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Posts posted by mania

  1. Thanks folks

    Yes they have a copy service but I also have a copier/printer

    Since I am 1st appointment of the day I like to just have it all done before I go.

    Luckily I am in Chiangmai & we have the online appointment Que system which made it easier

    to book an appointment a couple months back.

    Passport should be easy as I only have one Non Imm O 90 day stamp & the arrival card in this passport.

    Also have the 2 photos, stay is Non Imm O extension based on marriage

    Think I am all set

    Bank Letter

    Updated book showing seasoned funds

    2 copies of everything

    Marriage Certificate

    Marriage Thai Record

    Wifes Tabien Ban

    Wifes ID Card

    2 passport photos

    Passport with pages mentioned copied

    Pictures of us around home

    Map to home

    1900 THB Fee

    & of course the wife smile.png

  2. lomatopo

    One more question using Fus Downloader to check

    updates available on my phone I see this when I input

    my phone model & location as Thailand


    Looking at my phone I see I have version S5830DXKT4

    already installed

    How does one figure out by the Fus info if anything is to be gained?

    Does one assume a higher number such as the S5830DXKT6 above first listed

    is an upgrade?

    I wondered if there is a site that decrypts version numbers etc.

    Also wondered since Fus also listed the number I already have S5830DXKT4 installed

    Does that mean all in the Fus list are the same with different designation?

    Edit: I did find this regarding S5830DXKT6


    Seems no big changes

  3. Check Fus Downloader and ODIN are relatively simple to use.

    A Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 w/3G (GT-P7500) cannot and does not function as a GSM phone.

    Thank you that is a interesting app ( Fus Downloader )

    I see it does have the ICS 4.04 when you input the tablet & look at Italy

    same as the other site I mentioned has.

    also thank you for clearing up the question about the possibility of using the 10.1 as a phone.

    Although I never would I had wondered a few times about that.

    So am I correctly assuming the only use of the micro-sim slot is to enable 3g then?

    Thank you

  4. A friend of mine didn't really understand. He parked in the village, and someone put a stone on his bonnet.

    Next time he parked in the same spot, they smashed all his windows.

    Sometimes, we don't understand, the first time we're told.


    Never had anything like that happen ( thankfully )

    But I did learn real quick what a seemingly out of place

    tree branch usually meant on a twisty country road :)

  5. Parking at many condos does seem a problem here.

    But in your OP you said this,

    Second run in with this guy, the first time was a small matter, for which I approached him and apologised in English which he did not understand so I said it in Thai, he then asked my missus why I said something bad to him she told him that I had said sorry and the meaning in Thai.

    I wondered how much this 1st run in which you said you apologized for set the tone for this 2nd run in?

  6. Does your 10 inch tab have the phone chip in it ?

    I cannot say, as I have never tried it but,

    It does have a micro-sim slot & the manual claims if you subscribe to a cellular service

    you will receive the sim with what ever services it supports. To use UMTS or HSDPA services you can purchase a USIM card

    I have always assumed it was for the 3g but do not know if it could also do regular calls or not.

    I also assume if it is for 3G then it could send text messages to phones?....But again I have not used it since I have a Galaxy phone already.

  7. Thanks for the laugh. That 2nd picture was the best.

    As an aside I will say I never understand the parking deal here.

    It does not upset me but does make me scratch my head daily wondering.

    First of all you have the double parking in malls etc. where folks park in

    front of you & leave their car in neutral so you can push it out of the way.

    Ok fair enough & maybe even a good idea given the lack of parking.

    But at times they park so many so tight it is like a puzzle trying to figure

    out how to rearrange 4 or more cars so you can get out. What happens when older

    folks need to push a few Dmax trucks?

    But the one that puzzles me the most is the same situation at our condo.

    There they do the same & park many in a row blocking you in with no possibility

    of rearranging them at times. But now it is getting so bad that folks park that way even

    if they block an open spot or two??? I guess the thinking is that way "they" won't get blocked in.

    Crazy isn't it?

  8. any idea if it will work on a Galaxy tab 7 inch ?

    Sorry I only know this one works on the Galaxy 10.1 models 7500 & 7510

    But I did just look at that firmware site & input the Galaxy 7 & also input UK as country & it came back with IC 4.04


    But again I just input P6210 7" tab

    You need to go to that site & input your model as I do not know which you have

    But I do see they seem to have it for all the 7" versions.

    PS: I also downloaded the HC3.2 version I had on my tablet just in case.

    Although I upgraded this tablet to 3.2 via the WiFi months ago ( I hate KIES )

    Using Odin this time to upgrade the downloaded OS was much faster/easier

  9. Just a link in case anyone is interested.

    I have had my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 almost a year now.

    Never rooted it. Saw this today & loaded it on.....

    In my opinion a nice improvement over Honeycomb 3.2 I had on there

    Very nice & did not need rooting to install.

    Very easy no problems just follow his simple instructions if your interested


    Also he did a video

    • Like 1
  10. I had a really good experience recently with Vision Center

    The doctor there did a thorough eye test found my old prescription

    a bit weak ( not surprised as it was 7 years old ) He seems to have very

    good testing equipment. I had also tried another shop & the test was quick &

    not thorough. They claimed my script should be xxx which did not match the VC script at all.

    Nor did it allow for one slightly stronger eye.

    Since I only use for reading & not always they helped me find a very nice frame

    & the whole deal cost only 2600 ready later that day.

    Also interesting he optimised my prescription for tablet reading

    Overall a very good experience with a good staff that was helpful & courteous.

    • Like 1
  11. You may not want to spend the extra money but,

    I bought my vehicles by obtaining that letter from my embassy.

    Cost a lot more yes, but I did not want to deal with immigration.

    Can you d it by mail.

    Here in Chiang Mai we do not have a Embassy it is in Bangkok. I am a U S citizen.

    Sorry about that I misspoke .

    I in fact got mine in Chiang Mai

    I forget at times & call all Consulates.. Embassies

    But I did in fact get mine at the US Consulate Chiang Mai

    You just need to make an appointment go in & swear you live where you claim.

    I made the appointment the day before online.

    Took all of 5 minutes to get the form from them.

    Cost was $100 USD for two so I imagine 15-1600 baht for one.

    I wanted to be sure as I needed one for drivers License & one for car purchase.

    I was told they do not take copies at the dealer nor the DMV so bought two.

    Later I did ask the car dealer if he could just make a copy & let me keep the original but he confirmed that he

    needed an original.

    Sorry about the confusion

  12. As I tried several things and got sometimes a vibration or a "dong" sound out of it, but never even a flicker from the screen, I think the back light is broken or not connected.

    This is probably a shot in the dark but, Some tablets need you to hold the power button down for 3 seconds or so before you release it.

    If not it will just make a sound & not fully start

  13. So you're quoting a post in which the poster says "I will withhold the name here" to backup your theory that the gym's been named and shamed!?!? cheesy.gifclap2.gif

    Yeah your right sorry

    I could never find that gym or know it by the previous description

    small gym near the now-closed CaliWow in Pin Klao

    My bad sorry will not comment further.

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