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Posts posted by saintofsilence

  1. Fox in charge of the hen house comes to mind.


    Exactly what I was about to write.

    im back to phuket in december to visit tilak, im aware of the scams so wont get grief but there is always the

    new wave of naive first timers who are easily duped, what a shame, Thailand just does not seem to want

    to leave the world of corruption, why is it so?

    One Answer Too many people have their snouts in the trough.

  2. Was just reading this article and it made me think about the amount of hours Thai's work and the impact it must have on there health.

    Working more than just 40 hours a week can burn you out, experts claimed last night.

    Putting in more than an eight-hour-day five days a week makes you six times more likely to suffer ‘burnout syndrome’.

    The psychological condition leaves employees suffering from long-term exhaustion, diminished interest in their work and irritability.

    Hard day at the office? Experts say workplace stress is on the rise and boring jobs can lead to a burn-out

    Chronic workplace stress combined with a lack of recognition of their efforts by bosses are two important factors, researchers revealed.

    Jeszs Montero-Marmn, of Spain's Aragon Institute of Health Sciences, said the condition can be broken down into three sub-types - 'frentic', 'under-challenged' and 'worn out'.

    Writing in journal BMC Psychiatry he said: 'This condition is increasing in prevalence in Spain and poses a serious problem to society because of the economic losses it causes and its consequences for health.'

    He said that the frenetic profile was linked to the number of hours worked, with those spending more than 40 hours a week at work six times more likely to burn out than those working fewer than 35.

    Pep talks 'can double a patient's chance of surviving a stroke'

    Your £15m bill to pay for activists behind school strike chaos

    They are normally heavily involved in their workplace, ambitious and with a large taskload.

    The 'under challenged' profile fits those carrying out monotonous task, while the 'worn out' profile applies to those with a long history in the same job who carry a perceived lack of recognition.

    A worker with more than 16 years' service in the same place of work is five times more at risk of developing this form of the syndrome than another worker with a service record of less than four years

    The researchers used questionnaires to survey a sample of 409 employees working at the University of Zaragoza, including administrative, services, teaching and research staff and interns.

    Those afflicted with the syndrome suffer emotional exhaustion, cynicism or lack of efficacy at work and experts say that the syndrome is present if the person displays at least one of these three characteristics.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2008486/Burnout-risk-working-40-hours.html#ixzz1b8F3kBx0

  3. I had my phone button replaced at a shop in Tukom in Pattaya named happy phone , great service I watched him do it the whole phone was dismantled its a big job , took about 40 mins he really knew what he was doing 600 baht highly recommended.

    I had problems for a long time many resets and other suggestion but nothing fixed it until I put in a new button

  4. Now with high season coming up these scams could generate an extra 1 million baht a week for the scammers and their connections it's been going on in Thailand for 20 years and never stops . Embassy's are not doing enough to many people don't see the warnings. Time for a dedicated web site to report all scams time for the central government to make a commitment to visitors that they will ban every jet ski operator and corrupt connection.

    Ban jet ski' s is the best option.

  5. Very easy to see that high authorities don't want lose income from these scams millions of baht a year Thailand is making out of this , Phuket , Pattaya and other resorts may all have one connection receiving big kick backs. Last year it was reported TAT complaints line were not allowed to respond to complaints about jet ski's .

    The Mayor of Pattaya was hushed up on his pattaya future Facebook page and stopped responding to questions about jet ski's. Reports that the new call centre are not responding ,Tourist police won't help .

    Jet ski scammers are protected now they have been given more protection , every country should be putting warnings out in alternative ways other than just web sites.

    Authorities in Thailand could stop these scams in one day if they were serious they have all the evidence they need .

    One of the most disgraceful parts of these scams is how photo manipulation seems to be occurring and not investigated when reported.

  6. Thanyarat Ajariyachai, chairwoman of the Senate’s Tourism Committee, is slamming local government over lack of control of Pattaya Beach.

    At a July 20 hearing at the Dusit Thani Hotel, Thanyarat Ajariyachai said bookings at five- and three-star hotels in Pattaya have declined due to Pattaya Beach’s ongoing erosion problem, aging facilities and scams by beach vendors.

    Pattaya officials are entirely responsible for maintaining order and managing Pattaya Beach, but a lack of any law enforcement is obvious, she said. She said she plans to compile the result of her findings and feedback from the meeting into a report for the new government.


    Letters to The Senate Tourism Panel may also help.

    not sure of the postal address or email address but they need to know nothing has changed.

  7. Bangkok and Beyond

    Eddy says:

    September 30, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    Today, 30th Sept 2011, at 5pm witnessed the same Jet Ski scam taking place on Pattaya Beach. This was near Mike Shopping Mall, opposite Beach Road soi 12.

    A group of Indian tourists were targeted this evening. One Jet Ski was accused of being damaged. Of course it was there before, this scam occurs every single day with the same gang of Jet Ski operators. Any intervention by passers by would be met with threats, and then violence. There is nothing you can do to help these guys. The four Indian tourists were literally begging, pleading, and were in a pretty bad state. The gang of Thai’s nearby that were part of the scam were laughing, drinking beer, playing with their kids (who were also asking passers by if they wanted to rent a Jet Ski) and pointing at their marks mocking them.

    I see that last week (reported 24th Sept 2011 on PattayaOne website, Pattaya Mail website, and other online Pattaya news sites) that five Jet Ski scammers were arrested for attempting to extort a couple of Saudi Arabia tourists, and followed the tourists to the Marriott Resort & Spa in Pattaya. The police were called, arrests were made.

    So, literally a few days later, the scams are continuing on Beach Road. Nothing has changed! NOTHING! The same scammers I’ve seen for months and months are exorting sums of money any between 40,000 to 80,000 baht.

    Also closer to Walking Street entrance on Beach Road, opposite soi 13/4 and near there, the same gang of Thai scammers are there every day. They’re also continuing to extort tourists.

    They often target the marks around 5pm-5:30pm, as it’s getting dark. There are more of the gangs keeping an eye on people taking photos than I’ve seen before. These gangs are well organised, in that they have around 10 Thai’s ready waiting to add to the threats if there extortion demands are not met.

    So, arrests of Thai Jet Ski scammers has had absolutely no impact whatsoever on them continuing ‘business as usual’. It’s disgraceful. Same thugs operating for months and months, and none of them locked up and told not to return. Welcome to Pattaya.

    I wonder if we’ll see the international Press taking an interest in this. All they have to do is turn up on any day on the Beach Road, outside Mike Shopping Mall, Royal Garden Plaza, or near to the entrance to Walking Street. Around 5pm, they can witness extortion, threats to tourists, the Jet Ski scam, and maybe if enough people talk about it and report it around the world, it may even stop. Mind you, it has been going for years, and the same criminals are still operating. To get them started, all they need to Google is Pattaya Jet Ski Scam. There’s even a few video clips on YouTube of the scam unfolding.


  8. Ongoing Jet Ski scam Report Lonely Planet

    As with most problems like this that flare up and cause embarrassment or damage to the tourist industry, the tried and true response by authorities is to do a song and dance and pretend to tackle the problem. Hence the insurance law. These days, the jet ski scam is still happening in Phuket, the operator "JJ" who initially drew attention to the problem (was featured in a British doc pulling a gun on British marines he was accusing/extorting) is still operating his scam in the wide open there. The insurance law isn't being enforced there any more. It won't be again until something else happens to draw attention to the problem again. The fact that the famous JJ is still scamming there says a lot: someone powerful is behind it, and even the authorities and the tourism industry are not allowed to do anything about it, even if it causes a media sensation and threatens to damage the tourism industry.


  9. Report in Lonely Planet Koh Larn Scam

    scam Jet ski

    I was scammed me with the Jet-ski on it-Kho Larn to tawen beach (Pattaya) there in 2007 = 25,000 baht my request,

    I said that I can withdraw only 15,000 baht since I am no longer a Jet-ski. (disgust and yet I love it,

    I calculate that I will have at least 5 times every year its been 5 years since I go to the they-Kho Larn tawen to beach

    almost every day at 800 baht and 35 minutes = 800 * 5 = 4000 * baht per 5 years = 20,000 baht

    {They are not the boss of trade !!!})

    August 2011 and this year (two English are scam Jet ski in the ILS Kho Larn, tawen beach, under my eyes

    they ask or what I find the police station because because the Thais began to get excited

    at least 20 around the English and what I saw this one day; immagine how much they make per day??)

    to go tawen beach you decender street walking street and take the boat from 11am to 13 hours

    there goes directly


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