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Posts posted by dickyknee

  1. Serious observers of Thai politics are left stunned and shocked by the ramping up of violence that has coincided by the out-on-bail-for-terrorism-charges Jatuporn being thrust into the UDD head position. Nobody could have foreseen this happening.

    "Serious observers of Thai politics" would wait until investigations have been carried out by the relevant officials and announcements made rather than make baseless accusations influenced by their own blind prejudice and hatred.


    is that the "baseless accusation" in question?

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  2. When one considers quantum physics, there most certainly could be a truth about homeopathic medicine, although i personally believe that even though the principle may be true, it seems very complex matter and i would hazard the guess that not many "homeopathic practicioners" would really know how to apply the correct medicine.

    "Could be a truth", "seems very complex", "hazard to guess"

    You keep second guessing yourself.

    Please expand on the quantum physics thing, I'm intrigued by the theory and how it applies here.

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  3. There are trillions of molecules in a glass of water

    um, massive orders of magnitude out.

    molar mass of water is about 18g.

    1 mole is about 6.022x10^23 molecules.

    1L of water is about 1kg

    1 glass of water is about 250mL.

    250/18=13.9mole= 13.9x6.022X10^23molecules

    =8.364x10^24 molecules

    wow, thats a lot of molecules

    yep thank you for the calculation so that is about 8 trillion trillion i think. And every one of them with 'memory' would make one glass of water the homeopathic elixir of every ailment in the universe.

    and if every molecule only held 1 bit of 'memory'... jeeze thats a lot of porn.

    i should drink more water.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    There are trillions of molecules in a glass of water

    um, massive orders of magnitude out.

    molar mass of water is about 18g.

    1 mole is about 6.022x10^23 molecules.

    1L of water is about 1kg

    1 glass of water is about 250mL.

    250/18=13.9mole= 13.9x6.022X10^23molecules

    =8.364x10^24 molecules

    wow, thats a lot of molecules

    But how many molecules are "magic" and provide the "cure" ?

    all of them if i'm thirsty.

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  5. So tell me is what inside the remedy? If you know it, don't hold back, because nobody in the world has been able to answer that question...

    It's PURE ENERGY. What remain is the part of the "thought" of the product whether it is made from a mineral, animal or vegetal substance, but i doubt you will understand what it mean...

    I thought I farted, what remained was the smell.

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  6. In trying to denigrate the organization by impugning negativity due to lack of elections, one must remember that this is not a Political Party.[\quote]

    Sorry I had to paraphrase, but my phone was having issues with the length of your post.

    I fail to see where democracy is limited to politics. Publicly listed companies to the local chess club can exhibit some form of democratic system to choose the head.

    In this instance, in name and function, the group is supposedly pro democracy. If they haven't democratically elected the head, they should be denigrated. If they have, well good, they are leading by example.

    From the OP, it says appointed. Clear as mud as to how he got the post.

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  7. In trying to denigrate the organization by impugning negativity due to lack of elections, one must remember that this is not a Political Party.[\quote]

    Sorry I had to paraphrase, but my phone was having issues with the length of your post.

    I fail to see where democracy is limited to politics. Publicly listed companies to the local chess club can exhibit some form of democratic system to choose the head.

    In this instance, in name and function, the group is supposedly pro democracy. If they haven't democratically elected the head, they should be denigrated. If they have, well good, they are leading by example.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  8. Pheu Thai must explain to society why it is that Yingluck would rather honour the time of a noodle soup vendor than the constitutionally empowered National Anti-Corruption Commission.

    come on mate. soup noodle, som tam, I don't know a thai that wouldn't drop everything for a feed.

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  9. I understand grief and the need for justice but at some point, in the interests of reconciliation, these tit for tat law suits will have to stop or things will never be resolved

    it's tit-for-tat? The charges here are murder, the others are abuse of power at the highest level, and corruption involving billions.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Are you a member of a tribe that has lost the ability to make fire? Read the reports....murder and murder. Try thinking about what people are posting rather than letting your tedious and tiresome bias get in the way.
    the tat is murder, the tit is corruption on a massive scale. Were both plebs so don't get too much sand in ya vag.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  10. I understand grief and the need for justice but at some point, in the interests of reconciliation, these tit for tat law suits will have to stop or things will never be resolved

    it's tit-for-tat? The charges here are murder, the others are abuse of power at the highest level, and corruption involving billions.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  11. If the OAG on behalf of the DSI already filed 'premeditated murder' charges for these particular deaths, how can the duo be charged again? did I miss something here ?

    The DSI are trying to prove criminal actions, this is a civil action, all about relatives wanting money.

    Thanks, missed that.

    Still, I would then assume that the proceedings of the civil charge would be put on hold while the charge on 'criminal intent' is being processed.

    BTW money? Didn't the government already paid out loads of money? Oh, forgot, the recipients had to sign not to sue 'that' government only.

    I'm thinking a parallel in the OJ Simpson case. They couldn't get him in a criminal case but did in the civil case. They would wait to file the civil case if they knew the criminal case was concrete, the civil case would then become a no-brainer.

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  12. If they are being sued, this would imply a civil case and they would be suing for compensation. I didnt think incarceration or death penalty is in the table in this case.

    I don't know thai law, but in the west , civil cases rest in the balance if probability rather than like criminal cases which require beyond all reasonable doubt.

    Please educate me.

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  13. a courageous woman who seeks to stem the tide of legal nonsense that only happens here - everyone suing each other all the time - it's ridiculous

    where else? where else? does a PM have to go through this? most countries give Parliamentarians immunity for anything discussed in the 'House' as it should do so here

    "a courageous woman"

    Sounds like she is begging for mercy actually.

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  14. "The NACC unanimously decided last month to press charges of neglect of duty against Ms Yingluck in her capacity as chairperson of the National Rice Policy Committee (NRPC).

    The caretaker premier criticised the NACC for pressing charges against her after only 21 days of investigation."

    she has now been given more time to defend herself than she alleges it took to investigate and compile the case in the first place.

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  15. How about ... What has Mr. Suthep contributed to the Thai Economy? Could you please elaborate on this? Please indulge me on this request.

    Many TV members who deride Yingluck's actions is pure sour grapes. In the meantime, Mr. Suthep continue to ruin the Kingdoms' economy. Instead of applauding Yingluck for trying to do something positive for the Kingdom, she is criticized. So many malcontents in this country. It really is a pity. tsk tsk...

    how is stealing tax payer money something positive?

    Or what positive things did you see from this government so far?

    how about firstly an answer to the question put to you.

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  16. The hospital opened itself up to counter protests when it went beyond simply advocating a position, to becoming an active participant in the protests.

    He only said, from the OP, that they didn't want the police to use violence against the protesters.

    Maybe i missed a different report, so excuse me... but from i can see

    the above comment from the director of the hospital has been stretched and twisted to imply that they (the hospital) are protecting the PDRC protesters, and even to the point (to quote) "The hospital has served as a convenient "shelter" for anti government protestors, some of whom are not in need of medical care."

    but i fail to see where anything or anybody says anything like that at all.

    so please, educate me.

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