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Posts posted by yogi100

  1. On 3/23/2020 at 8:36 AM, stuhan said:

    Sorry i'm thick or totaly confused.Tell me if you are on a non-imm retirement visa that needs renewing soon,can you still obtain it in the normal way,this talk about letter from your embassy is confusing .????????

    At a time like this let's hope our embassies and those who are well paid to run them step up to the plate for a change and do what is expected of them.


    They were next to useless when the tsunami hit and from what I hear have been ever since. The British one typically is.

  2. 4 minutes ago, rhyddid said:

    Now they step back on their own video recorded words,  worst of crocodile these people!
    Look what the majority of British have voted, Incredible !

    Do you seriously think we'd have voted for people who would say such a thing before knowing that they were even going to say it.


    That's even if someone is gullible to believe it was actually said. 


    We might be stupid but we're not that stupid nor can we see into the future.

    • Like 1
  3. On 3/14/2020 at 9:32 AM, aussienam said:

    Agreed. Political correctness stopped that but why didn't PC stop MERS title (Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome)?  

    End of the day it is a bat virus that spread in a dirty Wuhan slaughter market that was an ideal zoonotic  pathogen transmission point. 

    And delusional Chinese leaders now trying to hoodwink their brainwashed communist collective citizens by claiming the virus was planted by US soldiers.  LM<deleted>AO.  Foil hat time.  

    Others are claiming it was spread by migratory birds and other wildlife.


    What nonsense!

  4. 3 hours ago, DaveK68 said:

    1/3rd of total world population MIGHT get infected. Of that, 20% might have symptoms. Of that 20% 4 to 8% might need hospitalization. Of that 4 to 8%, 3 to 4% might die.

    It's hardly the end of the world.

    Stop fear mongering. Stop chicken littleing it up. Grow a pair.

    If you are healthy. If you don't have a weak immune system or jacked up lungs due to smoking or age, you're going to be ok and come out stronger on the other side.

    Stop being p*ssies.

    In a year, when #WuhanChinaPlague2020 is a distant memory, more people will have died from slips, trips and falls. More veterans will have committed suicide.

    And no one will care.

    That's long and short of it.

    Let's hope you're right.


    Around 6,000 die of the flu each year in the UK.

  5. 16 minutes ago, drbeach said:

    Well that's the thing isn't it...why is it surprising to some, that a group of immigrants is racist towards the native population of a country? It happens the world over. There are racist farang living in Thailand, though I'm sure, they're a small minority and there are Asians living in Australia who dislike the native inhabitants, the Aborigines.

    Wait till they start blowing people up on the transport system and at pop concerts!


    Then you'll know what racism against the native inhabitants is really all about.


    That's not happened in the LOS nor Oz as yet.

    • Confused 1
  6. 1 hour ago, KhunFred said:

    Yes....I had a motorcycle taxi moron ask me: "You not gib mee coronavirus, will you?" Yes, I was coughing and the insanity of a mocy driver thinking that my patronage or goodwill would prevent him from getting coronavirus,  is so Thai as to beggar belief.

    Coughing is one of the main symptoms of the Coronavirus.


    Surely you can't blame a stranger who has just witnessed you coughing and who is about to be in close physical contact with you for several minutes for being a bit apprehensive can you?


    If he'd been coughing would you have got on the back of his bike. 

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Kadilo said:

    I’ve already made it clear I will never return. 

    They don't care, truth be known they'd be glad to see the back of us if it were not for the money holiday makers spend.


    Thais witness very little of the ex pats expenditure and benefit from it less so the ex pats are going to become even less welcome as things get much worse which it looks as if they will do.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  8. 21 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

    You're just another paranoid whining poster who doesn't have a clue what you're talking about. And you're not even living in Thailand.

    It's hardly 'whining' telling the truth about the attitude of many Thais towards falangs in general. He knows exactly what he's talking about.


    And you don't have to be 'living in Thailand' to get a grip of the situation.


    They don't mind us holidaying in their resorts but when 200,000 of us as well as tens of thousands of long termers start putting down roots, buying fancy houses, cars and the prettier women and then flashing money about that's when the resentment sets in followed by the inevitable hatred.


    We resent it in Falangland so why should the Thais be any different.

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 2
  9. 4 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    " We are all human same............... "

    So why do you Thai people tolerate such incompetence and ignorance from the people that are supposed to be Governing your Country, caring for your people and their wellfare.

    These people make Thai people and their lovely Country look really bad in the eyes of the whole World

    Why do you Thai people tolerate this, and sometimes even condone the appalling behaviour from your Government


    I've met several girls in Pattaya who absolutely hate Prayuth and his government but they can do nothing about it.

  10. 5 hours ago, lkn said:

    You claimed to come from the knife capital of the world: So in your hometown, have you regularly met hardened criminals that tell you that they go around stabbing people? Because apparently that is the way you measure whether or not a city has criminals.


    Where have I said I come from the knife capital of the world?


    The perpetrators of these crimes are of a different ethnicity and age group to me so I rarely associate with them.


    The same as you wouldn't if you lived there. In fact none of us would if we had enough common sense.

  11. 4 hours ago, lkn said:

    You are rather uninformed if you are not aware of the stabbings, shottings, and even fist fights, that have ended up with one or more people dead.


    Some of it are just drunks getting into fights, other is organised crime, as Pattaya attracts a lot of that.

    On the contrary I'm very well informed. In 1999 a group of five of us came to Pattaya for a holiday. Two insurance agents, two publicans and an international courier, not an organised criminal among us. And we were typical of the huge majority of visitors to Thailand, both then and now.


    I've since been a regular visitor and every fellow I've met has been in a regular job or retired. Not one hardened criminal among the lot of them.


    Admittedly a fellow might approach you and say, "Hello I'm a criminal, I'm a drug trafficker and I rob banks" but the one or two I've met who fancy themselves as such gangsters and villains have turned out to be idiots who live in as big a world of fantasy as the wannabe 'special forces' fantasists who are said to come to Pattaya.


    Any real criminals would never tell you about what they actually get up to. And those who believe these Walter Mitty types who tell others about their exciting secret lives of gun running and cocaine importing are just as daft as the day dreamers they're listening to. Or even more so.


    The worst most of them ever get up to is taking a few boxes of Kamagra gels or sleeves of cigarettes back home to sell to their chums in their local boozer.







    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, lkn said:

    Isn’t that the case for most of the main tourist destinations in Thailand? They were built from a small fishing village over the last 20-35 years.


    But this is also part of the criticism. Building a city from scratch in such short time, rather than have it develop organically, takes a lot of planning, but such planning has not been done in Pattaya, furthermore, Pattaya has really been driven by one type of tourist: Single (older) men interested in cheap sex, beer and (it seems) English / Australian food.


    This means the city lack diversity, it lack what comes naturally from cities that have developed organically over many hundreds of years and influenced by people from all walks of life.


    Majority of Pattaya is just poorly constructed and poorly decorated shop houses with old guys drinking beer and lots of prostitutes. Nothing edgy about that.


    I am sure Pattaya is great for older men on a budget, and it’s obvious the city is trying to widen its appeal and have successfully managed to attract a lot of Chinese tourists, but what they actually do there is a total mystery to me (well, they do the dinner cruise, the guided tour through walking street, one of the ladyboy cabarets, and then possibly visit some of the places specially built for tourists, like Art in Paradase, Mini Siam, Sanctuary of Truth, go to Central Festival, etc.).




    What's so great about diversity?


    I come from one of the most 'diverse' cities in Europe. Its 'diversity' has led it to become the knife crime capital of the continent.  One of my son's workmates got stabbed to death last year over a cigarette!


    As far as I'm concerned they can shove this 'diversity' where the sun does not shine and water cannot enter.


    You get all age groups from all over the world in Pattaya but they're all just visitors and the 'old men' you condemn for wanting a bit of fun in their last few years don't go round stabbing people.


    Pattaya gives ordinary male punters what they want in life for a few weeks and in some cases rather longer. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. None of these old boys go round fighting or even behaving violently and absolutely none of them resort to knife crime.


    However when a town that you used to regard as home becomes known as 'Stab City' you then that it's a city that has become truly diverse.


    Some may hate Pattaya for what it is probably because their wives have forbidden them from setting foot in the place but millions of unattached men of all ages and from all walks of life have been there and will continue to go there. They do so because they can and love it for what it is.

    • Thanks 1
  13. When I first came to Pattaya in 1984 it was just a little village on Beach Rd mainly extending from where the Royal Garden Plaza now is up to about three hundred yards into where Walking Street now is.


    When I returned in 1999 I did not recognise the place, it had grown so much. The only part I recognised was the Best Friends Bar Complex on Beach Rd.


    There were other streets beyond these boundaries but none worth mentioning. There was no Sukhumvit Rd and it took around 4 hours to get to DM airport.


    Now it's a city. I know of no metropolis in the world that has grown so quickly. So it must be doing something right!

    • Like 1
  14. 6 hours ago, Leaver said:

    99.9% of whom are single males.  Now why would that be?  ???? 

    Single blokes like attractive, agreeable female company. It's the same all over the world. And will often do what ever they can to get it.


    It's a normal, healthy masculine desire that can be satisfied in Pattaya more easily than any other place you can name anywhere else on the planet.


    It's the reason we came to Thailand in the first place no matter how much some may try to deny it. No red blooded male travels thousands of miles at considerable expense to look at monuments and temples.






  15. On 3/5/2020 at 7:00 AM, lkn said:

    I think we got a little off track here.


    OP claimed that Pattaya was the best place to live because it is centrally located.


    Centrally located is not “I can reach Heathrow in 14 hours”, and living here would presumably mean that you are not going to Heathrow all the time.


    Though if you live here, there is a pretty good chance you will take shorter trips, e.g. to get away from Songkran or just a change of scenery, and that is where having an airport close by is a great convenience, and the closeness of CNX to Chiang Mai is hard to beat, and why Chiang Mai does not feel “isolated” as the OP implied.


    Many people who read this forum do not live in Thailand so for them Pattaya is convenient. Particularly if they are from Europe, the UK, the Middle East, Russia or the Antipodes.


    Many readers of TV look at issues from the point of view of an expat but far more people visit Thailand for holidays 

    than actually live there as ex pats.


    Being able to get to LHR, Paris or Berlin in 14 hours is extremely convenient for regular visitors and long termers when you compare it to how long it would take for them to get there from Chiang Mai. 

  16. On 3/4/2020 at 12:42 PM, Number 6 said:

    Well, nothing in Thailand gets better and that must include Pattaya.


    If a 20 minute ride to a beach is close for you we'll whatever. Living in California I was walking distance, often blocks to the ocean.


    Sorry, what a read about Pattaya it's the same dump it always was but worse.


    You're not near the bars, not beaches. There's nothing down there except cheap tourists and attractions.


    I'm in BKK for another few years then we move South.


    Enjoy it.


    My wife wouldn't step within 10km of the place.

    If I had a wife I would not expect her to step within 10 yards of the place nor would I expect her to to be happy with my doing so either.


    Pattaya is an ideal location for single fellows. Only a fool would expect his wife or girlfriend to like the place let alone live there.

  17. 12 minutes ago, phetphet said:

    Do you have an adblocker on your PC? it could be that causing it. If so, try turning that off and see if you can sign in. 

    Also, iof you have a VPN, either try turning it off, or try setting it to Thailand.



    That's it, you cracked it. I turned off the ad blocker and VPN and away it went.


    Thanks a lot.

    • Thanks 1
  18. 8 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    Same. On PC browser and app.

    Must be a specific problem from the OPs internet connection.


    Just tried it with UK VPN (dedicated IP) and it works.


    Do the obvious first:

    close/reload site

    clear cache/cookies

    try another browser


    No spinning wheel/wait cursor?

    No timeout message?

    No wheel, nothing. When I click K Cyber the same page immediately reappears. And the cycle repeats itself each time I click Login.


    I will try it on my pal's laptop later on.

  19. 8 hours ago, MikeyScars said:

    My Japanese friend just sent me an article (it's in Japanese, so use google translate although it's not a perfect translation) which was dated March 4th, 2020.  


    The main point was that AOT has sent 3 individuals of having a Wuhan virus symptoms to the hospital directly from the airport.


    1.) Indian man arriving at Don Mueang Airport from Narita.  He had 37.7 degrees. 

    2.) German man arriving at Phuket Airport from Singapore.  He had 38.6 degrees with cough and a runny nose.

    3.) Japanese woman who was scheduled to depart from Suavarnabhumi Airport back to Japan.  She had 37.1 degrees with cough and a runny nose.  


    My guess is that they are under the famous PUI.  



    Who is the famous Pui and what is she famous for?

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