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Posts posted by Jaggg88

  1. If you use back ups that are synchronized then your back ups will also be infected. The encryption makes changes to your files so the synchronizing software detects this and backs them up overwriting your clean data. Some cloud storage sites keeps a history or archive of your files which allows you to revert to an earlier version - MS Onedrive does this with Win 8.1.

    For those that aren't aware TOR (The Onion Ring) Network Project uses multiple layers to make it difficult to track people/servers, but not impossible. This is where Dark Net/Dark Web services resides. Everything illegal uses TOR (which is basically a vpn) to hide from the authorities which is why its called Dark Net.

  2. Last year i was with my family on holidays in Nong Khai.I was running out of medication for hypertension. I was taking Aprovel 150 mg.

    The cost,then, in Surin was 900 baht for 28 tablets.

    I went to a pharmacy in the local shopping mall.and the price quoted was 2900 baht for 28 tablets.

    These meds are imported from France!

    I have not been able to find a locally made equivalent.

    Irbesartan is the generic name for Aprovel - it is generically identical and much cheaper.

  3. An extension based on Marriage requires 400K in an account in his name only. If you base it on 40K income that income has to be his income and I don't think money coming into a business will qualify unless he is being paid a salary and paying taxes. That of course means he must have a work permit. These two amounts can be combined between income and money in the bank. I.e. 200K in the bank would mean he must show an income of 280K per year.


    It has to be Income OR Money in the bank.

    Cannot be combined .

    If you apply for an extension based on retirement you can combine income and money in the bank for the total required but not for an extension based on marriage.

  4. Hats of to Gambia! I noticed no other Islamic country had stepped forward with such an offer.. People slag Israel incessantly but when there are Jews in trouble, anywhere in the World, they will go and fetch them (Ethiopia was a great example) and airlift them to their ancestral home of Israel.

    Good point. We haven't seen much brotherhood for the Moslem brothers.

  5. whistling.gif Unfortunately, you sound like you are caught between a rock and a hard place.

    Thai families have strong attachments between family members, and Thai daughters are taught to respect their parents and provide for them when they get older.

    it's that parental support thing that is deep in the Thai culture.

    Is there a grandmother in your Thai family?

    From my experience Thai grandmothers have a lot of authority in extended Thai families.

    The Grandfather may be seen to be the head of the family , but often Granny, his wife actually controls him.

    I would advise to have your wife to have a long conversation if possible with her grandmother in Thai and explain to Granny exactly why she feels she is being slighted by her sister and her sister's husband.

    I don't know if that will work or not but I know Granny often has a lot of weight in extended Thai families and it might work in your case.

    In my girlfriends extended Thai family my girlfriend is now the eldest surviving child of the grandparents and that has given her a lot of authority with the rest of the extended family

    If it doesn't work at least you tried.

    But first be absolutely sure your wife agrees with this idea, otherwise it will come to nothing.

    I suspect your wife has been indoctrinated since birth that it is her role as a good faithful daughter to support her aged parents and siblings as they get older.

    That's normal in extended Thai families.

    It is a old cultural tradition that not all Farangs see or can understand that goes deep in Thai culture.... my family first.

    Rather like in Italy.... Mia familia.

    Well said and the first piece of constructive advice. So many farang fail to understand its not mum dad and 2.4 children in Thailand. The daughters are obliged to look after their parents/extended family. That's why they're quite happy to marry older farangs as this is a good financial thing for their family and most Thais don't bat an eyelid at the age gap. Of course, many Thai families are more contemporary and have moved with the times but out in the sticks it will be old school rules. I suspect the sister and her husband are jealous and hoped the house they are building next door would be the grandest in the village but along comes sister with a rich farang! and what do you do? only plan to make mum and dads house grander than the sister could ever afford to make hers. What about offering to help her sister and hubby finish their house? maybe donate the stuff you have already bought (better than just leaving it). If they accept they will forever be in your gratitude and it would get the out of mum and dads house quicker. I don't think mum and dad will be a problem when sister and hubby have gone. Remember divide and conquer.

  6. If you reapply with the same documents it would not surprise me if your application was approved even if nothing much has changed. I know several people who were turned down on their first attempt but had their application approved on the second try.

    It gives the distinct impression that they are :

    A) testing the sincerity of the original application

    cool.png Getting paid again ......a nice little earner.

    Yep, my wifes first UK visitor/tourist visa application (before we were married) was refused on some very not very clear reasons, we immediately applied again with exactly the same documentation and visa was granted. As you say, nice little earner.

    I suspect a number of applications have to be refused or it may look like you're not doing your job. So they reject the weakest ones or if there aren't any weak ones make some weak. I met a UK driving test examiner on holiday in Spain and he told me if he passed everybody he would be called in for re-assessment tests so he failed the weakest ones even tho' they had technically passed the test.

    When I applied for my wife's settlement visa I supplied all the info the website required but it was refused. I was told to overload them with information when I re-applied, which I did, and guess what it was approved even tho' it was the same info, just more of it. So I suspect that the OP was just one of the rejects for that day.

    The re-application does increase the revenue for this immigration office. I read, on here I think a number of years ago, that they made somewhere around £800,000 profit which is outrageous for a non-profit making civil service department. If I remember correctly the office in Karachi Pakistan made the most profit which suggests its not about controlling immigration but more about money. The fees have risen enormously in the last 15 years.

  7. This sort of scam is very popular in Italy,you can go on any train going anywhere and someone will do the same thing,start at the front to the back and return picking up the cards,they get away with the ticket issue by staying on the platforms,and hiding in the train toilets when the conductor is on his rounds.Mostly polish and eastern european people,they have been around for a fair length of time with this scam.

    I've seen it many times in Spain

  8. My wife and I had help in getting a bank loan for the property through the estate where we purchased the property. We had to pay 20,000 a month for about 18 months, then the estate manager took us to get the land registered. while the payments were kept by the estate in my wife's bank book and card which they kept. The property is in my wife's name and I am guarantor for the payments. The house is insured in my wife's name for the sum borrowed. Does anybody know what the legal position is for me if my wife dies before me?

    That's a question you have asked before you signed. I suggest you post this question in the legal forum

  9. Wait till Greece (and the UK) leaves the EUSSR. You will be lucky to get 30.

    Well The UK do not have the Euro, Not like poor old Greece trapped in a economic prison

    One of Greece's few options is to leave the Euro and relaunch their own currency which they can devalue at will to wipe out debts. This doesn't affect the man on the street in Greece but will affect big business. The plus side is it will help boost tourism.

  10. Its complete bs to think rice created ur better diet.

    Its to know which rice u eat and the other foods u eat with it.

    Eating brown rice could be the best diet for every human, combined with good veggies, meat without preservatives

    Eating good rice and veggies changed my life for the better

    The worst items in Thai cuisine are white polished processed rice, fish sauce, palm oil and palm sugar, the latter three are all used in stir frying. These ingredients and similar items through out Asia are probably the reason so many people have diabetes. I read a report on here that 8 million people in Thailand have some form of kidney disease which is a complication of diabetes.

  11. I very rarely drive at night... usually because I've consumed wine or a beer with dinner. I guess that in Thailand many others driving at night have consumed !

    This means at night my Wife drives (no alcohol consumption)... She's been driving in Bangkok since she was 15, She's never performed a test yet somehow has a licence - I'm astonished, but thats the way it is here. How many people (Thai's) driving in Thailand have actually taken a lesson or a half decent test? If your Wife drives, did she ever take a test? your Thai friends ? and really how good was that test anyway?

    When alone I get a taxi - this poses its own lottery of 'get home safely'... 10% of the time the taxi ride home makes me feel a dash uncomfortable - Taxi driver issues, safety etc has been discussed extensively in other threads - from my point of view sometimes taxi drivers are down right dangerous... a necessary negative when living here ?... probably..

    Anyway.... back to my point... My Wife's driving isn't terrible, but its 'Thai' driving if that makes any sense without seeming like a Thai basher (it makes sense to me, I've lived here most of my adult life). I do see some common issues - sense of space being the greatest issue... many seem to 'hold' in the blind spot of another car and generally seem not to predict possible / potential events. This could be said of Thai's walking around in the street. Spatial awareness of others seem be lacking over here more so than many other capital cities (I mention capital cities only because we must compare like for like - there is no point comparing Bkk to my quiet little UK countryside village).


    Slightly off topic: Lets Face it - As a Western Male in Thailand any topic on driving standards is likely to either end up as racist or sexist. I've had the 'sexist' conversations with taxi drivers throughout Asia... I've had the 'racist' conversation with other countrymen regarding the standard of driving in pretty much every country outside of the UK. We Brits think we poop rose petals when it comes to driving standards, for the most part the driver education the majority Western countries is rather decent - again, not a bash against Thailand, just a point many would agree with.


    I would like to be fair.. Accidents happen anywhere. In the UK a very close friend driving to her work place (a Primary School) had a an accident. The Van driver had exceeded hours, in court later testified that he was also using his radio and simply did not make the corner. The ensuing head on collision took my dear friends life less than 2 months after she was married.

    A tragedy can strike anywhere at any time.... BUT: Without wishing to bash driving in Thailand which seems impossible because we are discussing driving in Thailand !!... I see some very silly things happening here. Some extreme carelessness, so absolute stupidity. I've tried to counter as much of this as possible by not riding bikes and by driving solid cars. But, I see lorries making a turn in Bangkok, sometimes they go a little too fast, I've seen reports of the Container Truck tipping over.. The lorry not stopping...

    Again, in the Interest of 'Balance' - one of the aspects I do enjoy about driving in Thailand... The lack of 'direct aggression'... by that I mean horn blasting, hand signals, people shouting at each other etc... That said, I consider people quite aggressive drivers, blocking others, deliberately not giving way, cutting people off... Driving here really is a social enigma...


    So.. Big Question: Is it Safe? Night time? - IMO Well much less so, especially outside of the city / town... in town the speeds are slow enough (usually) not to create major life threatening issues when in another car... Outside of the town, cars travel fast which means when drunk, dangerous...

    Thus: In the Day time... visibility is generally clear enough to maintain safe awareness.


    Digressing a little.. A bin lorry didn't stop in the UK recently. For reasons of balance this must also be mentioned. The Bin Lorry killed 6 people... See! accidents happen anywhere...

    However - The big question really is: How much more likely is it that something like this has a serious effect on my [or your] life here in Thailand compared to living back home (where you came from our could be).

    The big difference between Thailand and the UK is around 1760 (2013) ppl die on the roads in the UK whereas 25,000+ die per year in Thailand, so its not about accidents happen everywhere its about you're more likely to die in a road accident in Thailand. The two countries have similar population numbers and the UK has more vehicles.

  12. They are illegal immigrants unless they apply for asylum for reasons of persecution. That is the way it works everywhere .... The UK ... the EU ... the USA ... everywhere.

    Though I sympathize with their plight, I understand the reluctance of a non Muslim country to bring in Muslim immigrants. The behavior of Muslim minorities in the Philippines, Bali, Europe, the USA, the UK, Australia (need I go on?) lean towards violence and extremism inside the host country.

    The social contract we make if we are an expat or immigrant is to abide by the laws of the land and respect the social and cultural norms of the host country. Not all Muslims, but fundamentalist Muslims believe Islam and Sharia supersede the laws and social norms of the country they choose to live in. Furthermore, this is encouraged and funded by Islamist in other Islamic countries.

    one of the most sensible posts I've seen on the subject so far ( and mine ) .... totally agree .....

    Your ignorant racism demonstrates your intellectual powers, especially in the light that The Philippines have announced that they will take them for humanitarian reasons...........

    Pushing people out to sea in unseaworthy vessels or denying people assistance when they are in distress is a crime with a capital F and it is astonishing that there are people here who try to defend it.

    With some of the views expressed here, it's not surprising that violence begets violence.

    While I agree with you that it's a crime not to offer these distressed people assistance I don't understand your statement that violence begets violence, as no one has suggested using violence towards these people. That statement is just nonsense.

    While the crux of your post is sensible argument you spoil it by starting off insulting people who have a different view/opinion to you by claiming they're intellectually inferior. Why can't you just debate the subject and if they are indeed inferior to you, you could change their view with sensible argument. Schoolboy insults will not change anyone's mind.

  13. As callous as it seems, it would appear that all countries are in favor of giving them food, water & medicine and sufficient fuel so they can return to where they came from, be that Myanmar or Bangladesh. It was mentioned on the news that some Myanmar migrants were telling UNHCR officials they were Rohingya refugees so they would qualify for aid assistance.

    And now the Phillipines has announced the same will apply should any boats arrive in it's waters.

    It is the correct thing to do as letting them in would send the message that any arrivals by boat will be taken care of. This would have 100,s of thousands turn up in days. This is simply not the solution.

    As shown by Thailand and other countries ... assist and help them in a humanitarian way with food, water & all the essentials.

    Next step would be to go after the smugglers and kill them. This will stop further boats coming and also assist those in need now.

    Are you still a human being or are you a brainwashed completely dumbed down clown ???

    Why do you have to attack some one personally just because they have different views/opinions to you? You should be able to argue their views in a civilized debate not just stoop to schoolboy insults.

  14. "The 715-kilometre Bangkok-Chiang Mai line is scheduled to open in 2019, Transport Minister Prajin Juntong told Nation Multimedia Group last week."

    Optimistic to say the least

    Technically if its 250kph its High Speed but not Bullet train high speed 300+Kph and will be far cheaper. I'll be interested to see what track system they use. For the shinkansen they use a System called J-Slab which is a highly mechanized system and consists of 5 metre precast plate being laid on a protection layer with sheer keys. Id also be interested as 250kph is a bit quick for ballast, not immediately but the vibration caused is substantial , which basically over time destroys the ballast. The J-slab or track slab would be fine but far more expensive

    ​I had a read up on here , I worked with a German "Doctor" of Railways in Taiwan and he first mentioned this to me


    mmmmmmm....time to buy shares in Siam Cement Corp

  15. No need for a special crossed cable.

    Connect both laptops with a good quality ethernet cable.

    Share the drive of the old laptop and connect from the new laptop.

    Gigabit ethernet will be faster than the read/write rates of the harddisk (conventional ones?).

    I do this regularly to synchronize (backup) my desktop PC data to the laptop.

    Do you really have 1 TB of useful relevant data?

    Will still take more than 10h (estimated).

    If you use a standard Ethernet cable between computers it wont work as you wii have Tx to Tx and rx to Rx. You need a crossover cable. All that does is is to put the Tx to Rx and Rx to Tx

    This is no longer true as many current RJ45 Ethernet support Auto MDI/MDI-X that auto-sense the Rx and Tx positions on the cable jack.

    Though I've encountered three instances where Auto MDI/MDI-X failed to either correctly auto-sense or had issues maintaining a stable connection where I had to create an actual cross-over cable connection.

    Auto MDI/MDI-X is only implemented on hubs/switches/routers/etc., and NOT on computing equipment. The obvious reason is that only one side can do negotiation, or the sides would be continuously re-negotiating, and posibbly never reach a stable state. Gigabit Ethernet is pretty sensitive, using all conductors for Rx/Tx, and only a good quality crossover cable, Cat5e or better should be used. A gigabit switch is a much better alternative, and very cheap to buy.

    Wrong! In the last few years most NICs support auto MDIX and ALL Gigabit NICs have to support it otherwise gigabit speed will not work.

    Quote from Wiki:-

    Medium dependent interface crossover (MDIX) (the “X” representing “crossover”) is a female 8P8C port connection on a computer, router, hub, or switch. Straight through cables connect pins 1 & 2 (transmit) on an MDI device to pins 1 & 2 (receive) on an MDIX device. Similarly pins 3 & 6 are receive on an MDI device and transmit on an MDIX device. The X refers to the fact that transmit wires on an MDI device must be connected to receive wires on an MDIX device. As a rule, end stations (i.e., PCs or workstations) and routers use an MDI interface, hubs and switches use MDIX interfaces. Newer routers, hubs and switches (including some 10/100, and all 1 Gigabit or 10 Gigabit devices) use Auto MDI/MDIX to automatically switch to the proper configuration once a cable is connected. The other four wires are used but are not crossed since Auto MDI/MDIX is mandatory at the higher speeds. See Ethernet over twisted pair for more details on cables and standards. Some Routers and other devices have an uplink switch to go back and forth between MDI and MDIX on a specific port

  16. First of all I dont understand why you would want to transfer data from a nearly full 1TB HDD to one of the same size.

    However, here is the fastest way to transfer data between two devices that have gagabit network capability. You do NOT!!!!!! need a crossover cable - a standard Cat 5e ethernet cable is all that is needed, although it must be Cat 5e not just Cat 5. Gigabit sends and receives data over all four pairs of internal wire at the same time so does not need a crossover, also for a number of years now manufacturers have been supporting ethernet auto mdix. If you used a crossover the data would only transfer @ 100Mbits. You need to turn off WiFi and set a static IP on the same subnet on both devices (eg and There are plenty of video tutorials on you tube.

    An alternate way would be to purchase a small gigabit switch. Using cat 5e cables connect the switch to your internet router and both devices to the new switch. The gigabit layer 2 switch will direct traffic from one PC to the other without going thro' the router @ 1000Mbits(1 Gig). This method does not need you to change any IP setting as the router will allocate IPs to all devices via DHCP. Again you must turn off WiFi.

    In the unlikely event your internet router has Gigabit network capability you dont need the switch just plug both devices into the router. Dont forget to turn WiFi off.

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