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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. You are funny. You question my experience as only one offs, then bang on about your one occurance. You talk about 1 pub or one boy in Norfolk then say you are talking about whole towns. Make up your mind. You need to compare like with like. Now you say lunatic drunks make you feel unsafe. Plenty of those in Isaan. Anyway, seeing as you like to compare, I would rather walk around my home town in UK at night than BanYang district in Buriram. Then again, I'd rather walk around Muang district of Buriram than Croydon. I'll say it once more. Both danger and safety are in evidence in SOME places in both UK and Isaan.
  2. There is no positive. Both had a large part of their lives taken away from them. For that, there is no amount of compensation that would suffice.
  3. Not in the case of the OP as he is speaking about completing the sponsor part of the application.
  4. You are mixing it up. You clearly don't know the difference between " illegals", "refugees" and " asylum seekers".
  5. More likely, the poster had not seen the reports about the updated law. Therefore, was not aware that what hecposted was outdated. Not everyone can be perfect.
  6. It was you that started using whole countries by comparing Isaan to UK, as a whole. I pointed out " In some places in UK. Some pubs. Some places in Isaan too." You asked about personal experience. Then you ask if I watch the news. Watching the news is not personal experience. I went into 6 pubs on Saturday night. Nothing to worry about. I've been in a night club in Buriram when things have kicked off. Also had to protect myself and my wife in an instance of heritage rage. That's why I used "some" in my post and have not used "never". Some parts of Isaan are no go areas. As are some parts of Suffolk,Norfolk (As you’ve) mentioned) Devon (where I live) or other parts of UK. Other parts will only very occasionally have issues. Hence my original reply to you " In some places in UK. Some pubs. Some places in Isaan too."
  7. There used to be a law that living costs were deducted from compensation. As the post above shows, it's now been scrapped.
  8. I have not posted that I've never experience it. You made that bit up. I've also never denied it happens in UK. 21 years in Thailand and 32 years in UK. I have felt equally safe in both countries. That leads me back to my original comment which was " in some places". Not all of either country is dangerous or perfectly safe. No need for outbursts.
  9. Paedo? I don't recall anything he's done that makes him a paedo. Do you have something?
  10. You seem to be confusing illegal immigrants and asylum seekers and even then they are not on benefits.
  11. TEMU seems to be doing well too. I know a couple of Evri drivers. They say their deliveries are often 50% from Temu
  12. In my hone town, most empty shops are now being offered as business rate free. They remain empty. With the amount of Amazon,DPD and UPS vans around, plus the plethora of delivery drivers you see in unmarked vehicles delivering for Evri and Flex, I believe it is mostly online shopping that is killing the high street.
  13. I'm very happy, thanks. No need for me to lighten up. I'm happy to respect others thoughts and beliefs. I don't feel the need to call the over sensitive or tell them to lighten up.
  14. I certainly seems you can relate to that. It reminds me of an old quote from a footballer " I like to get my retaliation in first". 🤣🤣
  15. The risks are there. I don't post about things I don't know about or haven experienced. You have not seen it so you think it doesn't happen. That's fine. No need for outbursts.
  16. Maybe so. However, that's no reason to disrespect others or offend them by being crass.
  17. Not if he has even an ounce of respect for others.
  18. My daughter attended Thai Government schools from 4 to 18 years old. She never attended international schools or English programs. With the guidance of myself, for English, Maths and general critical thinking, and her mum for Thai, she did very well and has grown to be an intelligent young woman. Personally, I think it's important for kids to attend school. It helps with social skills such as sharing and respect for others.
  19. You compared your experience to the topic of this post. I then asked a question. No need for any outburst, especially as you seem to have mistaken me for someone else. I've never been to Leeds.
  20. There's surely a fundamental difference between a, seems to be, homeless man washing in a stream in a field and a naked drugged up man walking naked down the high street.
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