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Posts posted by dickyknee

  1. From the Oxford Dictionary:


    Pronunciation: /ˈsɒkə/

    [mass noun]

    a form of football played by two teams of eleven players with a round ball which may not be handled during play except by the goalkeepers. Also called football and Association football.

    The object of the game is to score goals, by kicking or heading the ball into the opponents' goal. The game originated in England, and is played according to rules established by the Football Association, which has organized the major English knockout competition, the FA Cup, since 1872. The international game is administered by the International Football Federation (FIFA), which is responsible for the World Cup

    its called football ok..!....its only referred to as soccer by some funny European/south American nations and the colonial cousins...The game was invented in the UK and they call it Football...so football it is..

    What the colonial cousins call football..is actually Rugby with cissy pads on

    the amount of times soccer players are on the turf rolling around in agony, makes me think they should be wearing sissy pads too.
    • Like 1
  2. ^ What relevance does your question have to shopping in 2013?

    before the web and now, what you are selling and who your target market is dictates whether you post prices or not. The web and the year has little to do with it.

    I think that in 2013 the people are much more price concious as they were in 1990, hence the fact that they want to be better informed.

    I think that the price conscious aren't the target market in this instance.
  3. You should think about posting the selection and prices on your website (if you have one).

    Thats how most do it these days.

    How many beer importers(in Chiang Mai) post beer prices on there website?

    Someone who's hesitant to make his prices public has probably something to hide.

    For that reason I will never visit a shop that refuses to post the price of their articles on their website.

    what did you do before 1990?
  4. Now that we have slipped into the Month of July ...

    Posted Image

    Just keeping us up to date ... Posted Image


    if you ever get stuck trying to find the images for the month, I have one of these calendars hanging on the wall in my house.
    Just wish l had one of those hanging around for my smile muscles. Posted Image
    the lady of the house isn't working her smile muscles over it, but then the Mathew Pavlich calendar she has doesn't do it for me either.
  5. As for the Moodys report, she has promised to rebut the findings with a government investigation into the true cost of the program.

    Well, I think we would all be inclined to believe Yingluck and the boys in the cabinet over Moody's. After all, the cabinet has no worries about popularity, re-election or filling their pockets, whereas Moody's......oh, wait, sorry about that.

    Is it 30 days since Moody's raised the issue.

    Yinglucks behind on her homework.

    Is she at home?
    • Like 1
  6. Another way of saying the same as folks above: The Thai Airways website persists in sucking donkey balls up a garden hose, year after year after year.

    one more reason to fly via Singapore, singapore airlines website is spot-on. And to stay on-topic let's you book international from Chiang Mai.
  7. There was some speculation in another thread of that the 2 passengers that died, one may have been killed by a firetruck.

    now all speculation aside, no blame should be placed on the emergency services in response to any emergency.

    Of course, no suggestion was made to blame. I just wanted to raise awareness.

    And apparently, I have.. Thank you, dickyknee.

    I wasn't going to reply to an off-topic post in another thread (now deleted) so I replied where it was on-topic.

    and to quote the article posted "Fire Truck May Have Run Over Asiana Plane Crash Victim"

    no suggestion of blame, of course.

  8. If i was Andrew i would drop the old bell bit on the sign and put the name of your restaurant on it. + the British legion thing is not right to show as you are not a part of the British legion. Its kamala guest house who the British legion are associated with now. (Just Advice) Posted Image

    why? An earlier post reported he had a record number of people in for Sunday roast... And it appears for no other reason that he put the old "old bell" sign out front.

    It would actually seem putting the restaurant name on the sign at this point is a bad idea.

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