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Posts posted by dickyknee

  1. This phrase jumps out from the Op-ed:

    "Appointed senators, thanks to their experience, integrity and other qualities, can do a good job in performing those duties".

    It should be a doddle then for them to get elected at the end of their term if they are doing such a fine job.

    when was the last time / who was the last person with experience and integrity that got voted into office in this country?
  2. There was a similar event not long after the new government.

    If I remember rightly, it was the Speaker refusing the Opposition time to debate. I believe Abhisit assaulted a piece of parliamentary furniture - no, I don't mean Yingluck.

    I thought referring to someone as a piece of furniture meant that they were there all the time.
    Poetic license? (Or is it licence - never a Thai English graduate around when you need one)
    ok, I'm thinking lampshade, closest thing i can think of to a light pole.
  3. Everyone who contracts Flu or other similar symptoms should use the Onion trick; believe me it works. Take an Onion and cut off the top and bottom and place it in a jar or pot with no lid in the lounge, or even better in the bedroom of a sick person overnight. Onions absorb all the bacteria in the room and will go black....but you and your family will not contract any bugs that are around and if you are already sick you will be feeling a lot better reasonably fast.

    Try it and you will be impressed but; do not cook or use the Onion in the kitchen later !

    the flu is a virus, not bacteria.
    • Like 1
  4. The other pic is of Casa 212's (not sure which series -400 is the common one these days) The department of Ag uses them I think.

    i wasn't sure if they were 300 or 400 series. 300 all being built in Indo under contract (and the latest 400s), most 400 like the 100 and 200 built in Spain. they definitely aren't 100 or 200 series, the nose isn't so pointy on those. 300 has the winglets, but I couldn't see and it isn't obvious in the photo. the 400s do have bigger donks but that is even less obvious.

    I've been noticing them for the past few years flying overhead during the wet season, the obvious Garret engine sound makes the ears prick up over the normal air traffic.

    the army has both 300 and 400 apparently anyways. I think the rainmakers planes are actually army, but i'll stand corrected.

    a good aircraft, though they are up there with the twotter for hull loss and loss of life but i recon that isn't a good measure of a good aircraft.

  5. sorry for the poor photo.

    Looks like a Shorts of some sort..

    not built in Ireland, I think but am not sure these ones were built in Indonesia.

    I see them parked up and sometimes flying about CNX (photo was taken at CNX on Sunday). The Thai military also has some dressed up in full camo which I've also seen parked up at CNX from time to time.

  6. Tesco and BigC both carry a product called Farcent which comes in plastic boxes, cheap enough and very effective simple osmosis filter, we used to buy it by the case load when living in Phuket, put it in the wardrobes to keep clothes mildew free.


    homepro as well. the boxes and refill bags look like this:


    basically calcium cloride in a nice container and a bit of extra scent stuck in. found in the aisle with the room deodorisers.

    • Like 1
  7. Is there an overnight bus? Guess I should head to bus station too

    I haven't done it for a few years so it's probably changed now, it used to be sombat tour and issan tour alternating so there was a bus every night. leaving around 7 or 8pm.

    as already pointed out, it takes over 12 hours. and it can be scary at times. you wont arrive at the other end feeling very fresh.

  8. in days gone by, a spade would deal with them permanently. These days it is more acceptable to squirt them with a hose to move them on.

    Back in the home country, if it needed to be removed, you would be in contact with the local registered reptile person through the local council/ranger and they would relocate it.

    A quick google, it would seem the Mae Sai Valley snake farm is the place to call to remove a snake in Chiang Mai.

  9. Even small turbo props can be brutal, like the Metro who has those bloody Garrets. The engines are ok, but they run at very high RPM, an just change the pitch of the prop. By memory, the engines run at "flight IDLE" at 98% often when just on the ground !! But they are light, cheap, hardy and relatively simple direct shaft, donks.

    TPE331, ground idle (starting and ground taxi) ~70%, flight idle 98%. full power 100%.

    noisy <> things. my mates like them though cause they are also more responsive than the PT6, they call the PT6 Push&Waits.

  10. We buy a 2nd hand mbike and we would like to repair it. Because every time I start it, it takes long before the speed goes up.

    Does anyone have any idea of what to the mbike? Do you have any idea where I can repair this?


    what make (and model)? Where are you located?There are plenty of shops about, but this might help find the best shop for your bike.
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