to be announced. Only affecting new arrivals. https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/home-office-climbs-down-on-plans-to-hike-salary-thresholds-for-family-visas/
  3. New figures to be announced. Only affects new arrivals. https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/home-office-climbs-down-on-plans-to-hike-salary-thresholds-for-family-visas/
  4. In some places in UK. Some pubs. Some places in Isaan too.
  5. Sarcasm? Try asking the expats in Thailand. Many of them wouldn't be able to answer.
  6. The OP does seem confused. That's why he's on hear looking for advice. It's good, not weird, that some have given it
  7. A marriage extension, the type i imagine you are on now but call a "Thai wife visa", only requires 400k.
  8. I've never been burgled in 23 years. That brings the average down. Anyone else?
  9. The application process is not difficult. Follow the guidelines, offer up the required paperwork, pay the fees, lodge application. The process is the same whether an agent is used or not.
  10. My recommendation is, don't use an agent. If certain details mean application refusal, so be it.
  11. Not incorrect, no. Posts from personal experience. Showing that immigration rules in Thailand are open to different interpretation by different offices and officers.
  12. If I'm ever in doubt, I ask BCA immigration office, or the immigration office I'm going to use. I doubt showing them posts from a forum for expats in Thailand will change their mind.
  13. That makes no difference to how different offices or even officers feel on the day. The last time I needed a 60 day extension my wife was working. Immigration accepted the situation, saw I had the required paperwork and issued the extension.
  14. Like I said, no hierarchy. My guess would be many posters, especially those who are not up to speed in immigration issues would not know what CW means. But.....there you go. Mine is BCA.
  15. Agents can't magic away any issues you may have. They simply check the application is in order. I guess they could advise against leaving out details that could be detrimental but that would be lying on a visa application. Not a good idea.
  16. You post is a great example of how you will never achieve your intention of replacing the immigration rule guru. You take things too literally and personally. This is a forum. Conversation is the name of the game. No leaders. Everyone throwing their hat into the ring. One post illiciting info from others. No hierarchy. Try it.
  17. Some do, yes. Those in more casual, walk in, local jobs I was thinking more of the Thais I know from our village. Those who have had to upsticks and move away to get jobs. Many have rented accommodation involving contracts and large deposits, some offered as part of the job. They are tied and have no other options.
  18. Check with them on extensions. Ask how many you can do per entry to Thailand. If only one, obviously go for 60 days.
  19. I'd be inclined to fly. Air Asia Bangkok direct to Siem Reap. The Angkor tour is tiring in itself. Would be good to get there feeling fresh. I actually preferred Angkor Thom to Angkhor Wat. With that in mind, make sure you buy the full tour ticket ($37 last time I was there), book a tuk tuk for the day or 2 days and do the full tour.
  20. The point is, we don't know what office the OP is using. Each office often implement their own rules. The OP could well be using the same immigration office as I do and, thus, your comments are inane. The immigration office he will use may have the same rule as the one I use. Once again making your comment inane. You may not be interested. That has no bearing on the OP's situation.
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