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Posts posted by mania

  1. I thought was not allowed under name & shame. But still I now see folks suggesting prank calls to the owner.

    No-one's named the gym or posted the phone number so 'name and shame' doesn't come into it.

    The OP said this.........

    On Saturday, I walked into a small gym near the now-closed CaliWow in Pin Klao (I will withhold the name here.) The owner/manager/whatever was a foreign guy,

    another posted said this...

    From memory, he is Iranian guy married to a Thai woman. They have one son. It is their family business. Or at least was.

    It does not seem too hard to figure out with exact location & nationality of owner given.

    But as I said, I would just caution that it is still all speculation

    Posts of calling immigration or making prank calls would suggest many think they know the reason.

    After all, I wonder what the OP actually wanted from this thread? Confirmation of a hunch?

  2. I would just like to mention that reading this thread it seems to me it is

    all speculation.

    Yes it could be as speculated & had to do with the shirt or the smell or any number of things.

    But this thread seems to be taking on a life of its own based on this speculation.

    Seems to have gone political?

    It now basically even has folks pointing out what business it is, what nationality the owner may be.

    I thought was not allowed under name & shame. But still I now see folks suggesting prank calls to the owner.

    I would just caution that it is after all speculation & nothing more.

    • Like 1
  3. Thanks, Mania. I think you're spot on with that. I set it up, but perhaps didn't change the setting for authentication OTP. Can't remember right now, although I thought I'd jumped through all the hoops. BKK seems to delight in adding more hoops!

    Anyway, I'll do whatever I need to get it sorted out again this summer, and hopefully set it up again properly this time so I won't be frustrated yet again. Although, knowing BKK, they'll figure out some new way to block me blink.png

    Yes it can be frustrating at times but, on the other hand the extra security is a plus in not just Asia but other countries too.

    I still like the fact that I get an email any time I log-on telling me my account has been logged onto.

    Also when you think about it if someone did get access to your account you would know they were transferring money even if you do not have the

    OTP active.

    You might try & PM ianguygil

    He works at BKB & use to post here.

    I wonder if it is possible for him to maybe help you?

  4. Just in case anyone wants to see the shirt, here it is (I blurred out the company name):


    I would say 99+% would say it looks exactly like a Star of David

    That does not excuse the behaviour but since you described his

    fixation with the shirt I would have to say it was his problem with you.

    When I google star of david they all basically look like yours.


  5. What you needed to do when you set up your transfers while in Thailand

    was to disable OTP.

    It works fine but of course no OTP verification. We made many while out of country

    to other banks/accounts we had already set up before disabling OTP

    We did that when we would be out of Thailand for longer than a month.

    You also must have all your possible transfer needs pre-set in your online account as you will not be able

    to add accounts to transfer to ( outside ) BKB. So set these before you leave.

    Thanks, Mania. I thought I'd done all that. Back in March, I deliberately set up the account for a transfer from my BBK to an account at Kasikorn. I had to use the SMS and OTP to do that.

    Somehow, I thought that then I could simply make the necessary transfer when it became necessary over the summer while I'm not in Thailand.

    But it seems that the bank is insisting on yet another SMS and OTP. Why did I bother setting up the account for the transfer if they want me to go through all the same hoops again in order to actually make the transfer?

    I will get it all settled this time, but really want to prevent this kind of hassle again. Perhaps if I had a Kasikorn account I could simply transfer from my account to the other person's account at that bank without these hoops. Seems I can't do it from BBK.

    No that is a separate issue.

    Yes it required OTP to set up that new transfer & is why I said you need to set all accounts while in Thailand.

    But AFTER you set them you need to go to the section on the web page & TURN OFF OTP

    You set up a transfer account but you did not turn off OTP

    Also as I said now you will not be able to since of course turning off OTP does require you receive one last OTP

    to confirm your action. Which is why you need to be here or as others have said have international roaming on the

    same number you used to set up accounts.

    Turning it off is easy but also as I said when you return if you have a different cell number you need to physically go into the

    branch & fill out a form. All understandable from a security point of view regarding turning off & on OTP

    This security hoop can be turned off though if you so desire as we did this when we left for long periods.

    When you log on you go to Settings/SMS OTP Authentication Settings/Deactivate SMS OTP Service

  6. Sorry to hear of your problems.

    But you need not change banks as it is not a Bangkok Bank problem.

    What you needed to do when you set up your transfers while in Thailand

    was to disable OTP.

    It works fine but of course no OTP verification. We made many while out of country

    to other banks/accounts we had already set up before disabling OTP

    We did that when we would be out of Thailand for longer than a month.

    The only slight hassle is if you want to restart OTP when you get back.

    If you have the same phone# no problem but, if you have a new phone# as we did

    it is a little more of a hassle. You need to take a form into your branch to change numbers.

    You also must have all your possible transfer needs pre-set in your online account as you will not be able

    to add accounts to transfer to ( outside ) BKB. So set these before you leave.

    But the OTP you are being asked to provide is your choice when setting up

    your internet banking & it may be disabled by you ( WHILE in Thailand ) Because of

    course you will need to respond initially with OTP

  7. You should only learn to read and write Thai if and when you need those skills for their own sake.

    I can only speak from my own experience.

    In which case I wish I had started sooner with the reading & writing but glad I did.

    As for needing those skills....I found I needed them as soon as I moved full time to Thailand.

    While visiting a few months a year yes I only spoke & that was fine....sort of

    Once I did learn to read & write I found many mistakes previously unknown.

    Also a side benefit from learning consonants & vowels right from the start is tones.

    Not all Thai words have tone marks even in written Thai. But learning the consonants & their classes

    you know what the tone associated with it should be. You also learn the rules to let you know when that tone changes

    if mixed with certain vowels or final consonants that are dead or live etc.

    All these things contributed to a better understanding of pronunciation

    All mentioned just in my opinion & experiences.

    YMMV & everyone learns in which ever way is comfortable for them at their current time.

  8. I have been using acupuncture for decades & he rates right at the top for results.

    Sorry for being ignorant, but if you have used acupuncture for decades and your illness has not been cured, maybe some other remedy would be in order?

    It is not ignorance & it is a likely assumption but, it is not illness I treat it is injuries.

    My lifestyle & work causes injuries at times.

    But acupuncture can also be used as a tune up at times when your feeling not up to par.

  9. If I could give one & only one piece of advice it would be to start learning to read & write asap.

    Rather than learn all the wrong romanized spellings of Thai words. Because they do stick with you & make it harder later

    to forget & to spell correctly.

    I don't think this is the Holy Grail that many make it out to be. Everyone learns to speak their mother tongue before learning to read and write. It would be totally demoralising to spend months learning the Thai alphabet without being able to have a simple conversation. I would say learn basic speaking first and only learn to read and write for its own sake.

    I see your point but, In the case of Thai we already speak our mother tongue.

    So most who do go the route you suggest learn via text in that mother tongue which translates as best they can, the word into that tongue. There are not the correct sounds in other languages to properly write the word. So they will likely start wrong.

    Later when you progress & if your goal is longer term it will include reading & writing. At that time you will find you have miss pronounced many words because of that initial transliteration. This will haunt your spelling of Thai words & understanding while reading Thai words for quite some time. But learning the consonants & vowels at least gives you the sounds you need.

    You can still use a dictionary in your mother tongue to find words...But then you can look at the Thai spelling & pronounce it correctly.

    Which is why I suggest getting to it asap. Of course it is only a suggestion.

    Having gone the way you mention & later learning reading & writing I know it caused me much confusion that I could have sidestepped by learning Thai as written, read & spoken by Thai's

    A great benefit of reading aside from pronunciation is the tone marks & learning the consonant classes/tones etc. & how they change when used in various words along side other consonants.

  10. i renewed my one year license last year in chiang mai..

    i got a five year license without any tests for the driver's license...

    i went to the DL office on hang dong road before my one license expired.

    on the second floor there is a customer service desk and the person speaks

    english very well..

    she gave me a piece of paper with all the info i needed to get my license

    renewed for 5 years.

    That woman you mention is very nice & helpful.

    As you said she also speaks English very well.

    She politely asked me when I was last there if she could ask me a few

    questions. I was a little worried at that point smile.png

    But it turns out she wanted to ask how does their system compare to the USA.

    Also is it easy to navigate this system compared to back home.

    I told her there is none as helpful as her in the DMV back home. There is no service desk

    that helps pre-check your paper work.

    I felt relieved & also bad for her because I knew the reason she asked those questions.

    A few customers before me there was an older foreigner who raised such a fuss & basically yelled at her that he had been

    driving xx years etc. & he knows full well how to do this & that. It was very sad to see.

  11. In the language school, the teachers are not allowed to speak English. That is disgraceful for obvious reasons.

    That is not true of all schools. The Uni course teachers speak English very well.

    I agree it would be tough to get answers to the more complex questions about reading, writing, tones etc. without being able to ask questions

    at times in English.

    Which also makes me wonder about the many falang teachers who cannot speak Thai yet teach children English. I am sure these kids may

    also have a few questions they would like answered for clarity & understanding.

    I think that is why folks like Ajarn Adam are so popular with the Thai's both adults & children

    • Like 1
  12. I would very much like to hear, read, about anyone's experience with the Pimsleur Approach CD's to learning Thai before I spend the money on them. Anyone?

    I liked them. I got them years ago & made 2 lesson CD's which I listened to during drives.

    Very nice layout. I remember wishing they had more when I was done with the 30 lessons.

    I did not know they were still for sale as I know many download them off the web.

  13. Although I have always liked Honda best for fit & finish & have owned many in the US

    600 & 900 RR's + MX bikes

    Here in Thailand given the choice between a Honda 250 single thumper & this twin...

    No contest for me the twin. Rev's = fun on smaller displacement bikes.

    Also does not hurt that the Ninja is the better looking between the two ( IMO ) I know looks are subjective.

  14. See how Lamphun is ranked at number 12. Why do you think that is? And yet Chiang Mai is way down at 33.

    The list is sorted "per capita"

    Yes, but what per capita, GDP, average annual income, bowls of som tam per year?

    In the picture they list it as gpp per capita.

    Which to tell you the truth I am not sure of but,

    When I see "per capita" I think X amount of income/product etc. divided by population.

    In which case I know Chiang Mai has I believe over 1.5 million & Lamphun only 43k populations.

    In that case it seems understandable ( if I have thought of this correctly ) how Lamphun would be higher than

    Chiang Mai

  15. This is just my opinion but many products like to try to claim,SPEED

    But in the end it is down to you & how hard your willing to or able to work for it.

    I also think in the end standard courses available at the universities are the best bang for the buck.

    Many come in at less than 135THB per hour.

    For that you get a structured course with a logical progression.

    I know many would like a magic bullet that will switch on a light bulb & click you now speak, read & write Thai.

    But it just does not work that way. It takes time, effort & commitment to learn.

    If I could give one & only one piece of advice it would be to start learning to read & write asap.

    Rather than learn all the wrong romanized spellings of Thai words. Because they do stick with you & make it harder later

    to forget & to spell correctly.

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