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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. A very confusing article and nothing more than scaremongering from a newspaper not living up to its name. They even have a quote saying " not retrospective". There are laws protecting families that need to be taken into consideration.
  2. Doesn't look like it. The announcement said " British citizens and those with settlement status looking to bring their family members to UK"
  3. Two fundamental differences. For a work visa the amount earned must be contracted and constant for the duration of the visa. For a spouse visa only 6 months salary needs to be proved. When applying for FLR based on being a spouse, joint salaries can be used.
  4. I've had absolutely no problems taking my wife into bars, pubs or other social places in UK. I have never heard anyone give the reason for voting leave as "the coloureds" I'm sure there are a small minority out there that don't like " coloureds" but it's not as widespread as you like to make out. You are suggesting racism. Not liking immigration from EU is not being racist.It's certainly not a reason why most people voted leave.
  5. No. The lovely lady I married in 2000 and our beautiful daughter born in 2002.
  6. I don't recall mentioning illegal immigration. In fact, I made a point of saying those "being legally in Britain". No alter egos. Just saying things how they are. Good, attempted wriggle by you though.
  7. You are quite correct. I haven't. I know a few that have. Usually because of foolishness, naivety or the feeling of superiority. Posters on forums tend not to post happy stories. They tend to just live their happy lives. I like to occasionally give a shout out from the other side.
  8. My wife. My daughter too. That's two.
  9. The word " scrounging" is the simple answer. No wonderland. Just incorrect posting by you.
  10. If you don't know or understand the difference between EU migrants and non EU migrants and the benefits to them of being legally in Britain, you should not be commenting on this thread
  11. This thread is with about LGBTQ communities. Your comment it not. My comment, which you quoted, was in response to a comment about the LGBTQ communities. Your comment was not. Inane to the thread is what your comment was.
  12. Named after the port "Frey Bentos" in Uruguay. Products previously manufactured there. Now owned by British company and produced in Scotland.
  13. "Indian" food served and sold in UK is as British as it is Indian. Mostly created for the Raj to eat. Balti and Tikka Masala were both created in UK for the British palate. Go to India and try real Indian food. They you'll understand.
  14. He tends to announce putting posters on ignore on the open forum
  15. I have not destroyed anything. I am not a gay advocate. I simply choose not to discriminate against people who are different due to physical or mental conditions that are beyond their control.
  16. There are many ways gay couples can become parents. It happens often. You say it's a punishment. That would suggest all gay couples want children. How about hetrosexual couples that cant have kids because of physical issues? Are they being punished? There is no proof that homosexuality gets passed down generations.
  17. Really? Who decides who has a right to procreate? It's certainly not nature.
  18. It's a Pro Palestine March. They are not protesting to end the war. They are protesting the existence of Isreal.
  19. I cannot see any evidence of an arguement from me. I was simply trying to get to the bottom of your misleading post. Your subsequent post, admitting your error and then explaining, has cleared the matter up. Thanks.
  20. No dissection. You wrote "The definition of Anti Semitism is treating Israel differently to how other Countries are treated." Your original post and the post above are totally different. Thanks for correcting yourself.
  21. Had you been doing so you would have used "one definition" as apposed to "the definition".
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