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Posts posted by dickyknee

  1. Funny that.

    I just been on BBC News Asia, if it is anywhere, it is there.

    No mention of it.... just another pro government supporter lying. Strange how most of them lie on here and get found out.

    The only thing on there is another wildly inaccurate report from Johnathon 'Dick' Head.


    A few hilarious snippets.

    'Tens of thousands of opposition-backed protesters have marched through the Thai capital' (try hundreds of thousands).

    'The protesters massed at five main intersections,' ( I believe it was 15 plus YL's crib).

    'Protests began nearly a month ago' (erm... try almost 2 months ago).

    Seriously, does this guy even know what is going on here?

    i liked the one "The protests have led to Thailand's most serious political violence since 2010"

    on the BBC iPhone app, the heading for the same article is "Thai opposition holds mass rally". the protesters oppose Thai? <deleted> does that mean?

  2. There are close to 10 million people in Bangkok with no real distance to travel if they wish to join the protest, and we have a report of money being offered to attend......hardly a groundswell of opinion if you do the maths, is there even 1% turn out of Bangkok residents? I doubt it, as we hear many are arriving from the south!! then indeed Bangkok would appear to be ignoring Suthep

    Forget it 473geo... You're not getting Thaksin back.

    Not required, Suthep has the baht going in the right direction for me!

    My wife is upgrading 50% of the rice seed next year thanks to the PTP subsidies

    Life is good, for me.

    But the outlook maybe not the same under Suthep and Abhisit for the Thai people, who appear to be heading back to the bad old days of feudalism, and the sad continuation of a hamstrung government.

    everyone has a price.
  3. Such mountaintop snow - possibly this month and in January - would result from an approaching "Little Ice Age" and reversal of the Earth's magnetic field, which had last taken place 800,000 years ago.[\quote] this guy knows stuff others don't, we should listen to him.

    It takes very little effort to discredit an idea without reason.

    It also takes very little effort to actually try to find out if there's any validity to the idea. By using google for instance.

    And it avoids going from deriding to being derided.





    from the wiki link: "Most reversals are estimated to take between 1,000 and 10,000 years."

    or from the article "possibly this month and in January"

    believe what you will.

  4. Can't make this shit up! blink.png Like Monty Python, but in reverse and with that awful Benny Hill tune.

    Funny you mention Monty Python, when I read this:

    He told Chaturon that if he was attacked by whistles he would blow one back

    I thought this:

    • Like 1
  5. I have said before and will say again - odds on bet, he (the fugitive criminal) will never return, well not in the short term - no balls - far too many enemies just waiting for his return .......

    Those enemies are growing by the day.

    This is just the start of a potential social and civil melt-down. Wait till the senate has the bill in their hands, you can expect the demonstrations to grow rapidly.... Should the senate actually vote against the huge and obvious opposition to the amnesty bill, and actually vote it through, expect the situation to explode.

    At the moment, the boiler is on the gas and the pressure is building, when the senate starts its debate, the gas is turned up. The only release valve is to go with the will of the people. Go against the will of the people.... It's anyone's guess what could happen.

    When is the senate date does anyone know ?

    the other paper says from the 11th.

    • Like 1
  6. Amazing TV... cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif I missed all Your chicken-livered Yellow apologists & Corporate shills' reactions when these political flyweights shut down both airports... xpartytime2.gif.pagespeed.ic.V_K7hML3fS. probably thought it was just, Oh! so peachy...pfst. ;-} rap. 1zgarz5.gif.pagespeed.ce.GJfs_tQOQ-.gif

    It was a demonstration that shut down the airports... This is your government shutting down the train lines. By the way you must have just set a record for the most emoticons ever in a TV post.

    *According to SRT governor Praphat Chongsa-nguan, demonstrators have been obstructing the railroad in Bangkok in order to force the trains to stop and let passengers who want to join the demonstration get off at Sam Sen train station.*

    You just made my point, thanQ BTW: need some maths lessons...you clearly can't count NOR read... .clap2.gifgiggle.gifw00t.gifemot-kiss.giflicklips.gifangry.pngclosedeyes.gif NOW! maybe I broke the record? what a dolt... ;-} rap.

    I'm having trouble reading your posts also.

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