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Posts posted by dickyknee

  1. the thing i find curious is i do the exact same thing in reverse, leaving thailand i buy a bunch of trinkets to give as gifts to my nieces/nephews, friends children, friends, work colleges etc. I buy stuff from the deaf girl walking about loikroh and the kids i give them to in Australia love it. i travel a lot, get stuck in some remote places in Australia for a few weeks and get to know some people more than a passer-by, they love those wooden frogs that you run the stick over the back and make that noise, or those Akha hats with the bells on them, especially when you tell them that the hat isn't Thai, it's Akah and you give them the condensed 2 minute story of the Akha.

    the funniest thing i had about a month ago, i declared to customs some hair clips my partner purchased for my niece. the lady at customs took them (momentarily) to show some work colleges because of how cool she thought they were as a gift. they were about 20 baht each.

    when you see a persons eyes light up at the 2D leather caricature of a kangaroo on a keyring that you just gave them, is it really that crapy? or should I have just given them 5 bucks instead?

    somehow though going by this thread, when coming to thailand, there needs to be some judgement made on the social/class demographic, and the monetary value of the gift... otherwise just give them money because really they don't want, need or desire anything else...

    or is that just a reflection?

    • Like 2
  2. not american, but I purchased a bunch of kangaroo scrotums from the gift shop at the airport outbound.

    I never said what they were, but told the girls I gave them to, if they put 5 baht inside it would bring good luck.

    I do buy chocolates coming through singapore, only for a certain bunch of girls who I know eat them.

    the common one i get asked is stuffed kangaroos and koalas.

    The triplets asked me to buy them some perfume, but I think they are going to miss out there.

    • Like 1
  3. In Fremantle's history, they'd never had a proven coach and have had some absolute duds like

    Damian Drum and Chris Connolly.

    Don't forget their first coach Neesham, the water polo player!

    And not limited to coaches. WhyTF did we hire Modra, Tarrant.

    the turning point started when Rick Hart stepped down as club president, then Connolly was gone, then most of the coaching staff, some dead wood was also cut from the squad, the last to go was Harvey - the best assistant coach we've had, but we had already filled that spot with Sumich.

  4. Ron19 will be a happy chappie..Probably also Will27 and OldCroc? Farmerjo too?

    A lot to be happy about really... Fremantle played a blinder the first half and could have been up by 60 points at the main break. Relentless pressure, good marking, hard tackling, brilliant tagging and nullification of Sydneys top players. Good team work all over the field. They just know where there team mates are going to be and what their roles are. The inaccuracy in front was a small concern, but maybe just nerves. At no stage did Sydney look like they could win.

    After that performance It is very hard to split the teams for next week

    Mixed feelings about Freo personally.

    Most Freo supporters have been such a/holes about the Eagles over the years it's difficult to wish them well now.

    They used to barrack against the Eagles as much, or more, than for their own team. When Cousins first started getting in trouble they would display signs at the games berating him. I've always thought that beating the Eagles in a derby was more satisfying for them than getting in the finals.

    Before I came to Thailand a group of us (about 6) would get together on a Friday to eat, drink some good wines and talk crap about everything. We had to ban football from the discussions because of one Dockers supporter among us who was a complete unreasonable pain on the subject!

    I may find myself going with Hawthorn next week. I've long considered them the best of a bad bunch in Victoria.

    so in your own words, does that make you an <deleted>?
  5. They were preparing to land and

    people did not have their seat

    belts on? I guess the same ones

    who ride around on their motor

    bikes with no helmet on!

    Exactly, and perhaps excepting the air hostess I have only one comment "som nam naa" Posted Image

    And whilst not known as yet severe weather conditions can be picked up on the radar. Or perhaps the guy who should have been looking was asleep.

    Normally any chop would get passed along the line by the flights in front just having been through it, also Air traffic should have warned them on an approach , but then then again that would all have been in English and of course should have been relayed in Thai for the chosen ones. Still not got into their heads A380's are long haul jet, but Thai using on short hops. No wonder making huge losses.
    what do you call a deer with no eye?
  6. Blast from the past.

    Anyways, people don't kill themselves unless they are sick. It's not a normal thing to do and a scary statistic amongst (at least) Australian men.

    http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Lookup/by+Subject/4125.0~Jan+2012~Main+Features~Suicides~3240

    But there would have been no help for this guy, and it seems his girlfriend didn't help him either, and to tar this guy as selfish is just helping to throw the next sick guy off a bridge.

    Man up.


  7. while her young son has Bt1.25 million in assets.

    He must be saving his birthday money, well deserved like his public service medals........

    This may come as a shock for you and other foreigners, but the money in the kid's name is not unusual. It is common practice for grandparents, and parents to put money into a child's bank account starting at birth. All of my friends in the west had sizeable college/university by the time they were 18.

    This thread is just the usual spitting of vile from jealous people. There is absolutely no evidence to support the petty innuendo that the PM has illegally obtained wealth.

    who could have it was hinted at in the OP, twice, but they can't say that aloud 'cause they'd get their <deleted> sued for slander... Even if it true.

    So forget about asking for proof, you won't get it. Even if as you say "illegally obtained wealth" isn't actually illegal, to hide something means there is something to hide.

  8. I'd just thought I paraphrase this little gem:

    "The assets of the premier and her son, excluding her common-law husband, are valued at Bt601.66 million, with 27 million baht in liabilities."

    "...but there are some attempts to conceal assets through various means such as divorce or the lack of an official marriage registration to avoid assets scrutiny by the anti-graft watchdog."

  9. If the engine is built to run E85 there are huge power gains to be had, though I'm talking high compression and/or forced induction engines. Slow flame front and high relative ignition temp. Same with Methanol or LPG.

    Forget about the concept of fuel economy in that instance though. The energy density and stoic' ratios of those fuels are low in comparison to traditional pump fuel.


    I'm talking in terms of the otto cycle engines here. Diesel cycle engines take advantage of the low ignition temperature and high energy density of the longer chained or more tightly bonded hydrocarbons to achieve a similar result. There is more than 1 way to skin a cat.


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