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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. 23 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    There were 19 people arrested but you focus on one guy resisting arrest and not cooperating.

    Do you think they were all from ethnic groups?

    How many of the other 19 were focused upon while being arrested. How many of the others were reportedly 'resisting arrest and not cooperating.'


    I did not introduce the video into the discussion. Where is the video of Worzel being arrested if in fact there is such a video.

  2. 1 hour ago, kingdong said:

    The bold gendarmes weren't so bold during the riots  raging a few years ago,there was widespread looting and arson,no police to be seen they must have all been hiding under the tables in the nicks,they then spent the next 18 months going through cctv footage to try to find the looters,

    PC Plod loves a chance to work out on a black man when they know they can get away with it.


    But the Plod's not daft.


    They know full well they'd come unstuck if they tried it on where the locals could witness it. They'd have a full scale riot on their hands if this had happened in Brixton or Peckham.

    • Like 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, transam said:

    Do you think a cop must stand there jousting, Queensbury rules etc, they are not paid to do that stuff, if a tool crosses the line they are taken down as quickly as possible, cuffed and put in a wagon.......

    I assume you want a boxing match, where all the crowd can get involved.....Gawd...????

    Why on earth would you assume that I would want a boxing match.


    I don't even watch boxing matches nor any other sporting event.


    And how can any sort of a tool cross any line. I've yet to see a spanner or a screwdriver grow legs. They could of course have been thrown at the police but there is no mention of that in the article.






  4. 1 hour ago, mrfill said:

    Large group? About 40 apparently.



    And just a note about the UK Freedom Movement who tried to organise 60 of these gatherings. The UK Freedom Movement is run by the Britain First fan, Jayda Fransen. (See https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/12579584/officers ). Britain First is rather like the UK version of the KKK without the pointy hats. All the usual dog whistle stuff..



    Is Piers Corbyn a member of Britain First? Is Jeremy also going to join Britain First now that he's no longer the leader of the Labour Party?


    1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

    He was standing there quietly with the officers until he sees he is being filmed.


    He wasn't pushed to the ground; when he sees the cameras he drops to the ground and starts struggling.


    Then the police have to restrain him.

    If he dropped to the ground as you say why did he need restraining and who would he be struggling with if he was lying on the ground.


    Why didn't the cops just leave him lying on the ground? It's not illegal to lie on the ground in a public park.


    You know it, I know it and everyone who saw the video know that the plod just could not resist throwing their weight around and their doing so gave him the ideal opportunity to play the victim.





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  5. 1 hour ago, Antonymous said:


    Really? Were these protesters going around spitting at passers by? Were they all infected with WuFlu? Do you have a link to this please?


    More likely citizens exercising their right to protest government policy that is being called into question by doctors and experts all over the world right now.


    Thing is that dissent (in public like this, on YouTube, etc) is not tolerated and so the police moved in to protect our freedoms...




    You suggested that these protesters could be going around spitting at passers by and could have been all infected with WuFlu.


    So perhaps it's yourself who should be providing any appropriate 'links'

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

    Care to produce some?


    As nauseus said to another poster


    No, they don't. 


    The only people who get unrestricted access to the NHS are those who are legally resident in the UK. Illegals are, by definition, not legally resident so do not have unrestricted access to the NHS. Neither, for that matter, do tourists or other visitors.


    They are entitled to free emergency treatment in an A&E department; but almost anything else, including being admitted to hospital from A&E, is charged for at 150% of cost. Any future UK visa application will be refused until this bill is paid in full. There are exceptions, and to protect public health being tested of treated for Covid 19 is currently one of those.


    Hospitals do check. Whenever I or a member of my family has gone to A&E we have been asked for the name of our GP. Most visitors can temporarily register with a GP, but doing so does not entitle them to the full range of NHS services. Obviously, those in the UK illegally cannot.


    For all other hospital treatment as an in or out patient, you have to be referred in the first instance by your GP. Which wont happen for illegals as they are not registered with a GP!


    See Visitors from outside the European Economic Area (EEA)


    Those that do will be sorely disappointed as illegals are not entitled to anything except the basic NHS care described above.


    Even those in the UK legally for settlement, study or work are not entitled to anything other than NHS treatment, for which they have paid the immigration health surcharge, or a contribution related benefit for which they have paid the required NICs, until they have ILR; which takes at least 5 years to get. 

    The NHS do not turn sick people away even if they lack the ability to pay for treatment.


    It's covered in the hippocratic oath which doctors swear to abide by.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

    Really? Whereabouts in London?


    Since reading this post on Tuesday I have checked TfL jam cams in the evening peak on Tuesday, morning and evening peaks on Wednesday and Thursday and morning peak today in various locations which from my experience driving and working all over London I know to be busy at those times. Many during the day as well.


    Locations such as Hanger Lane, Staples Corner and Apex Corner on the North Circular; Liverpool Street, Tower Bridge, Upper Thames Street in the City; northern and southern approaches to the Blackwall Tunnel and other river crossings including Waterloo Bridge and Westminster Bridge; Piccadilly Circus, Euston Road, and Hyde Park Corner in the West End; Cromwell Road, Shepherds Bush Green and Kensington High Street in West London; Lordship Lane, Bruce Grove and Hendon Way in North London; Leyton Road, Romford Road, and Newham Way in East London; Clapham High Street Brixton Road and Battersea Rise in South West London; Peckham Road, Old Kent Road and Lewisham Road in South East London.


    While there is some traffic, and on a couple of views it was stationary at a red light, it is nothing compared to the pre lockdown bumper to bumper, stop start, lucky to get out of 2nd gear, or even 1st, which was the norm pre lockdown in most of those places during the morning and evening peaks, at some places all day! Indeed, at most of the locations I checked, pre lockdown I've seen more traffic at 2am!


    So I ask you again; where were these traffic jams you witnessed on Tuesday morning?



    My flat overlooks a mainline commuter station into London. Although the trains are running for the benefit of NHS and other key workers; unlike the pre lockdown crowded trains, standing room only, and platforms; they are virtually empty. 


    The most crowded the station gets is at 8pm when the station staff come out to clap for the NHS.

    Is that the same TFL who along with the Mayor of London assures listeners to LBC in an advert singing their praises that 'To the Mayor of London and TFL every journey counts'?


    Well in my experience every journey does not count so I would not take too much notice of TFL nor Mayor Khan even when he's not playing with his blimp of Donald Trump over the Metropolis.


    He should have been welcoming the POTUS not making a vain and pathetic attempt to try and humiliate him.


    The traffic report was a Tuesday morning one put on air by LBC. I for one put a lot more faith in what they have to say than whatever TFL and their half baked idiot of a boss might have to tell the general public.


    Check with LBC about their traffic reports on Tuesday the 5th May at 9.15 am and see what they have to say.



    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 hour ago, stevenl said:

    Agree with you, except for your last sentence, immigration has nothing to do with families living further apart now than was the case 50 years ago.

    I live in London, one of the most densely occupied areas in the UK. Inside the M25 there are around 9 million people.


    When social housing becomes available it is made available to those most in need.


    Newly arrived immigrants have nowhere to live so are considered to be the most in need.


    Accordingly they receive priority when it comes to the allocation of available housing.


    The local politicians naturally play on their munificence being rewarded when election time comes around. And it pays off.






  9. 51 minutes ago, JAS21 said:

    Whilst my wife and I lived in the UK my mother deteriorated to such an extent that she needed constant care. We chose a Private Care Home after looking at several, it was not cheap!  Prior to going into the care home we had looked after her and later with the aid of professional carers.


    One of the reasons that we are now retired here is my wife saying " I do not want to get old in the UK"! 

    Family members now live greater distances away from each other so as the old become in need of help and care there are no relatives in the vicinity to give it to them.


    The days of different generations being able to live in the same neighbourhood are now long gone so families grow apart and eventually lose touch.


    Care homes for the elderly were few and far between in the UK 50 years ago because younger families were usually able to live near their older friends and relatives. However the lack of availability of housing soon put paid to that in many parts of the UK. Some refer to this situation as one of the benefits of mass immigration.

  10. On 5/6/2020 at 8:11 AM, steve187 said:

    that takes a brave person to read all of the op, my take on the care homes not providing ppe, is that it is the care homes responsibility to provide equipment suitable for the task, if it was me i would not turn up for work if the ppe wasn't in place for when i arrived, be it sad, not caring enough, or lack of commitment but my health would come first, it may leave others in the lurch. lets see other persons views

    A tough stance to take but basic PPE like gloves, gowns and masks cost just pennies to manufacture and should have been made a number one priority.


    Either Hunt of Hancock (present and past ministers of health) were interviewed on the LBC radio program regarding the lack of PPE. When was asked if he would enter a ward wearing no PPE with CV19 patients in it he declined to answer. 


    So politicians could hardly blame health workers on 20% of a health minister's salary if they also refused to take the same risk.

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  11. 5 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

    Blinded by bigotry. 

    It's not bigotry when the UK is still letting people in without screening them!


    The UK now has had the most deaths from CV19 in Europe, is that more bigotry. We've left Italy and Spain far behind!


    Countries like Austria, Australia, Norway and Denmark closed their doors to non citizens weeks ago and their deaths are but a fraction of ours. Are they bigots as well because they take measures to save the lives of their people.

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