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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. That's the first part. We'll done. You might wish to format your posts to disguise the fact you used "cut and paste". 555
  2. No, it has not failed me. Go to where Jasmine rice was first discovered. Learn the history and make up of the local language. Then, learn the evolution of the local language into being part of the national language, then the evolution of the farming of Jasmine rice. Then you'll understand.
  3. Indeed it does. Directed at people who are in Thailand who choose CDs and books, or even private Thai lessons, as their best resource to learn Thai when, all along, the best resource is right outside their door. The immersion method. Never fails.
  4. I have never read books or listened to CDs as learning aids. I have learned from the people. They know more than anyone, including you.
  5. 22 years of living amongst Thais with little chance of speaking English. Hence, I have picked up many idioms and sayings that often get lost in translation. I doubt Thais really teach crocodiles how to swim or play the fiddle to buffaloes, but they say it.
  6. I read, write, speak and understand Thai. Including many idioms or sayings. "Hom Mali" being one of them.
  7. Thais will often use the same phrase for other things that are extra fragrant. I think you'll find " Dhok Mali" is Jasmine flower.
  8. Like I said, the Jasmine part is lost in translation. Your translation takes it too literally.
  9. So, would you care to share the info? In that way, next time any poster would be more likely to get the info they require.
  10. But, will the chef's clientele think the same? Will other chefs agree with how it tastes?
  11. You should get what you write published. Then file it in the Fiction section.
  12. Or, as an efficient teacher would do, get someone else to do it for you.
  13. Why all the secrecy? The OP is asking about dentists. Lots of other members viewing. If they are viewing, they are interested in the conversation and outcome. Why can't dentist details be posted on the open forum?
  14. A multi entry O is a " proper visa". It's also legal. Not sure why you say " you spoil it.....:, when quoting my post.
  15. I think you'd like it. With bigger pictures and less text, it might help to cure the selective reading issues you have.
  16. The best bet would have been to bring the child up as bi/multi lingual from birth. That is how our daughter was brought up. It really is not difficult.
  17. My original comment was in reply to the possibility of workers on an B visas being able to work on an O being married to a Thai. Maybe I didn't make that clear when suggesting most of that group would be teachers.
  18. You need to get out of Bangkok and take a look. You, rightly so, have based your assumptions on 2 or 3 areas of Thailand. Expat teachers can be found all over Thailand. If you worked (I note past tense) in an office with 90% expats in management, how many was that? The "awful lot" of expats in Silom. You asked each and every one of them if they are working and what they do? That's incredible.
  19. Over 100? That's good. There are approximately 11000 expats teaching in Thailand. Like I said, teachers likely make up the large majority of expats working in Thailand.
  20. I would think a large majority of those that work are teachers. The salary requirements don't count for teachers on B visas.
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