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Posts posted by mania

  1. Midas, nobody in the US really cares it seems

    I do not think that is the case but,

    Those that see have given up telling others or crying about it.

    Instead they do what they can do get ready as best they can.

    You also have to understand the majority of Congress & Senate do not even fully understand the problem.

    So of course most of the working middle class do not either.

  2. http://gata.org/node/9496

    Judge orders Fed to deliver gold records for her review

    Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2011-01-10 19:05. Section: Daily Dispatches 2:18p ET Monday, January 10, 2011

    Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

    GATA today scored a small but perhaps auspicious victory over the Federal Reserve in our lawsuit seeking access to the Fed's secret gold files. The judge presiding over GATA's federal freedom-of-information lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Ellen Segal Huvelle, granted GATA's motion to order the Fed to produce in complete form for the judge's private review 20 gold-related documents the Fed has sought to keep secret. The judge ordered the Fed to deliver the documents by Friday.

    Through its lawyers, William J. Olson P.C. of Vienna, Virginia -- www.LawAndFreedom.com -- GATA has argued that the Fed's production of gold-related documents has been so inadequate and the Fed's arguments for keeping them secret so weak that the court should review the documents acknowledged by the Fed and order the Fed to answer 25 questions from GATA about the Fed's search for relevant information.

    While Judge Huvelle still could grant at any time the Fed's motion to dismiss GATA's lawsuit, her ruling today at least implies a little skepticism about the Fed and its tactics. Combined with today's statement by U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, the new chairman of the House Financial Services Committee's Subcommittee on Monetary Policy (http://www.gata.org/node/9495), Judge Huvelle's ruling gives hope that the Fed's enormous secret power to rig markets and bestow the most fantastic patronage on a parasitic financial elite can be brought to account eventually.

    The judge's order to the Fed to produce documents for her private review can be found at GATA's Internet site here:


    Those who are skeptical of GATA's complaint that the Federal Reserve is part of an international gold-price rigging scheme should reflect on the meaning of the Fed's refusal to disclose all its gold-related records, records that include gold swap arrangements with foreign banks:


    If the U.S. gold reserves are just sitting somewhere, inert, unencumbered, and unused for surreptitious market intervention, what's the problem with full disclosure?

    Financial journalists unafraid of aggravating the world's financial powers should start putting gold-related questions to the Fed and other central banks and stop simply assuming that secrecy should be the normal order of things with central banks and gold.

    And people everywhere who believe in free markets in the monetary metals and who have not already supported GATA financially can join our struggle here:


    This struggle could have been undertaken easily and likely more effectively by the World Gold Council, which aims to represent gold mining companies and gold investors. But the council's indifference to questions of surreptitious central bank intervention in the gold market has left the struggle to GATA. We need your help to pursue this struggle to victory for free markets, limited government, and a better, fairer world.

    CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer

    Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

  3. Good post OW

    It is true that the USD is backed by a future promise laid on the shoulders of its citizens.

    But if the citizens ever get it that they are being robbed they could decide to have a tax revolt or go underground as many goods & services have already.

    The one thing that may keep the citizens forever bound to the taxes is the greater & greater numbers on government assistance.

    Getting their food also from the govt means they will not likely bite the hand that feeds them. But again at that point who is actually paying any taxes?

    Just the government printing presses.

    This does not go unnoticed by the government either. Soon they will really crack down of farmers markets, Ebay etc. & may go so far as to shift to mandatory direct deposits of all payrolls & move towards digital/debt card only type of transactions to better keep an eye on its citizens.

    Of course the claim will be made that they moved to this system to catch illegal drug money, terrorism etc.

  4. http://harveyorgan.blogspot.com/2011/01/massive-drainage-of-silver-at.html

    "And now for the big silver report.

    We witnessed a massive withdrawal of silver unprecedented in the history of the comex. First there was a smallish 6507 oz of silver deposited to two customers, one being 497 oz and the other 6010 oz). But just look at the huge withdrawals:

    Four customers (not dealers) withdrew a total of 1,019,310 oz from the comex vaults. This is real silver leaving from 4 registered vaults. The individual withdrawals are: 579,081, 30,380, 399,994 and 9855 oz.

    The dealer (our bankers) also were involved in the withdrawal of silver to the tune of 769,941 oz (there were 2 dealers involved removing 102,866 and 667,875 ozs). When you see this massive drain of silver, the fire is raging. The total silver withdrawal by both dealer and customer totalled an astronomical 1,789,251. The Brink's trucks must have been very busy yesterday.

    The comex folk notified us that an amazing 85 notices were sent down for servicing for a total of 425,000 oz of silver. The total number of silver notices sent down so far total 323 or 1,615,000 oz. To obtain what is left to be served, I take the open interest for January at 153 and subtract 85 deliveries leaving a total of 68 notices or 340,000 oz left to be serviced.

    Thus the total number of silver ounces standing in this non delivery month of January is as follows:

    1,615,000 oz + 340,000 = 1,955,000 oz (Thursday total = 1,625,000). As promised to you, this number is rising and will continue to rise until the end of the month as our banker cartel scrambles to get any morsel of silver to satisfy the massive demand for this metal. Our bankers are stunned to see such a huge amount of silver options in a traditionally slow month.

    I hope everyone caught the Eric Sprott story on Kingworld news that he is having trouble locating silver."

  5. Both are nice Galae has a nice setting with lots of flowers planted & the food was good, More of a lunch setting IMO

    Palaad is really cool with its views of Chiang Mai at night & more of a dinner spot IMO food good too

    Both places I say good food but not great again just my opinion. Palaad is a nice setting at night with its music & romantic

  6. Fractal Gold Report for January 4, 2011

    by David Nichols

    The big story in gold as 2011 gets under way is the configuration of the weekly pattern, which has moved into position for a $200 trending move.

    The weekly fractal dimension is up to 65, and that is precisely the same reading where the last weekly trend launched. That trend was a whopper, too, taking gold from the $1,160 area up to around $1,370 before the trending energy was exhausted and the consolidation pattern finally took over.

    As a side note, it's highly bullish that gold has managed to fully consolidate the weekly chart while at the same time managing to move significantly higher than $1,370. This has been a very good consolidation period for gold.

    That last weekly trend established a precedent for gold to move up over $200 while the fractal dimension moves from the mid-60s (fully consolidated/re-energized) down to below 30 (fully exhausted/out-of-energy).

    So the weekly chart is looking really good right here, and it could definitely support a big move up of at least $200 into the anticipated top around February 18th.

    As I've been discussing, it's my guess that the bulk of this move -- or perhaps even all of the move -- will come in a single 11 trading day period between now and the top.

    Interestingly, we have been seeing 11-day bursts of upside energy during this consolidation period, so the precedent is already established. The difference will then become the magnitude of the move higher, as gold should travel about twice as far in the same amount of time.

    The terminal peak should correspond to Day 64 - 65 for this timing cycle, which is set to hit around Feb 18th, or perhaps one week later to coincide with Day 64 for the subordinate cycle. The likely candidate days for the launch of this "end-spike" are the main cycle dates, around Day 21 (which has already passed), Day 32, Day 43, or perhaps even out to Day 54.

    In the very short-term, the 150-minute chart is fully re-energized after the up move on Friday, and the down move on Monday.

    So the conditions remain ideal for a blazing move higher, but it's also one of those things that is hard to pin down ahead of time, as the energy mix has to catalyse just right. It should be coming soon, and we'll definitely know it when we see it.

  7. 2011 will likely be a difficult year, and 2012 will be worse if the current trends continue. The recklessness and hubris of the central government is an awful thing to watch. I am afraid that it will likely reach a climax and turn away from the current path when the real economy 'hits the wall.' I am not confident that the developed countries will be able to resist the call to fascism in the name of expediency. Too few did so in the 1930's. And even then the denial and recriminations may be quite alarming and confusing.


  8. I'm a big fan of Robert Kiyosaki - investment should mainly be about creating cash flow. Your 290K GBP equates to a bit more than 13 million Thai Baht. You should use half of that to buy three medium priced condo's (2.5 million Baht) somewhere along the new BTS extension from On Nut. Everyone has their own theories but this is one that is a fact; rent is dead money, you aint getting it back. Own the condo you live in and you're saving money straight away. Buy one to live in and collect rent from the other two. You create cash flow to live off and even if you're only picking up 30 - 40K baht a month in rental income it's still good because you won't be paying any rent on the one you're living in.  

    I rather like that idea

  9. I deeply resent that the names and nationalities of ISAF soldiers murdered in Afghanistan are not mentioned in the press releases.

    He was on foot when a coward detonated  an IED.

    Yes RIP & condolences to his family.

    I agree and think they should show all names of all dead of either side.

    But I do not understand your coward remark at all.

    Does not the invading forces kill from greater distances via drones and gunships that are so far off they cannot be heard?

    Do you suggest that the invaded side all challenge the invading forces to 20 pace duels? Or kill them only when they can see the whites of their eyes?

    I do not want to debate your statement that one side is cowardly for killing invaders while the invaders freely kill from greater distances. I just thought it was odd and out of place in an otherwise nice sentiment to a fallen soldier.

  10. Yes that is correct. You do use the sms for the one time password.  

    But most folks set up their account initially, transfer accounts etc. and that is when you need a OTP. That means initially you are also in Thailand to do since you cannot open an account from outside Thailand.  But once out like PK and myself you are able to turn off sms so others who end up with your old cell number will not get your messages.

    Hopefully you have set up all you need to at that point. It would be a nice feature if you could change via the bank messaging system as an option for folks out of the country.

  11. The Bangkok Bank internet banking is hard to beat.  The SMS feature can be turned on and off in the preference section. Although once off, to turn it on you will need to call them. The alerts can also be changed to all email or no SMS etc. also via preferences.  Like PKRV I am out of Thailand during the year and turn off sms but leave email alerts on.  Actually the OTP/one time password via sms is only for changes to your account so once transfer accounts etc are set up sms alerts can be turned off.Which I did but left on the email alerts for anytime account is accessed.

  12. Thai accounts are closed when dormant for several years, not 1 or 2. I can ask the business side on Monday to get the exact number of years. But it is a long time. You just need to use it every time you visit. The funds are not taken. They are given to the government after a long time.

    There are few charges for accounts, most charges are for activity (inter province transfer, foreign ATM etc.). I think none for inactivity (I am 99% sure but I will check this). So I would not worry.


    Thanks for that Ian !

    Good to know. One other thing I wondered is if I am transferring monies into the account during the year from the USA

    or even from another Thai bank...

    That would qualify as activity wouldn't it?

    Thank you for your help & it is very nice to have an actual Bangkok Bank voice on this forum.

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