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Everything posted by youreavinalaff

  1. It's not. I'm wondering why you did not link to the sources cited. That would make your claims more plausible.
  2. I've got some exiting news. Anyone can edit Wikipedia without citing a source. Therefore, content cannot be confirmed as fact.
  3. So, in this particular poll what was the age band, employment status, area of UK, political thinking, sex, financial situation, education background of those polled?
  4. Indeed there is a footnote. Well done. However, Wikipedia, by name, is a site that can be edited by anyone with out linking to any factual source. I know how you like a link. I'm surprised you used a source that cannot be backed up.
  5. I don't recall them confirming the demographics. Please link to them so I can take a look. Thanks.
  6. I could quite easily do a poll and get opposite answers. Those taking out opinion polls carefully choose thier audience. That way they get the answers they want. I believe your link showed a poll of 2132. That's just over 2000. Citing Wikipedia is just plain silly.
  7. Just over 2000 polled. Not a clear majority of Britons. A majority of those polled, by the Guardian, at an unknown location, of an unknown age, background.........the list goes on.
  8. Oh dear. I guess you have proof of such claims.
  9. Actually, the poster said "most ARE fake". He didn't say "most will be found to be fake." Most definitely a Hamlet moment.
  10. She wouldn't from you. Remember this; "If anyone had told me that these Isaan women were like this I’d have avoided them like the plague."
  11. If that is the way you speak to the locals, no wonder they don't understand.
  12. Do you really think there is a link between low IQ and believing the earth is flat?
  13. No. It was not agency. Contract direct with the school. I didn't boast. It was an example. If I wanted to boast I would have pointed out its top 5 nationally. I didn't as I didn't need to. Figures speak a lot louder than someone on a forum who clearly has issues so exaggerates. By the way ก = G. า = ar. I did also teach at another highly rated school in the suburbs of Bangkok. I won't name it as as soon as I do you'll have a made up story about how bad it is. I'll keep you guessing. 😅😅
  14. Interesting. In my time teaching in Bangkok, the centres where there were foreign teachers were packed every evening and all day Saturday and Sunday. Waiting lists weeks long. My students, Suan Gularb, studied with foreign teachers and were always asking me to teach them. Funny you say the situation gets worse as you leave Bangkok. Your theory is, the further we move away from the epicentre of International schools and EPs, mostly staffed by foreign teachers, the worse the standards are. By that theory, the area with the most foreign teachers has the best English standards yet foreign teachers are useless and no one wants to study with them. How strange. I guess your maths teachers are the same ones that taught you logic.
  15. Most kids study English with Thai teachers an hour per day and some kids maybe learn an hour a week with a foreign teacher. You blame the foreign teachers. Your maths teachers must have been s$#t. 🤣🤣🤣.
  16. You missed the link, then? Any claim, whatever the subject, that cannot be backed by facts, is flawed. If you carry on believing, despite links being provided to the contrary, your thoughts are flawed.
  17. If extra classes are the answer, I agree. Teachers from school who teach extra classes tend to focus on teaching the students to pass the school test, that are written by the teachers themselves so they know the Q and A, rather than teaching knowledge The students will be taught to remember the answers in short term memory rather than retain knowledge in long term memory. Teachers write and mark their own tests. It's no surprise that those that study the extra classes get the higher grade. Not necessarily because the got the answers right but because the teacher is earning extra cash.
  18. If you don't know the cause, you won't find the solution.
  19. I didnt make the claim. Its was another poster. The claim that most asylum claims are fake is flawed, as you seem to agree. I have not asked you to prove anything. Anyway.....https://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk/information/refugee-asylum-facts/the-truth-about-asylum/
  20. "We"? You (singular) don't need to take my word for it. Of course you don't. The figures of how many asylum claims are rejected are out there. A comment saying "most are fake", especially with no proof, is flawed.
  21. I would be inclined to find out why she is falling behind first. Is not interested in school? Is she lazy? Is there a chance she might have a learning disability? Does she feel too much pressure to achieve? Problems with teachers? Classmates? Is it the school that's the problem? Extra classes don't necessarily work. Quantity does not beat quality. If there is a issue extra classes will not help. When I was teaching there were kids that clearly had learning disabilities but teachers and parents took no notice when I mentioned it. Autism, ADHD or dyslexia, as examples, simply don't exist in the eyes of Thai schools or families.
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