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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. No. It isn’t. Minor? I'm yet to see any proof that Andrew had sex, unconsensual sex, with a minor.
  2. You may be discussing rape but nobody else is. As for saying it's evil. That's your opinion. Evil people do not go to jail if they haven't broken any laws.
  3. Crime? Has he been charged? I must have missed that bit.
  4. Abuse is not discipline. I agree, an abused person would fear an abuser. However, whether discipline is physical or not, it does not create fear of the disciplinarian. It creates the fear of what might happen if one were to do something that one knows is wrong Do no wrong, no need to be disciplined. Simple.
  5. Read what I said, read your link then find another one that actually refutes what I said
  6. You are confusing abuse, fear and violence with discipline. There are no studies that show children who were smacked as a form of discipline, not abused or victims of physical violence, grow up to be violent or with the view violence and abuse towards children is OK.
  7. You seem to be confusing corporal punishment and smacking with physical and sexual abuse.
  8. I commented as I have never heard or seen it used, other than in error. I've already mentioned the lack of present perfect tense in American English. Is "have went" an Americanism?
  9. It's incorrect. Sometimes it's lack of knowledge. Sometimes regional. I remember a colleague of mine from Barnsley saying " Them's yours, them is" when referring to someone's belongings. He didn't know what he'd said incorrectly when I questioned him. Regional? I've had colleagues from London and suburbs there of saying things like " I didn't do nothing" or " I done it yesterday". Regional? Then, of course, there is USA English which lacks present perfect tense and adverbs. "I didn't go there yet". " Did you have lunch yet?". "You are doing real good." Clearly regional. With regards to "gonna" and "wanna", I feel it's more to do with laziness in speech. " I'm going to" and "I don't want to" being contractions. Important to teach listening skills to pick this up but shouldn't be taught in writing.
  10. Are you joking? I ask as, should have, could have, would be correct.
  11. Just because people have different opinions, it doesn't mean they are wrong or don't know better. Keep that in mind when posting.
  12. These are your opinions, to which you are entitled. I was smacked, not whacked or abused and not a victim of violence, many times as a kid and I deserved it every time. It didn't do me any harm.
  13. Not quite correct. Siem Reap was never part of Thailand. It was, for a short time, controlled by the then Thai King but it was not part of Thailand. The name Siem Reap translates as "victory over Siam". Given by the Cambodian King when the Thais were repelled. The reason many Thais near to the now border with Cambodia speak Northern Khmer is because it's their heritage. Parts of lower Isaan were in Cambodia, until Thailand moved the border south. Hence the disputed claim on Khmer temples along the border. Built by Northern Khmers (Cambodians) but now within Thai borders.
  14. No, it didn't. The area of modern Siem Reap was once controlled by the Thai king but it was never "in Thailand".
  15. People do not pay in to a scheme. They pay 30 baht for treatment when they need it.
  16. In no way am I condoning the teacher's actions but, there must be more to this incident. Firstly, I'm surprised there is no video evidence. Surely the students would have taken the opportunity to get their phones out. Secondly, was it only that one student? As a teacher of over 20 years, and one that has quite possibly taught at the school in question, my experience tells me that Thai classrooms can be brutal. The lower end of the grading spectrum is very demanding. Students paying no attention, not doing what's asked, doing things they know are prohibited, noise, loud noise, disrespect. General disobedience. With often 45+ students in the room, things can get heated. The no fail policy doesn't help as students are aware they can behave badly and still get a pass grade. As I said, I don't condone the teachers actions. However, I think a good look at the bigger picture within that classroom and mitigating circumstances would be a good thing. I have seen teachers leave classrooms in tears. Broken by the behaviour of the students. Were the students punished? No. Counseling for teachers, training on behaviours of concern and more effective ways to discipline students required.
  17. All Thai teachers teaching in OBEC schools require a degree in Education. Subject teachers need a bachelor degree in Education with a major in their chosen subject.
  18. Let's kill the idiocy from he, only one so not sure why "let's" is in your comment, that can see past the end of their own nose. Read the link but engage your brain first. That should do it.
  19. I'm not dodging anything. No one has "called me out" correctly. Only falsely. The link explains everything. I deleted the link to the dictionary and replaced with a thesaurus prior to your post. That will be more useful to you.
  20. Please read the report I linked to. The MET and the ex head of public prosecutions make it quite clear. Here's another link to help you: https://www.thesaurus.com/
  21. I think you'll find there will not be an investigation, ar this point, as there is no new or relevant information. Even Starmer, former head of public procecutions said only "credible" accusations should be investigated. Maybe the MET could go after Republic for wasting police time. They did, afteralll, report a false crime.
  22. Actually, no. I've opened 5 bank accounts in my time in Thailand. The longest time it took was about 45 minutes.
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